Incubators (book)

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Book cover.png
Item Information
Category Book
Merchant Information
Sell Cannot be sold

Incubators is a book. Once a book has been acquired, it will be available for the player to read in the LIBRARY.sim, the in-game wiki simulation in the Holo-sim.


Incubators come equipped inside of every Xeno pod you build. By placing a Xeno egg inside of the incubator, the machine will begin the process of hatching that egg.

Standard incubation time is about five days, upon which your Xeno will hatch if you are present. They prefer an audience when they make their entrance into this world.

Xeno become immediately attached to their owner once hatched so make sure to take extra care of your new friend.

Egg Notes:

Random Xeno Eggs can be found within grass on planet surfaces. All Xeno types can hatch from these eggs, no matter what planet they were found on.

Specific Xeno Egg types can sometimes be purchased from RoBuy, but only if that Xeno type has already been discovered.



Incubators (book) cannot be purchased from any vendor


There are no recipes to craft Incubators (book).


Nothing currently drops this item.


  • The player does not receive Incubators (book) as a gift from any character.

Mission Reward

No missions reward Incubators (book) when they are completed.
