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This page lists the dialogue lines for CienaVi.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




If the player talks to CienaVi prior to completing the Land Sickness Cure mission she will say:

With everyone so landsick...
CienaVi portrait confused.png
...they sent me up to help with daddy's affairs.
I just do not seem to be affected by the landsickness like most other residents.

If the player talks to CienaVi after completing the Land Sickness Cure mission she will say:

Everyone is feeling much better and I finally feel like I can get back to somewhat normal life again.


It's kind of a nice change of pace not being followed around constantly.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
In fact, I'm a little disturbed just how relaxed your security is.
I'm still getting used to the Earth light cycle we run on this ship. I find it very routine.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
All this recycled ship air is not great for my skin.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
If I would have known I could have at least brought my humidifier.
I'm glad I don't get landsick like the rest of my people.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
It's kind of gross.
Did you know my people were the first in the galaxy to develop interstellar travel?
My ancestors wanted to share our water resources with those less fortunate.
I'm working on being more like them and bringing something valuable back to my people.


CienaVi portrait confused.png
I think I'm making a lot of new friends, but it's a lot harder than I realized.
Back home everyone was dying to be my friend.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
I feel great today. Nothing beats my brine-based health tonic.
It's full of sea plants and minerals that rejuvenate your whole body.
It really clears out the gills too.
Now that we have gotten to know each other a little better I guess I could share one of my little secrets.
I used to wear my headphones with no music playing so I could listen in on my father's business meetings.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
But in my defense, I just want to be a good leader for my people.
I have been updating my royal memos once a week to give my people the inside view into my life out in space.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Their words of encouragement really inspire me to keep working diligently.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
I miss having fresh seaweed bouquets in my room.
That fresh, earthy, salty smell really sticks in my memory.


You have a positive affective presence that makes others around you more comfortable.
Since I'm here to build diplomatic relationships, I should learn this skill too.
Pilot is so helpful and engages in diplomatic discussions with me for practice.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
He sure brings up some strange requests that he says would come from their leader, the Prime Plantser.
Once I'm ready, Pilot said he'd arrange a formal meeting on his planet to meet everyone, but I'm not sure about it yet...
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
He said that when his species gets offended, the surrounding flora will emit a toxin that puts any unwanted guests to sleep. Then they just kick them off the planet!
CienaVi portrait angry.png
I'm so annoyed right now.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
That Doc12 thinks she is so superior to me, she didn't even say hi to me the other day when I waved at her.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
What is her problem?
Your devotion to this crew is like my devotion to my people.
I have a lot of respect for that.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
I might need someone to fix the cleaning apparatuses around here.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
I put my garments on the dirty rack but they are still dirty today?

Good Friend

I think I'll keep taking classes.
I've always been fluent in many languages but there are just so many more to learn.
Perfecting proper pronunciation is very enjoyable.
Half of my job as a royal is just putting on the right appearance for the occasion.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Earning others' trust is the hardest part of the job.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
Ugh, I feel a little light blue today...
CienaVi portrait sad.png
Learning diplomacy can be overwhelming... but I guess I have to appreciate the process.
I always get to review the latest fashion portfolios from all the designers in my kingdom.
They will set aside anything I like for when I get back.
Nobody has better fashion than my people, trust me.
If you have any trouble sleeping, a wave machine really soothes you as you rest.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
You will wake up fresh as a water lily.

Best Friend

My father has officially granted me permission to start opening dialogues with other species as an official representative!
It's time to start putting all these new skills to work.
I'm taking a much-needed break from work today.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Ever since I started official duties as a diplomat, it's like everyone can't get enough of my time!
Maybe next time you are free, we can splurge and do a spa day.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
There is nothing better for your scales than a hot steam bath.
Oh, hey... can I practice with you?
PLAYER: I'm interested!

Really? OK great, as long as I can memorize the facts sheet, I should be in good shape.
PLAYER: Um, better keep rehearsing.

