Objects Request

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Objects Request
Mission Information
Help Doc12 obtain what she has requested on the bulletin board.
Bulletin Board Request
Time Limit
2-5 days
Mission Requirements
Doc12 will request one of the following:
Food ration.png Food ration × 1
Cosmic jelly.png Cosmic jelly × 3-6
Pollen.png Pollen × 3-5
Dust mite.png Dust mite × 1-2
Vitamins.png Vitamins × 2-3
Garlic.png Garlic × 1-3
Bismuth.png Bismuth × 1-2
Mission Rewards

Doc12 posted for help on the bulletin after Frances told her that delegating could manage her workload more efficiently. Help her obtain what she has requested. Bring her the items she requested on the digital board. The requirements of this quest will change, as each character has a different list of items they can potentially request. The number of items will also vary within a range specific to that item. This also means the reward for this mission varies based on the specific item and amount of items requested.

The bulletin board can be found to the right of Chip's Canteen on the plaza deck (04). Every few days the bulletin board will have a marker above it, letting the player know there is a new request to pick up. There are three types of bulletin missions: to kill enemies, to find a certain type of microbe, or to bring various items to the character who posted the request.


  1. Pick up the quest from the bulletin board.
  2. Obtain the requested item(s).
  3. Turn in to Doc12


Bulletin Board

When this mission is selected, the player will see a generic bulletin request that says:

To whom it may concern,

I am seeking specific objects that I will purchase on delivery. Please bring the following to my attention if you are interested.


Each character has a pool of several items the bulletin board mission can potentially ask for. The quantity requested for each item is unique to the item requested, the player will always get a number within this request range. The reward range in the below table is calculated off of the quantity requested range. The player can calculate their specific reward using this formula: (itemBuyValue*quantityRequested)+20=creditReward

Item Name Request Range Reward Range
1 - 2 70 - 120 Credits.png
1 - 3 108 - 284 Credits.png
2 - 3 180 - 260 Credits.png
Dust mite.png
Dust mite
1 - 2 48 - 76 Credits.png
Cosmic jelly.png
Cosmic jelly
3 - 6 38 - 56 Credits.png
Food ration.png
Food ration
1 120 Credits.png
3 - 5 20 - 20 Credits.png


Once the quest is active, they will need to gather the requested items within the designated time frame. The player can open the mission log, on the left side of the screen, at any time to check their progress. Once the player has gathered enough of the requested items, the mission log icon will have a green check mark on it. It is suggested the player confirms they completed this specific mission, as the green check mark just tells the player that one of their current missions are complete.

If the player speaks with Doc12 while this mission is active, she will say:

Posting on the bulletin does seem to be an efficient way to delegate some of my tasks like Frances suggested.
You are here to help, correct?"

Turn In

Once the player has obtained the requested item(s), they need to return to Doc12. When the player speaks with her, the quest will automatically turn in and she will say:

You brought my bulletin requests. Yes, this is satisfactory and will accomplish my end goal.
I thank you for your services. You may offer your support again in the future if needed.

The player will then automatically obtain their Credits.png credits reward, based off the number of items requested.


  • 1.0.7: Number of items that can be requested adjusted for vitamins, and dust mites.
