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This page has the event information for CienaVi.


The player must give CienaVi a date invitation to trigger the date. This does not count towards the two gifts the player can give this character each week, and the player can only go on one date a week with a certain character, but can go on dates with other characters in that same week.

First Date

Well here we are, [PLAYER]. I was quite surprised by your date proposal actually.
As you can imagine, my past courtship rituals have been abundant, elaborate, and well... quite expensive.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
But I have to admit this is much nicer without all the chaperones and rules.
Since we're all alone here together opening up more...
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Can I trust you to keep a secret?
PLAYER: Yes, of course.

CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Okay, and remember I have an image to uphold when I tell you this. The truth is...
PLAYER: No. I talk a lot.

CienaVi portrait angry.png
Oh great. I've met someone who likes to gossip as much as me. But I can't hold it in any longer...
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
...I think I am at my wits end!
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Being out on my own is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
The cooking, the cleaning, my night classes, the um... what do you call it... like, money balancing?
CienaVi portrait sad.png
It's just too much for one person to keep track of.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
And when I asked Shinji to help me out, he just laughed at me! That little punk.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Do you have to do all these things all on your own too?
PLAYER: Yeah. It's overwhelming.

CienaVi portrait stressed.png
I can understand how others might struggle, but I never thought I, CienaVi, would have this much difficulty.
PLAYER: No. I have help.

CienaVi portrait sad.png
Right, the crew. I used to have a whole team of people to do this kind of stuff too. I only had to worry about my social engagements then.
But I really want to prove that I am a strong, independent royal, and that I can be trusted with any challenge thrown at me.
Including laundry!
CienaVi portrait confused.png
How do you handle your responsibilities?
PLAYER: Just slow down and do one thing at a time.

*takes deep breathe* Ahhh... *exhales* You are so right clearing your head makes it so much easier to focus on one task.
PLAYER: Get organized and multi-task like crazy.

I do love organization and making multi-colored spreadsheets with cute motivational stickers.
I want to represent my people well and become a great diplomat and leader.
But it feels like I'm going to have to prioritize what is more important.
What do you think I should focus on?
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Thanks, [PLAYER]. I knew I could talk to you about this.
PLAYER: Keeping up a royal appearance and status.

I suppose. I can work on my relationships slowly, but I need to maintain my royal position at all times.
PLAYER: Relating to others and building connections.

You are so right. How can I understand others if I don't lower my walls and show people that I'm just like everybody else?
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I just need more time and experience, but I'm a fast learner and eager to shine.
You know... if you ever need my help, I'm sure I can offer you some good advice too.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Let's see... etiquette advice?
...or fashion advice?
...or perhaps even...
CienaVi portrait happy.png
...LOVE advice?
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
*makes a cute face*... But you'll have to get to know me a little more before I will reveal any of those secrets.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
*sigh*... [PLAYER], it appears our designated time together has come to its conclusion.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
It was my pleasure to accompany you on this date request.
I would be delighted to receive any correspondence from you in the future.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png

Second Date

CienaVi portrait angry.png
$playerName, if I'm being honest, I was expecting this invitation to come much sooner after our last date...
But I know how hard you have been working so I'll overlook the delay.
It is kind of nice actually to casually get to know each other before things get too serious.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Once news of our dating makes it back to the Blue Reef, we will have to make a special announcement to my father and the royal advisors.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
I have always had an image to upkeep as princess even though you may not see me as your royal princess.
But it's even more important now that I'm taking on a more diplomatic role, that I still respect the traditions of my people.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
$playerName, would you rather date a princess or a diplomat?
PLAYER: Princess

It's not all fairytales and happy endings you know. It's still hard work. Haha.
PLAYER: Diplomat

CienaVi portrait happy.png
Well, just a friendly warning, you will get both if you choose to pursue me. Royal duties and all. *smile*
Every year, I am responsible for hosting numerous small events that all come with a lot of obligations.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
But soon it will be my responsibility to take on even more important functions for the kingdom.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Have you ever heard of the Blue Reef Sea Horse and Athletics Competitions?
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Family pride is on the line as people race their sea horses against one another for days across the tidal currents in the eastern hemisphere.
PLAYER: Wow! What's that?