CienaVi portrait sad.png
*sigh* You're right... maybe you can help me with memorizing the lines better.
Ah em'...
Our planet is the only major source of water in this part of the galaxy.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
*sneaks a peek at a fact cheat sheet*
With only 5% of our land surface often submerged by tides, inhabitants must be able to survive underwater.
Having an abundance of water at our disposal offers a great opportunity for other civilizations, such as yourself, to share and trade with our residents.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
How was that?
When I get back home, I'll add you to the permanent royal guest registry.
That way, even when I do move back home, you can come visit me anytime.
Friendships like ours last a lifetime.


CienaVi portrait happy.png
There is so much to do before the wedding.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
For one, I'll need to do a full spa day to revitalize my scales before our big day.
Back home, we drink a special ocean cocktail on the day of the wedding.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
But... I don't think you'd be able to handle the toxins.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
It's too bad too, because it actually makes you glow after drinking it.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
How practical would it be to release glow bugs after the wedding ceremony?
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I am wearing my mother's wedding dress for the ceremony.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Four generations of my family have all worn this dress...
...with a few modernizations over the years of course.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
It just occurred to me that when I'm your wife, does that mean this ship will actually be under my control?
I do have leadership experience after all.


We need to find some other married couples to hang out with now...
CienaVi.png know, to dish on all the up and downs of marriage.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
If you get home late try not to wake me up because I can get kind of cranky.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Love you.
We are such a power couple.
And just think...
CienaVi portrait happy.png could always be my number two if I ever take over my home kingdom one day.
I'm keeping a to-do list on the fridge for you when you have time to get to some of the household choirs.
Just so you know, I do appreciate all the little things you do.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
The air quality in here is drier than my old quarters so I hope you don't mind if I run my humidifier often.
Just think of it as a beach vacation.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

As a member of the royal family, I, CienaVi, Princess of Blue Reef Planet, thank you again for assisting our people.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
*small curtsy*

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
I'm not sure what that thing is my father gave you, but you better handle it with care.
Blue Reef treasures are incredibly rare.

During the Journey Onward mission:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
Do you think we might meet an undiscovered alien race on the next planet we visit?
PLAYER: I think so.

Perhaps, you should consider allowing me to accompany you... I bet I'd be great at first encounters.
PLAYER: Probably not.

CienaVi portrait sad.png
How boring... let's just hope for at least some excitement.

During the Discover a New World mission:

It's kind of exciting arriving at a new planet.
I want all the details when you get back.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Kaida just showed me a sand sample from the desert planet's surface, but it doesn't have any shells in it.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
It's just ground up rocks and not nearly as soft and smooth as the sand on my planet.
Sometimes I remember just how fortunate I was growing up...

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

I wonder how a relic piece almost identical to the one on our planet ended up here?
CienaVi portrait confused.png
Do you think it's possible my people traveled to this planet at some point too?

During the New Coordinates mission:

CienaVi portrait angry.png
Ugh, I'm happy to go anywhere that's not as dingy as the Grey Planet.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
All the greyness really kills the mood...
I should go hit up the cafe... I could use a pick me up...

During the The Planet Below mission:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
What are you waiting for...
How can you stand the anticipation of not knowing what is down there?
I would have already sent multiple guards down to survey the land.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Captain, if you have any surplus fabrics, I could always send them to my personal tailor and have her make you a fancy garment.
She makes all my favorite outfits and hand stitches all the detailing.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

My father is going to be so proud when he sees how well I'm doing up here all by myself...
I'm always thinking of him as we fly around all these interesting planets.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Shinji and I have a bet going what the next planet will be like...
I'm hoping for a world covered in flowers, but he's going on and on about some kind of low gravity bouncy world...
Whoever loses has to do the other's laundry for a month.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
Oh gosh, I better not lose...

