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This page lists the dialogue lines for Spooksie.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


Huh, what? Didn't you know that ghosts don't sleep. I'm just resting my eyes.


The wares in my store are all treasures, but I'll always give you the best discounts.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
It took me decades to negotiate these prices so I could share them with someone just like you.
Back in my day... we used to host dance mixers to unwind and live a little.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
But that was when people still had good taste in music... and I still had good working hips.
Spooksie portrait confused.png
You've been placing machines way out on the outer hull?
Clever, clever, clever. I never would have thought of that.
Back in my day... we didn't go romping around outside on the hull at all. That would have been nuts!
Spooksie portrait happy.png
Don't let these gorgeous looks fool you.
I took my captain role very seriously and I can be one tough cookie to please.
Ghosts don't need sleep. Gave it up long ago.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
But long nights get kind of boring, so I end up talking to myself most of the time...
Spooksie portrait angry.png
...and I can be very difficult to deal with when I disagree with myself. *shakes head*


Spooksie portrait stressed.png
Oh heavens, I know I forgot to turn off something this morning...
Spooksie portrait confused.png
...but what was it?
Oh well... if any alarms around the ship go off, just let me know.
Now that the ghost's outta the bag, I hope you don't mind if I have my mail forwarded here.
I'd like to write to some of my distant relatives and let 'em know I'm still on the haunt.
Since my crew spent so much time together while traveling, nobody had any privacy.
Everyone knew everything about everyone, and no one could keep a secret.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
But it will be even easier now. Being a ghost has some sneaky benefits.
Don't worry, I double checked the Space Alliance rules...
There's nothing in there that says that the undead cannot join a ship's crew.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
So dead or alive, I've got your back, Captain.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
I know you're the official captain now, but please don't touch the cryogen thermostat.
I gotta keep these old bones chilled for good preservation.


Spooksie portrait stressed.png
Back in my day... new cadets would be assigned all the most grueling and labor-intensive tasks.
I think I showed early leadership skills even back then because I could usually convince my peers to help me with my work.
Spooksie portrait confused.png
I've been meaning to ask you about this ship's rename...
Spooksie portrait angry.png
CPU just forgot the original name of the ship again, didn't he?
Well... the ship's original name used to be the SS Hummingbird, but if I'm being honest...
I like the name you picked better.
When I was a young cadet, I tried my hand at being a science officer for a while.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
But after the lab melted, I decided I was better off going into the captain program instead.
Spooksie portrait angry.png
I hope your day is going better than mine. Someone stole my best snacks...
Spooksie portrait confused.png
...or did I eat them already?
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
Either way, I'm hungry. A ghost can appreciate a nice bite to eat as much as the next guy.
People associate spider webs with ghosts, but honestly...
Spooksie portrait sad.png
...I'm just too old to do that much cleaning.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
And I'm not about to get up on any ladders.

Good Friend

Did you know that I once played the lead in the hit musical, 'Farewell Captain'?
Spooksie portrait happy.png
I could really hit those high notes when I had my full range of vocal cords.
I really love the Holo-Sim programs you have on the ship.
That spa simulation really feels great on my bones after a long haunting night.
I never thought I'd live to see the ship running so smoothly. You're a great captain, $playerName.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
I guess I didn't actually 'live' to see it... but uh, you know what I mean anyway.
Being a successful shop owner has a lot of similarities to being a good captain.
You have to be very organized, work hard, and get along with all kinds of quirky personalities.
I'm thinking about getting a few wigs like CienaVi...
But then again, there is something respectable and wise about this no-nonsense dome look.

Best Friend

Spooksie portrait confused.png
I don't know exactly why I became a ghost, but I think watching over this ship has something to do with it.
Perhaps one day I'll be ready to move on...
Spooksie portrait happy.png
...but don't worry... that's not happening anytime soon. I still like it here with you all the best.
Spooksie portrait angry.png
Back in my day...
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
Spooksie portrait confused.png
...Well, I don't remember what I was going to say, but...
...whatever it was, it was better back in my day. That I'm sure of!
Since we're best friends now, you should know my real name...
I was born a Susannah, but all my friends called me 'Sookie'.
Once I kicked the bucket, I thought it was time for a change again.
That's when I dropped the 'Sookie', and upgraded to 'Spooksie'.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
What's the point of being a ghost if you can't do a little haunting?
Before this ship got its engine upgrades, we relied on the cryogen tubes to sleep during longer periods of space traveling.
One time, CPU forgot to turn off the sleeping vapors after we got to our destination.
Spooksie portrait stressed.png
The whole crew feel asleep at their posts and we failed our entire mission.
It took many gift baskets and years of apologizing to get the ambassador of the Juboo Planet to forgive us.
$playerName, I think you make a pretty good captain.
But I'm still going to stick around for a while longer.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
Why shouldn't I? I was reborn for adventure like this!

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

$playerName, have you been going through my things?
Spooksie portrait happy.png
How else could you know that I love gifts like this!
I know my expression can sometimes be hard to read, but this is just what I wanted.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
You've become a great captain, and an even better gift giver!
Spooksie portrait happy.png
Oh wonderful!
I can never get enough of stuff like this.

Liked Gift

Thank you. You are so thoughtful to remember me like this.
Oh? A gift for me... looks like an extra special one too!
Spooksie portrait happy.png
Thank you, $playerName.
Oh, what a great gift from my favorite protégé! You are too kind.

Neutral Gift

Didn't you give me a gift recently?
Well, I'll try not to forget this time because I appreciate the gesture.
Hmm... it's a fine gift. Thank you.
Keep up the good work.
Making your crew feel appreciated like this will take you far in your career as captain.

Disliked Gift

Spooksie portrait sad.png
If you're trying to get on my good side, I hope you can do better than this...
Spooksie portrait angry.png
Ohhh *disappointed face*
Spooksie portrait sad.png
Well, it's the thought that counts... or so they say.
Spooksie portrait sad.png
Hmm... can I give you a little advice?
Spooksie portrait sad.png
When giving a gift to your crew, try and put a little more umph into it.

Birthday Response

Spooksie portrait happy.png
For me? $playerName! You shouldn't have!
Spooksie portrait happy.png
You must have seen the calendar reminder I left for you about my birthday.
Don't ask me how old I am because I stopped counting long, long ago.
Spooksie portrait happy.png
Make sure to tell the others too. I won't lie. I just love the attention.