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This page has the event information for Kendall.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Ghost Debate (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Steven, Shinji, or Kendall at acquaintance friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the cargo bay.

Steven portrait sad.png
...I just don't believe it's a ghost or that this is some kind of haunted spaceship.
Steven portrait sad.png
Any weird activity must have something to do with that relic down on the Grey Planet.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Soooo, some rock statue just magically took my stuff and walked off with it in the middle of the night?
Shinji portrait angry.png
And what about those noises from the lower decks?
There is 'something' on this ship besides us. You better believe it.
Steven portrait sad.png
I hear you but... maybe you just misplaced those things.
Steven portrait angry.png
And... it's an old ship. It just makes noises sometimes.
Steven portrait sad.png
I don't know...
Kendall portrait angry.png
Quit it Shinji!
Kendall portrait angry.png
My grandma said ghosts aren't real, so it can't be a ghost.
Kendall portrait angry.png
You're just trying to scare us!
Fine, believe whatever you want, but I'm just saying you never know.
Shinji portrait happy.png
*makes scary face*...oooooOOOOOooooo...
Anyways, keep your eyes peeled. I'm outta here...
Kendall portrait angry.png
Ohhh! That Shinji is such a punk!
Kendall portrait sad.png
Kendall portrait sad.png
...I don't like spooky stuff, Bro...
Steven portrait sad.png
I know... just try not to worry about it too much.
Steven portrait sad.png
Come on, let's go.

Ghost Debate (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Steven, Shinji, or Kendall at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the cargo bay.

Kendall portrait confused.png
What was that noise?!
Steven portrait confused.png
Steven portrait stressed.png
It's uh...
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Bro, I'm scared... *shaking*
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Maybe it's the ghost Shinji was talking about?!
Steven portrait stressed.png
I think maybe a box just fell over.
Steven portrait confused.png
Or maybe it's just Shinji himself...
Steven portrait confused.png
Steven portrait angry.png
Is that you making all that noise?!
Kendall portrait angry.png
Yeah! Come out of there!
Kendall portrait angry.png
We know it's you Shinji... stop trying to scare us again.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Hey, hey, hey... what are you two shouting about down here?
I could hear you from the upper decks.
Kendall portrait confused.png
SHINJI? Tell the truth... weren't you hiding and making a bunch of noises just now?
What do you mean... I was upstairs.
Why... did you hear something spooky down here?
Steven portrait stressed.png
You can quit the act now...
Steven portrait stressed.png
We heard your 'ghost' messing about behind those boxes.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Ghost?! Haha...
Shinji portrait confused.png
... wait... really?!
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Steven portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
I don't know if it's a ghost or not...
Shinji portrait stressed.png
...but we're not gonna be the ones to find out.

Steven portrait stressed.png
You don't have to tell us twice! HURRY!

*grabs Kendall*