Decoding the Message

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Many mission pages are structured to consolidate the shuttle trip down to the planet, the primary mission on the planet, and the return journey to deliver the relic to the mysterious artifact into a single, comprehensive article.
This page is a combination of missions titled: Explorer Badge, Decoding the Message, and Lava Relic Piece.

Decoding the Message
Mission Information
Earn the pirates trust by bringing them radiated crops and materials to finish building their translator.
Primary Mission
Time Limit
Lava Lakes.png
Mission Requirements
Radiated pepper.png Radiated pepper × 8
Titanium.png Titanium × 12
Nanobot.png Nanobot × 3
Neptunian ale.png Neptunian ale × 5

When the player first lands on Lava Lakes, they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation between some space pirates and an unknown entity. The pirates believe they are under attack, and the player must earn their trust by bringing them radiated crops and materials to finish building their translator.

Primary missions are a series of missions the player progresses through to achieve the overall story of the game. These quests do not have any specific time limit and the player can finish at their leisure. These missions generally have a few tasks the player must complete before they are able to get their reward and move on to the next step in the main story. These quests will be given to the player automatically as they progress, and will always direct the player in the next step of the story.


  1. The player must land on lava lakes for the first time, and be given the main mission by Bonny Red.
  2. Go back to the ship and enter Lin's quarters, to trigger a cutscene.
  3. Complete all goals:
  4. Turn in the items to Bonny Red at the Pirate Hideaway.


After the player arrives at Lava Lakes, they should go do the cargo deck, to their shuttle and head down to the planet. Once they arrive on the planet, a small cutscene will play showing the player landing on the surface of the planet and doing some reconnaissance, they find a chest right near their landing spot out in the open. The player approaches the chest and is surprised by a group of space pirates who think the player left them a threatening letter in another language. The player proclaims their innocence, and offers to help the pirates translate the message and provide some supplies.

As some of the requested supplies are radiated crops, the player must go and talk with Lin in her quarters. Lin's quarters can be found on the recreation deck. The player must enter her quarters for the next cutscene to play, speaking with her directly does not progress the mission.

Now that the player has the appropriate tools to continue the quest they need to pick up enough pepper seeds and pineapple seeds to complete the quest then go back to their deck to craft the outer hull planter. Once the player has planted and watered their seeds they just need to wait for them to grow. The player will need to make sure they water their crops everyday to continue their growth, pepper seeds take six days and pineapple seeds take ten days. Since this quest does not require the produced crops to be super quality, the player can choose to use fertilizer or not - the quest will accept both super and normal crops for the turn in.

Titanium ore can be found in the exploration levels of Lava Lakes. The player will need to collect 60 ore to smelt into twelve titanium using a normal or advanced furnace.

Nanobots can be found while playing the microbe minigame while on the player's ship. There is no way to get a specific type of microbe, so the player should count on doing at least a couple of days of hunting, unless they have really good luck.

The player can craft five neptunian ales in a fermentation tank. The ales take more than twenty-four hours to ferment, so the player should get started on these as soon as they can. If the player does not yet have a Leaf Dewy xeno for the nectar, they can buy the ale at Chip's Canteen.

Once the player has gathered all of the materials required, they should head back down to the Pirate Hideout and give them to Bonny Red. Doing so will play another cutscene, where Daxton fixes the translator and the mystery of the unknown language is resolved. The player will then be given the last relic piece from Bonny Red, as she now trusts the player enough to give it to them.

The player will then need to return to the Grey Planet to place the final relic into the mysterious artifact. Doing so will solve the puzzle of the artifact and provide the player with many answers to their open questions.

