Pirate Goon/Dialogue

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This page lists the dialogue lines for Pirate Goon.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player.


Pirate Goon.png
*snorting, grunting*

Pre-Main Mission

Pirate Goon portrait angry.png
Just because you agreed to help us does not mean we trust you yet.
Pirate Goon portrait angry.png
Actions speak louder than words and you don't want to see any action from this end... trust me.

Post-Main Mission

Pirate Goon.png
Things are already getting too quiet around here since we've made peace with those aliens.
Pirate Goon portrait confused.png
I better find a new hobby... maybe pick-pocketing?
Pirate Goon.png
It's part of my duty to keep the main ship well-stocked and functioning.
Pirate Goon.png
A battle could start at any moment so best to be prepared.
Pirate Goon.png
I'm experimenting with some new stink bomb recipes.
Pirate Goon.png
But Bonny said I'm not allowed to do testing near camp anymore.