View table: ItemsRestoration

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. energyGain - Integer
  3. healthGain - Integer
  4. energyGainS - Integer
  5. healthGainS - Integer

This table has 154 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name energyGain healthGain energyGainS healthGainS
A.V.O. (edit) A.V.O. 52 26 63 32
Acorn (edit) Acorn 15 10
Applesauce (edit) Applesauce 56 28 61 31
Atom apple (edit) Atom apple 40 20 49 25
Autumn salad (edit) Autumn salad 90 45
Avocado toast (edit) Avocado toast 83 42
Bean chili bowl (edit) Bean chili bowl 84 42
Beans (edit) Beans 10 5 14 7
Berry jam (edit) Berry jam 44 22 48 24
Berry juice (edit) Berry juice 49 25 53 27
Berry pop (edit) Berry pop 57 29 62 31
Blueberries (edit) Blueberries 17 9 24 12
Blueberry muffin (edit) Blueberry muffin 75 38
Bread (edit) Bread 47 24
Broccoli (edit) Broccoli 45 35 52 39
Cactonut (edit) Cactonut 47 24 54 27
Cactus fruit (edit) Cactus fruit 15 8
Canned veggies (edit) Canned veggies 55 35 61 38
Carrot (edit) Carrot 20 15 28 19
Carrot cake (edit) Carrot cake 87 44
Chai (edit) Chai 64 32
Cherry tart (edit) Cherry tart 104 52
Cherrysicle (edit) Cherrysicle 49 25 56 28
Chips (edit) Chips 45 18 50 21
Chocolate banana (edit) Chocolate banana 64 32
Chocolate bar (edit) Chocolate bar 40 20
Chocolate cake (edit) Chocolate cake 90 45
Chocolate orange scones (edit) Chocolate orange scones 90 45
Chopped salad (edit) Chopped salad 60 30
Coffee (edit) Coffee 32 0
Corn (edit) Corn 38 19 48 24
Cotton (edit) Cotton 0 0 0 0
Cucumber (edit) Cucumber 15 10 21 11
Dried berries (edit) Dried berries 30 15 36 18
Dried fruit (edit) Dried fruit 53 27 57 29
Dried veggies (edit) Dried veggies 38 25 43 28
Earl grey tea (edit) Earl grey tea 30 12
Edamame (edit) Edamame 50 25
Energy tonic (edit) Energy tonic 40
First aid kit (edit) First aid kit 500 500
Flaming orange (edit) Flaming orange 54 27 63 32
Flat white coffee (edit) Flat white coffee 45 10
Food ration (edit) Food ration 56 28
Forager's bar (edit) Forager's bar 25 20
Forager's juice (edit) Forager's juice 20 16
Forager's preserves (edit) Forager's preserves 22 18
Friendship cake (edit) Friendship cake 119 60
Fruit bar (edit) Fruit bar 84 42
Fruit jam (edit) Fruit jam 67 34 74 37
Fruit juice (edit) Fruit juice 64 32 70 35
Fruit salad (edit) Fruit salad 72 36
Fruit wine (edit) Fruit wine 55 10 61 13
Garlic (edit) Garlic 22 22 29 29
Ginger (edit) Ginger 18 38 29 49
Ginger sticky rice (edit) Ginger sticky rice 115 58
Grapes (edit) Grapes 30 15 42 21
Green smoothie (edit) Green smoothie 60 42 67 46
Ice cream (edit) Ice cream 60 10 66 13
Ice pop (edit) Ice pop 70 30 78 34
Interstellar burger (edit) Interstellar burger 92 46
Jute (edit) Jute 0 0 0 0
Lava mushroom (edit) Lava mushroom 10 10
Lettuce (edit) Lettuce 24 12 34 17
Mashed potatoes (edit) Mashed potatoes 72 36
Nectar (edit) Nectar 20 15
Neptunian ale (edit) Neptunian ale 15 45
Noodles (edit) Noodles 58 29
Ocean banana (edit) Ocean banana 40 20 46 23
Onion (edit) Onion 22 11 31 16
Pad thai (edit) Pad thai 113 57
Pancakes (edit) Pancakes 79 40
Pasta sauce (edit) Pasta sauce 50 25 54 27
Peanut butter (edit) Peanut butter 51 26 55 28
Peanut butter & pickle sandwich (edit) Peanut butter & pickle sandwich 90 45
Peanuts (edit) Peanuts 25 13 35 18
Pepper (edit) Pepper 20 10 28 14
Pickles (edit) Pickles 41 21 47 24
Pineapple (edit) Pineapple 57 29 68 34
Pineapple fried rice (edit) Pineapple fried rice 114 57
Potato (edit) Potato 29 15 41 21
Pumpkin (edit) Pumpkin 50 25 59 30
Radiated A.V.O. (edit) Radiated A.V.O. 57 29 68 34
Radiated applesauce (edit) Radiated applesauce 58 29 63 32
Radiated atom apple (edit) Radiated atom apple 46 23 52 26
Radiated beans (edit) Radiated beans 12 6 16 8
Radiated berry jam (edit) Radiated berry jam 47 24 50 25
Radiated berry juice (edit) Radiated berry juice 51 26 55 28
Radiated berry pop (edit) Radiated berry pop 60 30 65 33
Radiated blueberries (edit) Radiated blueberries 21 11 28 14
Radiated broccoli (edit) Radiated broccoli 48 37 55 41
Radiated cactonut (edit) Radiated cactonut 50 25 57 29
Radiated canned veggies (edit) Radiated canned veggies 58 37 64 39
Radiated carrot (edit) Radiated carrot 24 17 32 21
Radiated cherrysicle (edit) Radiated cherrysicle 52 26 60 30
Radiated chips (edit) Radiated chips 48 20 52 22
Radiated corn (edit) Radiated corn 46 23 51 26
Radiated cotton (edit) Radiated cotton 0 0 0 0
Radiated cucumber (edit) Radiated cucumber 18 9 24 22
Radiated dried berries (edit) Radiated dried berries 33 17 39 20
Radiated dried fruit (edit) Radiated dried fruit 55 28 60 30
