Frequently Asked Questions

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The frequently asked questions (FAQ), consists of quick questions and answers providing information on game mechanics and more.


Q: How can I make more money?

Farming is the biggest credit maker in the early game, converting crops into machine products is best in mid to late game. The crops page as a list of all crops along with their profit per unit, and profit per day. If you have enough credits for the most profitable crops on that planet, that is what is recommended. In the early game, make sure you are picking up pet rocks on the grey planet. Gathering forgeables does not require energy and they sell for a decent price early on.

Q: How do I recruit [NPC Name]?

Each character on the various planets can join the crew once their associated building has been constructed. Buy the upgrade from the machine shop and wait until its complete. Once complete, talk to that NPC to have them join the crew!

Q: How many Xenos are there?

Six. Read more here.

Q: How do I get Cat?

See the spoiler section under "Recruiting this character" section on Cat's page.

Q: Do dialogue choices matter?

The player does not gain or loose relationship points based on responses.

Q: Where do I get [Item Name]?

Visit that items page, and look under the "sources" header, it will tell you if the item can be bought, crafted, dropped or gifted.

Q: How do I move buildings/tree planters?

Click on the blue panel on the item, an option to move will be available.


Main Article: Relationships.

Q: What does [NPC Name] like?

Check out that characters page here on the wiki, there will be a list of items that character loves, likes, and dislikes. You can also find out what characters like by reading observations about them, which will give clues. These observations are often found in that characters home or place of employment.

Q: Can I get married?

Yes! Once the prerequisites are met, you can propose and marry one of the dateable characters.

Q: Can I have kids?

No, not at this time.


Main Article: Exploration.

Q: How often are check points?

Every 5 levels

Q: How can I keep my energy up while progressing through levels?

Most planets have some sort of forgeable item that can be ate to replenish energy. Eating these items is a cheap way to regain stats. Eating crops, food, or medicine items in mid to late game is more efficient.

Q: Where is the teleporter? (am I unlucky?)

Please review the in depth description on how teleporters spawn in the teleporters section of the exploration page.