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Currently the only language the game is available in, is English. The developers have expressed a desire to add additional languages in the future, but the English text must be polished before exploring the possibilities of additional languages.

World Zoom

This controls how close the camera is to the player's character. Press + to increase the zoom, and - to decrease the zoom.

Interface Size

Controls the size of the user interface (UI) items. This includes the health and energy sections in the upper right corner, the date/time sections in the upper left corner, any modals and the users inventory bar.

Display Settings

Window settings - Windowed or Full screen - must click "set" after

Window size - can set the window size to non-standard sizes. User must input the individual size of the window themselves

Restore defaults


Main Article: Controls.

Volume Controls

Music Volume

Ambience Volume

SFX Volume

Footsteps Volume

Typing Volume

Typing Speed

Microbe Mini Game

Off - reduced speeds - standard

Clock Format

Allows the player to choose between 12 (am/pm) hour format or 24 hour format.

Restore Defaults

Restores all options to their default selection.