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Captain, maybe you can take these down for anyone you might run into.
As a kind gesture from the Blue Reef Kingdom.
Player receives
Ocean flower.png Ocean flower × 12

During the Decoding the Message mission:

CienaVi portrait stressed.png
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
You will protect me from those pirate creeps down there... won't you...?
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
...they might try and ransom me or something if they find me here aboard your ship.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
What will I do?! *dramatic pause*

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

CienaVi portrait angry.png
Talk about jumping to conclusions.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
Those pirates sure made a huge fuss over nothing, don't you think...
It's a good thing we all kept our cool up here on this ship.

During the Master Explorer mission:

CienaVi portrait happy.png
*small curtsy*
I would like to congratulate you on an amazing diplomatic encounter.
I couldn't have done it better myself!
CienaVi portrait happy.png
You are a natural born leader and I am honored to have been part of your journey.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

CienaVi portrait happy.png
You have such exquisite taste in gifts, Captain. *blushes*
CienaVi portrait happy.png
I really love it.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Oh, [PLAYER]. I thought only my family knew I loved this.
You really are quite perceptive, aren't you?
Wow! How do you express deep gratitude in your culture? We do this...
CienaVi portrait happy.png
*she makes a fish face at you and winks*

Liked Gift

Oh, this is an offering for me? Thank you.
This is very thoughtful of you. Gifts are very important to my people.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
*small curtsy* Thank you! I will remember your kindness all day.

Neutral Gift

This is a sweet gesture.
Thanks. I'll find a place for this, or I can send it to storage I suppose.
Thank you, this is alright. Your efforts are appreciated.

Disliked Gift

CienaVi portrait sad.png
This item is for me? I didn't do anything to offend you did I?
CienaVi portrait angry.png
*shocked* Just why...? Why would you give this to me?
CienaVi portrait angry.png
I know you didn't know, but giving me something like this is considered an insult to the royal family.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
Just be glad my father wasn't here to witness this.
CienaVi portrait angry.png
If you want to give something like this to me in the future you can just leave it on my doorstep.

Birthday Response

CienaVi portrait happy.png
Thank you for the birthday gift!
Sadly, I'm missing my banquet festival back home to celebrate my spawning.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
I hope you don't mind, I told people they could take the day off for this royal holiday.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

CienaVi portrait happy.png
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Is this really happening!?
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I've had so many people propose to me in the past, but I've never felt this way about it.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Yes! The answer is yes!
CienaVi portrait happy.png
You sure didn't do too bad for yourself did you... snatching up one of the most eligible bachelorettes after all.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Just teasing, I love you so much!

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
Oh, you know... I understand you may have all these feelings right now...
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
I mean it's understandable. I tend to have this effect on people.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
But it would be best if we got to know each other a little better don't you think?

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
What a beautiful ring, but to be honest I'm just not sure yet.
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
I need to be a million percent sure and we just haven't really gone out on very many dates.
CienaVi portrait sad.png
Sorry, but I'm kind of used to being spoiled a little more in relationships.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
Wow, do you think it might be a little soon?
CienaVi portrait stressed.png
We don't have a big enough place to live and I'm kind of working on me right now.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
But let's not call it quits either, we'll eventually figure this out.

The player can also give CienaVi an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Jewelry, my favorite! How did you guess?
CienaVi portrait happy.png
I guess I am kind of obvious... but what's wrong with liking sparkly things?
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I love you so much.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Oh, [PLAYER]... Yes!
I will formally accept your courtship invitation.
CienaVi portrait happy.png
Where is this rendezvous going to commence?

Accepting the date invite (married):

CienaVi portrait romanced.png
I always love to spend some time alone together.
CienaVi portrait romanced.png
Which of our favorite spots do you want to go this time?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

CienaVi portrait confused.png
It's a beautiful invitation, but I will need to clear you first with my royal guard.
CienaVi portrait confused.png
And to be honest... I don't even know enough about you to fill out the request form.
Perhaps we should at least be friends first.