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This module holds the cargo store and query functions.


local argsUtil = require("Module:ArgsUtil")
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

local p = {}

-- Function to escape strings for SQL
function p.escapeString(input)
    input = mw.text.nowiki(input)
    input = mw.ustring.gsub(input, "'", "''")
    return input

-- Function to generate the Cargo Store parser function call
local function generateCargoStoreCall(tableName, data)
    local args = { '_table=' .. tableName }
    for k, v in pairs(data) do
        table.insert(args, k .. '=' .. p.escapeString(v))

    return args

-- Main function to store data
function p.storeData(args)
    local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

    -- Check if we are in the Template namespace
    if title.namespace == 10 then
        return 'Error: Storing data is not allowed in the Template namespace.'

    local tableName = args._table
    args._table = nil  -- Remove the table name from args

    if not tableName then
        return 'Error: Table name is required.'

    local cargoArgs = generateCargoStoreCall(tableName, args)

    -- Prepare the parser function call
    local result = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#cargo_store', cargoArgs)
    return result or 'Data stored successfully.'

-- Public function to query data from a Cargo table
function p.queryData(options)
    local cargoQueryOptions = {
        tables = options.tables,
        fields = options.fields,
        join = options.join or "",
        where = options.where or "",
        limit = options.limit or 100,
        orderBy = options.orderBy or "",
        groupBy = options.groupBy or ""

    local results = cargo.query(cargoQueryOptions.tables, cargoQueryOptions.fields, cargoQueryOptions)
    return results

return p