Template:Consumable infobox

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Infobox for consumables in the game.

Related Modules, Templates, or Tables:


{{Consumable infobox
<!-- These items are only needed if override from default is appropriate. -->
|name        = Item name (default is PAGENAME)
|image       = Image name.png (default is PAGENAME.png)
|description = Description (default uses the description template and PAGENAME)

<!-- Merchant Data -->
|sellValue    = Sell value of the item. (integer)
|sellSuper   = Sell value of the super version of the item. (integer)

<!-- Item Data -->
|itemCategory = Category of item. (plain text string)
|subCategory = Sub-category of item. (plain text string)
|itemType    = Type of item. (integer)
|seed        = Name of the seed that grows this item. Only needed for crops. (plain text string)

|energyGain  = Amount of energy the player restores from eating this item. (integer)
|healthGain  = Amount of health the player restores from eating this item. (integer)
|energyGainS = Amount of energy the player restores from eating the super vierson of item. (integer)
|healthGainS = Amount of health the player restores from eating the super vierson of item. (integer)



These little blue berries are rare and pack quite a flavorful punch.
Item Information
Category Food
Sub-category Crop
Seed Blueberry seeds.png Blueberry seeds
Health Gain Health.png +9
Super item.pngHealth.png +12
Merchant Information
Sell 17 Credits.png
Super item.png24 Credits.png
{{Consumable infobox
|sellValue   = 17
|sellSuper   = 24
<!-- Item Data -->
|itemCategory = Food
|subCategory = Crop
|itemType    = 4
|seed        = Blueberry seeds
|energyGain  = 17
|healthGain  = 9
|energyGainS = 24
|healthGainS = 12  }}

Blueberry Muffin

Blueberry muffin.png
A fluffy sweet bread baked with blueberries.
Item Information
Category Food
Health Gain Health.png +38
Merchant Information
Sell 135 Credits.png
{{Consumable infobox
|sellValue   = 135
|sellSuper   = 
<!-- Item Data -->
|itemCategory = Food
|subCategory = 
|itemType    = 13
|energyGain  = 75
|healthGain  = 38
|energyGainS = 
|healthGainS =  }}

This template adds rows to the table "Items", which is declared by the template Item infobox/Cargo declare. View table.