Template:Navbox DPL/doc

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This template queries hidden categories using DPL to produce a list of items based on set categories. This will display the name of items in a list with bullets between each result. This is primarlly used for the results of a NavBox.


{{Navbox DPL
|Category of item to display
|Second category of item to display. Works like "and": Items that are apart of both Category 1 AND Category 2. (optional)
|Third category of item to display. Works like "and": Items that are apart of both Category 1 AND Category 2 AND Category 3. (optional)
|or = Additional category of item to display: Items that are apart of either Category 1 OR Category 2. (optional)
|categorymatch = Select articles based on categories. You can specify one or more patterns (SQL LIKE); a page will be selected if at least one of its categories matches at least one of the patterns. Use % as wild cards. (optional)
|titlematch = If the user wants to match part of a title. Use % as wild cards. (optional)
|nottitlematch = If the user wants to pull pages that don't have something in the title. Use % as wild cards. (optional)
|not = Do not display item in this category: Items that are apart of Category 1, but not Category 2. (optional)
|not2 =  Do not display item in this category: Items that are apart of Category 1, but not Category 2 nor part of category 3. This goes up to 9. (optional)