Template:Location infobox

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Template-info.svg Documentation Edit this documentation at Template:Location_infobox/doc.

Infobox for locations in the game

Related Modules, Templates, or Tables:


{{Location infobox
<!-- These items are only needed if override from default is appropriate. -->
|name        = Item name (default is PAGENAME)
|image       = Image name.png (default is PAGENAME.png)
|description = Description (default uses the description template and PAGENAME)

<!-- Location information -->
|locationType = Classification of location: Store/Residence/Planet/Area of Interest. (plain text string)
|planet       = If an area of interest, the name of the planet it is on. (plain text string)
|shipLocation = If located on the ship, which deck it is located on.
|hours        = Hours the player is able to enter this area - format: Xam - Xpm . (plain text string)
|closedDay    = Day of the week the shop is closed.
|npcs         = List of NPCs that can be found in this location. (Use semicolon ; to separate names) (plain text string)


General Store

General Store.png
General Information
Classification Store
Spaceship.png  Plaza Deck (4)
Hours 9am - 5pm
Closed On Saturday
General Store location.png
{{Location infobox
|name=General store
|image=general store.png
|map=general store location.png
|shipLocation=Plaza Deck (4)
|hours= 9am - 5pm

This template adds rows to the table "Locations", which is declared by the template Location infobox/Cargo declare. View table.