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This page lists the dialogue lines for CPU.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


*sleep mode*


Hi Captain! Things are running smoothly...
CPU portrait confused.png
wait... oh whew...
Yep, everything is great.
I've been working on my own indie game in my spare time.
The whole ship is just buzzing about you these days, but you'll never get any gossip out of me.
In fact, a couple of the single people aboard already nicknamed you Captain Cutey.
CPU portrait stressed.png
Oh... whoops...
CPU portrait stressed.png
...well you could have heard that from anyone, right?
CPU portrait stressed.png
CPU portrait confused.png
Oh wait, can you hear me?
I'm back now.
It's kind of exciting to have a new captain aboard. Our last few captains didn't stick around for long.
CPU portrait confused.png
You know what, I don't remember who the last captain was...
CPU portrait stressed.png
...uh, that's gonna bug me now... *drifts off*


Captain, may I just say I think you're doing a fantastic job.
CPU portrait happy.png
You're winning me over more and more every day.
You know this whole situation reminds me of this one time...
CPU portrait confused.png
...wait I might have pictures...
CPU portrait stressed.png
*scanning internal storage*
CPU portrait sad.png
Oh darn... I must have lost them when I had to reinstall my operating system.
No big deal... I forgot what we were even talking about.
Space Alliance checks in from time to time and collects my status reports.
CPU portrait happy.png
Don't worry though... I always give them rave reviews of you...
...even when we hit a rough patch!
Maybe one day we will earn medals for our great achievements with Space Alliance.
CPU portrait confused.png
Would it be tacky if I wore my medal every day?
Most people aboard this ship don't take advantage of my backup storage system, but I've got plenty of disc space if you need to store any digital files.
CPU portrait angry.png
Jeez... you have one or two hard drive malfunctions and everyone just stops trusting you... *pouts*


I always feel like a new computer when Stewart polishes my outer casing.
Time to clean up my interface too... *beep*
All done.
Sometimes Kaida will have typing competitions with her bionic implants versus my processing power.
It gets pretty heated, but always ends with us laughing when we see any autocorrect mistakes.
CPU portrait confused.png
Hey Captain, come a little closer so I can get a better look at you.
OK, got it... here is my artistic rendering of you.
CPU portrait happy.png
I think I nailed it. In fact, I'm working on an even bigger masterpiece that I will send to you at a later date.
If you need any backup Captain just let me know.
I am programmed to anticipate your commands and am learning more about you each day.
CPU portrait angry.png
*stares intensely at you waiting for your next move*
One time I pretended to still be asleep when Pilot came to the bridge in the morning.
CPU portrait happy.png
Then I popped out and screamed boo!
CPU portrait sad.png
I really got him the first time, but on day 10 he stopped finding it amusing.
I'm scanning books looking for a new angle.

Good Friend

Captain, now that we are good friends maybe we should host a dinner party for our other good friends.
CPU portrait happy.png
I'll make party hats and everything!
Oh, I'm so glad you stopped by for a chat.
It's nice to be included sometimes.
Captain, thank you for letting me accompany you on your adventures.
CPU portrait sad.png
Our last Captain would leave my transmitter in their quarters so it got kind of lonely.
But since you came aboard, I'm part of all the action again!
Captain you are ranking fairly high on my likability meter.
Since I'm a computing unit all of my friends have to be ranked...
...but my list is double super encrypted with a password.
I never want to intentionally play favorites.
Captain, I hope you stay aboard with us for a long time.
CPU portrait sad.png
I get pretty emotional when one of my crew members leave the ship.

Best Friend

CPU portrait confused.png
I have been aboard this ship for a long time, and my memory banks have been reset a few times.
That's why sometimes I forget things, but Stewart is helping me try and retrieve my lost memories.
Captain, with you aboard everyone seems to be functioning at optimal performance.
...I mean, I like having you aboard too.
When I retire, I'd sure like to spend some of my time scrapbooking the photos from all our adventures.
Hopefully I'll have millions more by then.
Captain, I just finished watching my favorite show and it ended in the best way.
CPU portrait sad.png
But I'm still so sad it's over... *digital tears streaming down face*
Hey, best friend, look at us.
CPU portrait happy.png
Bestie, best, bestful, bestiness friends.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

CPU portrait confused.png
You're heading down to the planet already...
CPU portrait sad.png
...I'll miss you.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

You did a great job down there on the Grey Planet Captain.
CPU portrait happy.png
I think this is the start of something awesome.

