A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship

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A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship is a literature book that contains a story. Once a book has been acquired, it will be available for the player to read in the LIBRARY.sim, the in-game wiki simulation in the Holo-sim.


Arts & Literature
A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship
Last night me and my brother woke up and heard something strange in our backyard. We ran to our window and you won't believe what we saw! A teeny little spaceship about the size of a bowling ball had landed. All around the ship were hundreds of tiny little aliens. We sneaked outside and slowly walked towards the ship. We were thinking of what to say to them when all of a sudden... the aliens started to charge at us!

We rushed back inside our house where we thought we were safe. Then... BAM! They knocked the front door right down and chased us all the way back into our bedroom next. We slammed that door closed too. But we heard the tiny footsteps coming again we knew we were in trouble. The bedroom door creaked open and we saw the aliens were still after us! We were not afraid anymore and both said 'That’s the last straw, this is our house!'

So we charged at the aliens and did a flying cartwheel right over their heads. Both of us ran out of the house and snatched up their spaceship not even stopping to turn around at all. We rolled that bowling ball ship right down the snow bank for a ten pin STRIKE! When we returned to our house the aliens were nowhere in sight. Next a faraway noise was heard, and we saw that little spaceship flying away.

The next morning our mother asked us what all the ruckus was, and what happened last night. We said, 'Oh nothing...' and just smiled.

(Also, this is a true story mostly.)



A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship cannot be purchased from any vendor


There are no recipes to craft A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship.


Nothing currently drops this item.


Mission Reward

No missions reward A Story by Rumble & Tumble: The Space Ship when they are completed.
