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Xenos are animals the player can raise on their ship. Xenos are hatched from xeno eggs, there are two types of eggs: specific species and random species. The player is able to buy specific species xenos once they have discovered that species from the random species egg. Xeno's must incubate for five days before hatching. Once hatched, they have three growth stages and as they grow in age they have the possibility of producing a higher quality version of their base item. Xeno's will grow into their teen stage after ten days and grow into an adult once they have reached thirty friendship points.

Xenos must be fed plant material every day to stay happy and produce their product. They will not die if they are uncared for, they just will not produce their items.

There are two sizes of xeno habitats small and large. The small pod houses four xenos, and the large pod houses eight. Both habitats can be upgraded to auto-feed the xenos inside of that habitat and will automatically pull plant material from a feed repository on the captains deck.

Xeno List