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This module holds the cargo query information for modules that need to query the loot tables table.

Downstream dependencies: Module:Meteorite drops & Module:Drops table display


local cargoUtil = require("Module:CargoUtil")
local argsUtil = require("Module:ArgsUtil")

local lootTableUtil = {}

-- Function to query loot table and adjust values
function lootTableUtil.queryLootTable(tableID, lootTableChance, defaultMinQuantity, defaultMaxQuantity)
    -- Define the query options
    local queryOptions = {
        tables = "lootTable",
        fields = "itemName, yieldMin, yieldMax, percentChance, tableID",
        where = "tableID='" .. tableID .. "'"

    -- Execute the query
    local results = cargoUtil.queryData(queryOptions)
    if not results then
        return {}

    -- Process the results
    local processedResults = {}
    for _, result in ipairs(results) do
        local percentChance = tonumber(result.percentChance) or 0
        local adjustedChance = lootTableChance * percentChance * 100
        local yieldMin = tonumber(result.yieldMin) or 0
        local yieldMax = tonumber(result.yieldMax) or 0

        -- Use default min/max quantities if the values from the loot table are 0
        if yieldMin == 0 then yieldMin = tonumber(defaultMinQuantity) end
        if yieldMax == 0 then yieldMax = tonumber(defaultMaxQuantity) end

        local yieldText = (yieldMin == yieldMax) and tostring(yieldMin) or (tostring(yieldMin) .. " - " .. tostring(yieldMax))

        table.insert(processedResults, {
            itemName = result.itemName,
            yieldText = yieldText,
            adjustedChance = adjustedChance

    return processedResults

-- Function to get all results from multiple loot tables
function lootTableUtil.getAllResults(args)
    local allResults = {}

    for i = 1, math.huge do
        local tableID = args["table" .. i]
        local lootTableChance = tonumber(args["table" .. i .. "chance"]) or 0
        local defaultMinQuantity = args["table" .. i .. "min"]
        local defaultMaxQuantity = args["table" .. i .. "max"]

        if not tableID then

        local results = lootTableUtil.queryLootTable(tableID, lootTableChance, defaultMinQuantity, defaultMaxQuantity)
        for _, result in ipairs(results) do
            table.insert(allResults, result)

    return allResults

-- Function to process input arguments and store data in the Cargo table
function lootTableUtil.processAndStoreInput(frame)
    local args = argsUtil.merge(frame)  -- Merge arguments from the current frame and its parent
    local output = mw.html.create('div')  -- Create an HTML div element for output
    local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text  -- Get the current page name

    -- Iterate over each table provided in the arguments
    for i = 1, math.huge do
        local tableID = args["table" .. i]
        if not tableID then 

        -- Get the percent chance, yield min, and yield max from the arguments
        local percentChance = (tonumber(args["table" .. i .. "chance"]) or 0) * 100  -- Multiply by 100 to convert to percentage
        local yieldMin = tonumber(args["table" .. i .. "min"]) or 0
        local yieldMax = tonumber(args["table" .. i .. "max"]) or 0

        -- Prepare the data to be stored
        local data = {
            _table = "itemDrops",
            name = pagename,
            tableID = tableID,
            percentChance = percentChance,
            yieldMin = yieldMin,
            yieldMax = yieldMax

        -- Attempt to store the data and capture the result
        local status, result = pcall(function()
            return cargoUtil.storeData(data)

        -- Output the result of the storage operation only if there was an error
        if not status then
            output:wikitext("Error storing data for table " .. tableID .. ": " .. result .. "<br>")

    return tostring(output)

return lootTableUtil