It's only our most prestigious sporting event. Sea horse racing goes back many generations and almost every family in the kingdom nominates one of their family members to participate.
PLAYER: I've heard something...

Than you know it takes months of planning to host this traditional seahorse racing event.
It's a big affair and many neighboring ambassadors visit. Lots of socializing, gift giving, and of course the event itself.
It would make me so happy to bring all of our people together and make a great impression on the other ambassadors one day.
If you were me, do you think you could handle the pressure?
CienaVi portrait happy.png
So far, I've been working on my history lessons with Max, language with Pilot, and um... my 'patience' with Stewart. *gives a look*
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Overall it has been going well, but I don't think I have their respect quite yet.
PLAYER: Absolutely, I could.

CienaVi portrait happy.png
Haha. Yeah, maybe with a little crash course in royal affairs you could be ready before me!
PLAYER: I'm not sure.

CienaVi portrait confused.png
I'm surprised to hear you say that. You always make your job as captain look so easy.
The part that has surprised me the most is how much respect I've developed for them actually.
Everyone here takes great pride in what they do and without everyone doing their part the whole ship would cease to function.
I have learned a lot from being a part of this crew, and I have a new admiration for you too, $playerName.
Perhaps I have earned your respect? Or maybe... even your affection too?
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Anyways, thank you for your sweet invitation, but now I must be going.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
This has been lovely...
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
...'til next time, $playerName. *smiles*

Third Date

CienaVi portrait romanced.png
[PLAYER]. I am so glad we took the time to get to know one another.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I think you understand me more than most people I've met in my life.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Perhaps we're just lucky to have found one another...



Once the player has achieved the prerequisites to get engaged they are able to give a Engagement ring.png engagement ring to propose to CienaVi. A small conversation between CienaVi and the player happens, then CPU congratulates the player on their upcoming marriage, and gives the player additional details around the wedding ceremony.

CienaVi portrait happy.png
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Is this really happening?!
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I've had so many people propose to me in the past, but I've never felt this way about it.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Yes! The answer is yes!
You sure didn't do too bad for yourself did you... snatching up one of the most eligible bachelorettes after all.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Just teasing, I love you so much!
CPU portrait confused.png
Captain! Snap out of it!
CPU portrait sad.png
Oh boy, aren't you lovestruck!
I just heard the news...
...and let me be the first to say...
CPU portrait happy.png
CPU portrait happy.png
You really do make a great couple...I'm just so emotional about it all.
This calls for an extra big wedding celebration... full of flowers, good food, streamers, romance, oh and lots of dancing.
I'd be happy to perform the ceremony too... and I won't take no for an answer!
CPU portrait confused.png
What do you say?
CPU portrait confused.png
I'll schedule the ceremony in about a week's time.
We both better get moving, there is so much planning to do before the wedding...
CPU portrait confused.png
. . .*runs task mode*. . .


Captain... you're getting married today!
CPU portrait confused.png
Are you ready to get started?
Welcome everyone to the wedding of $playerName and $spouseName!
The happy couple wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to be here today.
And it only took a couple of broken dollies and a lot of arguing to get me down here too.
As an ordained CPU unit, well versed in many languages and wedding cultures...
...the memories of each wedding I perform occupies a special space in my hard drive.
We have thousands of important moments that happen throughout our lives...
...but this one is special because love is what we share.
In this moment, we are reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of who we are.
$playerName and $spouseName...
now that you have expressed your love and vows for one another...
It is with great joy to officially unite you in the universe as $weddingTitlePlayer and $weddingTitleSpouse.
You may now kiss each other as partners in life.
CPU portrait happy.png
Congratulations to you both!
Allow me to officially introduce the new happy couple for the first time...
CPU portrait happy.png in life... $playerName and $spouseName!
...and now it's also part of my official duties...
CPU portrait happy.png get this party started!
And everyone danced and celebrated well into the evening...
$spouseName has moved into your quarters.