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This template adds rows to the table "shopInventory", which is declared by the template Shop/Cargo declare. View table.

Template-info.svg Documentation Edit this documentation at Template:Shop/doc.

This template merchant table for shops. It stores item and price information in the shop inventory table.

Related Modules, Templates, or Tables:


| item name
| cost
|note = Any specific notes about the item. (optional)
|link = Changes the link used for the displayed text and the image. (optional
|img  = Changes the image that is displayed for this item or character. (optional)
|ext  = Changes the extension of the displayed image. Used when there is no png file available. (optional)

|addCost = If an item or upgrade has a cost aside from credits. Semicolon delim list (string)
|page = If this is an upgrade, and we want the upgrade to show up for a "base page" for example: Tool Upgrade level 2 would have a base page of the tool name. (optional) (string)