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There are four categories of microbes; good, neutral, bad, and wild. No category of microbe is more rare than any other category, it is just luck. However, specific microbes within the categories do have rarity and the more rare the microbe, the more difficult it is to catch with the microbe detector.

When the player begins catching microbes, Frances will mention having extra funding for microbe research. After the player has caught a few microbes they should go to the science lab and check the microbe board in the top left corner. The player will know they have any rewards, if there is an icon above the microbe board. If there is no icon no reward is available, but the player can always check how many catches of each species they need for their next tier of rewards.

All microbes can go into the microbe compost machine to make various types of fertilizer. Fertilizer will boost the chances of the player getting super crops, different fertilizers will increase this chance by different amounts. Good microbes will produce premium fertilizer which provides the largest boost, while bad microbes produce low-grade fertilizer. Even though low-quality fertilizer gives the lowest chance to give a super crop, its better than the base-level chance of roughly 6%. Super crops sell for more than their normal counterpart, and if placed in various machines will produce super products which also sell for higher.






Catching Microbes

Main Article: Microbe detector.

The player must have a microbe detector to search for microbes. If the player is holding the device, they will be able to search on their spaceship for microbes. Once a microbe has been discovered, the player will enter a mini-game they must complete to catch the microbe. Microbes can only be caught on the spaceship and there is no pattern of microbes being available more in one area or another.

If the player finds they need to catch a certain type of microbe, the final upgrade of the microbe detector will place an additional interface on the screen alerting the player which types of microbes are available in that area. It does not account for rarity, only the type (good, bad, neutral, wild).
