Patch Notes/Patch 1.0.7

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LKG-v1.0.7 - New Display Blocks, Bulletin Mission Tuning, & other support.

Steam Production Build ID: 15464425
Steam Demo Build ID: NA

Windows Version Number: 1.0.7
MacOS Version Number: 1.0.7


  1. New Blocks!: New block decorations available. One unique piece for each furniture set now. Some crafted in the workbench, and some purchased through 3Dee Bot.
  2. New Display Blocks!: A new decoration type called Display Blocks. These new types of blocks are in the theme of their basic block counterparts, but can display an item on top. Great for table lamps, item displays, outer hull, or more elaborate decoration setups.
  3. Tuning Tables: Reducing the cost values for end tables, coffee tables, and square tables. These changes are to keep in-line with the newly created and cheaper display blocks.
  4. Table Descriptions: Table decorations now say how many items they can display.
  5. Bulletin Board Smarter Item Requests: Adjusted some additional restrictions against the items picked for a bulletin depending on game progress. E.g. Xeno items only requested after that Xeno type has hatched, kitchen recipes after kitchen built, etc.
  6. Bulletin Board Tuning: Added a minimum amount of credits for items that are worth 0.
  7. Bulletin Board Tuning: Increased delivery pay and scales slightly based on amount requested.
  8. Bulletin Board Tuning: Adjusted the amounts of some items requested. Mostly reduced amounts being asked for to make them more achievable in limited time.
  9. Mod Support for Localization: Adding in better support for language selection by giving languages a unique ID, a fallback system to English if another language is selected, and resetting player preferences if the language in the preference is not supported by the base game.
  10. Disable Inventory Hot Bar Scrolling: Added a disable button to the settings rebind menu to allow the mouse scroll wheel to be disabled for inventory hot bar selection. If using trackpad, it is too sensitive and often accidentally selects an unwanted inventory slot and disrupts combat.
  11. Rotate Furniture Prompts/Tips: Added an input hint when using gamepad if a decoration can be rotated or flipped. Also added a control tip in the rebind control tips menu explaining how to rotate furniture for keyboard and mouse users.


  1. Auto-Stack Fix: Cleaning up auto-stack functions when multiple gamepad buttons or hot keys are pressed at the time of using it.
  2. Amoeba: This microbe should have a wavy line in mini game. Fixed.
  3. Added missing dialogue: Adding missing active dialogue for Fiji's Hatch a Xeno mission.
  4. Input Icon Missing: When switching from mouse to gamepad, if a buildable item was equipped, the R stick icon was missing until refreshed. Fixed.
  5. Spouse Behind Cryogen Tubes: The spouse was incorrectly appearing behind the cryogen tubes when they are also in the captain quarters.
  6. Door Locks: Adding additional logic when quests lock and unlock doors so doors can't get stuck locked when quests are done in an unconventional order.
  7. Calendar Refresh: Checks for a calendar refresh when individual events are added as well as before the menu is opened. Fixes warning with conflicting events for previous month.
  8. Text JSON Pairs: Some UI was not referencing the JSON text: display settings, load/save, and day of the week in game. They now are using the correct JSON keys, supports localization mods right now.
  9. Text Adjustments: Grammar and continuity clean-up. (Creeps Zapped achievement, Shinji’s Space Racer in tool tips.)