New Coordinates

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New Coordinates
Mission Information
Head towards the new location unlocked by the Relic.
Primary Mission
Time Limit
Mission Requirements
Arrive at Iceladus.

Once the player has turned in the relic from the previous planet, the artifact will provide CPU with the coordinates to the next planet.

Primary missions are a series of missions the player progresses through to achieve the overall story of the game. These quests do not have any specific time limit and the player can finish at their leisure. These missions generally have a few tasks the player must complete before they are able to get their reward and move on to the next step in the main story. These quests will be given to the player automatically as they progress, and will always direct the player in the next step of the story.


  1. Go to the Bridge, sit in the captains chair.
  2. Select the next planet to go to.
  3. Wait three days of travel.


Once the player has inserted the desert dunes relic into the artifact, it will transmit coordinates to CPU. This unlocks the ability to travel to this new planet, Iceladus.

When the player is ready, they should ensure they have at least ten dark matter fuel to get them to the next planet. If they do not have enough fuel the captain will need to do some digging on the exploration zones of the Grey Planet to farm up enough dark matter to make ten fuel. Once the player has the required amount of fuel, and has placed the fuel in the proper receptacle in the engine room, they are able to depart for the next planet.

Go to the captains chair on the bridge, and select the newest planet for departure. The journey will take three days.


  • The player will unlock all Iceladus seeds from both the General Store and Robuy once completing this mission.