During the Help Soot mission:

I was just thinking about Soot...
CPU portrait sad.png
I hope he's still OK down in that scary cave all by himself.
I can't do much, but would this help?
Player receives
Credits.png Credits × 25

During the Fuel Production mission:

CPU portrait sad.png
Try not to upset Stewart when you head down to the Engine Room.
I just smile and nod a lot... oh, and avoid eye contact if you have to.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

CPU portrait stressed.png
Yuck, I just hate microbes!
CPU portrait confused.png
You'll make sure to scan around my console often and get rid of them, won't you?

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Captain, can you remind Stewart to update my anti-virus software soon?I think I'm having sympathy pains for those poor Blue Reef Kingdom residents because I feel sick too.

During the Discover a New World mission:

CPU portrait confused.png
Did Pilot say anything to you?
CPU portrait sad.png
I might have overreacted earlier when we were navigating the ship into orbit.
CPU portrait confused.png
He'll forgive me, right?

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

CPU portrait sad.png
Captain, you don't think that sand down there on the desert planet could get up here and clog my circuit board, do you?
CPU portrait stressed.png
You know... like it did on Hermy's ship.
CPU portrait confused.png
I had this nightmare last night that I was buried in sand and no one could find me...
CPU portrait sad.png
It was terrifying.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

That Bunky sure is a nice guy.
He even offered to show me how to make my own snow globe one day.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

CPU portrait confused.png
Captain, I didn't want to bring it up before because, well, you know...
CPU portrait sad.png
...those pirates did not want to chitchat...
But do you think next time you talk to Bonny Red... you could ask her if I could get a hat like hers?
CPU portrait happy.png
Can you picture it... CPU, computer space pirate, reporting for duty!

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

CPU portrait happy.png
Wow, you really get my computing unit inside this computer shell don't you... thank you, Captain!
CPU portrait happy.png
Is my programming that obvious that I L-O-V-E this!
CPU portrait happy.png
NO WAY! NO WAY! You are the greatest, Captain.
I can't believe you are giving this to me!

Liked Gift

So awesome, a gift of my very own. I'll add it to my cool gifts box.
CPU portrait happy.png
This is a really nice gift. Thank you!
Oh boy! I was going to get this...
CPU portrait happy.png
...I even had it on my wish list. Thanks Captain.

Neutral Gift

You sure know how to brighten a robot's day!
It's always nice to be thought of Captain!
I wasn't expecting this, thanks Captain.
You shouldn't have, but I am sure glad you did!

Disliked Gift

CPU portrait confused.png
Oh, um thanks?
CPU portrait sad.png
I guess this kind of thing is more for humans.
CPU portrait angry.png
Ewwwwe, Captain, take it away, take it away. I don't like it at all.
CPU portrait angry.png
Captain... are you testing my stress modules by giving me a terrible a gift?
CPU portrait stressed.png
Recalibrating frustration levels now.
CPU portrait sad.png
Oh, this is not really rated as a gift in my database, but perhaps there is still a function I can find for it.

Birthday Response

CPU portrait happy.png
Captain, a gift just for me on my birthday?!!!
Everyone sing along with me... *over intercom*
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Central Processing Unit also lovingly known as CPUuuuuuu...
CPU portrait happy.png
Happy birthday to ME!

Specific Responses

On your first night on the ship CPU will say:

Good evening, Captain. Sorry for the intrusion, but it's [TIME]!
CPU portrait confused.png
I forgot to tell you that every day at [TIME] we enter a night mode on the ship to mimic a daylight cycle for the crew and to save power.
I'll let you know when it's officially lights out later though. Bye-bye 'till then.

If you try to use your shuttle craft while in transit between planets CPU will say:

CPU portrait confused.png
Captain, you can only board the shuttle craft when we are orbiting a planet.

After meeting the pirates on Lava Lakes CPU will say:

CPU portrait sad.png
Captain... that was a close one!
CPU portrait confused.png
Let's see, I'm uploading the list they gave us now...
CPU portrait confused.png
It looks like mechanical supplies and some food crops... wait... they are requesting radiated crops?
CPU portrait confused.png
What are radiated crops?
CPU portrait confused.png
Well, if anyone would know, it would be Lin. Maybe we should start by asking her first?
CPU portrait stressed.png
Now, let's get out of here before they change their minds...