Fighting Off the Cold

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Many mission pages are structured to consolidate the shuttle trip down to the planet, the primary mission on the planet, and the return journey to deliver the relic to the mysterious artifact into a single, comprehensive article.
This page is a combination of missions titled: The Planet Below, Fighting Off the Cold, and Ice Relic Piece.

Fighting Off the Cold
Mission Information
Help Bunky recover his winter supplies, and find him a replacement anniversary gift to exchange with the Relic piece.
Primary Mission
Time Limit
Mission Requirements
Cotton fabric.png Cotton fabric × 10
Squash.png Squash × 8
Blueberry muffin.png Blueberry muffin × 4

When the player first crash-lands on Iceladus, they find they have crashed into the temporary home of Bunky. Bunky was stationed out on the Iceladus Cluster to obtain supplies for his community back home, supplies the captain just smashed. To make things right, the player must obtain additional supplies for Bunky to send back, along with a special gift for his wife.

Primary missions are a series of missions the player progresses through to achieve the overall story of the game. These quests do not have any specific time limit and the player can finish at their leisure. These missions generally have a few tasks the player must complete before they are able to get their reward and move on to the next step in the main story. These quests will be given to the player automatically as they progress, and will always direct the player in the next step of the story.


  1. The player must land on Iceladus for the first time, and be given the main mission by Bunky.
  2. Complete all goals:
  3. Turn in the items to Bunky at the igloo.


After the player arrives at Iceladus, they should go do the cargo deck, to their shuttle and head down to the planet. The short distance down to the planet's surface is met with turbulence and the captain crashes right into an igloo. Lucky for the captain, the inhabitant of the igloo is a very friendly character, Bunky. Bunky tells the player that he is stationed out on the Isladus cluster to obtain supplies for his community back home... and that the captain's shuttle is currently sitting on the bulk of those supplies, including an object that looks like the relic the captain was sent to obtain. The captain offers to get new supplies for Bunky, in exchange for the relic.

Upon returning to their ship, the captain should make their way to the General Store to pick up squash, blueberry, and cotton seeds that are only available while the player's ship is docked at Iceladus.

At the General Store the player will need to buy at least four squash seeds, which will provide the player two squash on average upon harvest. It is recommended the player buys a couple of extra seeds, just in case the harvest does not provide the average. Squash takes four days to grow.

The player should also pick up several blueberry seeds, the exact number of seeds to purchase will depend on how long the player wants to wait to finish the quest. The player is able to harvest blueberries multiple times: the first harvest on day 11, then an additional harvests on day 13, 15, and 17, which on average will provide the player with roughly 10 blueberries (plus or minus). One blueberry muffin takes two blueberries, and the player needs four muffins to complete the mission, so they only need eight blueberries total - which they should get from a single plant. If the player does not want to wait the full growth time, they should buy extra seeds to plant.

Once the player has the blueberries, they will need to craft the muffins in the kitchen. The player must purchase this upgrade from the Machine shop, and it takes three days to complete, it is recommended the player start this upgrade as soon as they can, so the upgrade can be progressing while the crops are growing and the player wont have to wait after the crops are complete.

The player will need ten cotton to make ten cotton fabric, so the player will need to buy at least ten cotton seeds. Each seed takes eight days to grow, and produces one crop upon harvest. Once the player has harvested some cotton, they will want to place it in a fiber spinner to spin the cotton into fabric. Each fabric piece takes more than a day, so if the player only has one spinner, they will not be able to produce all of the necessary cotton fabric for more than 20 in game days (crop growth + spinner time). The player can speed this up by adding additional fiber spinner's to their machine production area.

The last item is also bought from the General Store, the bouquet of flowers cannot be crafted.

Once the player has gathered all of the materials required, they should head back down to the igloo and give them to Bunky. The player will then be given the iceladus relic piece from Bunky, which has been taped back together.

The player will then need to return to the Grey Planet to place the fourth relic into the mysterious artifact.


  • The player will get an email two days after landing on Iceladus, from Fiji, offering the player a schematic for the large xeno pod.
  • While not a direct follow up to this quest, the player is able to recruit Bunky and his family after completing this mission, by completing New Business Owners.
