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This page has the event information for Pilot.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Stewart Quits (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Stewart, CPU, Lauren, or Pilot at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Stewart portrait angry.png
CPU, I can't find anything wrong with you!
Stewart portrait angry.png
Why did you call me up here for repairs?
Haha, that was just a clever little trick to get you up here to hang out.
I'm just fine... but I do have some new jokes I wanted to try out on you.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
NO! NO! NO! I've had it!
Stewart portrait angry.png
I can't deal with this cracked up bunch of bolts anymore.
Pilot portrait confused.png
CPU... you really should only contact Stewart when there is something important to discuss.
No really, this is important...
CPU portrait happy.png
What did the microprocessor say to the graphics card?
Stewart portrait stressed.png
Stewart portrait angry.png
I'm a busy man CPU. I don't have time for your corny jokes.
Stewart portrait angry.png
You call me up here for repairs when nothing is wrong all the time.
Stewart portrait angry.png
Meanwhile, the engines are running rough and the dampers still need my attention.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
UGH!! I get no respect around here!
Lauren portrait sad.png
Lighten up, Stewart. CPU is just trying to enjoy his life a little. You should cut him some slack.
Pilot portrait sad.png
Yes, I believe he's working within the limitations of his systems.
Stewart portrait sad.png
Stewart portrait stressed.png
I don't know.
CPU portrait happy.png
Yeah... Give me another chance, Stewie!
Stewart portrait stressed.png
Stewart portrait sad.png
CPU portrait happy.png
So... like I was saying...
CPU portrait happy.png
...the microprocessor was saying to the graphics card...
Stewart portrait angry.png
THAT'S IT! Good luck with that CPU!
Stewart portrait angry.png
He can fix his own malfunctions from now on!
Stewart portrait stressed.png
CPU portrait stressed.png
CPU portrait stressed.png

Stewart Quits (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Stewart, CPU, Lauren, or Pilot at good friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Lauren portrait sad.png
Just look at him Stewart. You see why we called you up here?
Pilot portrait sad.png
CPU has not been faring well since you stopped your maintenance routines.
Pilot portrait stressed.png
I fear he will not boot up at all one of these days.
Huff... I told you that this would happen.
Stewart portrait sad.png
It's his own fault really.
Lauren portrait sad.png
I know, I know, but you can't just leave him like this.
Lauren portrait angry.png
Just get over yourself and fix him or this whole ship could crash and burn... with you on it.
Stewart portrait angry.png
You know... I never even get so much as a 'thank you' from anyone around here.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
Talk about being unappreciated...
CPU portrait stressed.png
Uggg... who's there?
CPU portrait stressed.png
I can't see or hear very well...
CPU portrait stressed.png
Please, whoever it is... find Stewart!
CPU portrait stressed.png
I never got to say goodbye to him...
CPU portrait stressed.png
...and above all...
CPU portrait stressed.png
...I never got to...
CPU portrait stressed.png
Tell him how much I really appreciated him over the years...
CPU portrait stressed.png
THANK YOU Stewart... my dearest friend... *fades away*...............
Lauren portrait confused.png
Well, well, well...
Lauren portrait happy.png
*sarcastic* What were you just saying about not being appreciated Stewart?
Stewart portrait stressed.png
Oh my gosh...
Step aside.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
It looks a lot worse than it actually is. He's just being dramatic.
Stewart portrait sad.png
I'll have him fixed in no time...
Stewart begins checking components on CPU...
*CLINK! clank CLINK!*
Oh hi Stewart! It's you! You came to repair me again!
CPU portrait sad.png
I missed you so much...
Yeah, yeah... I guess I even missed you too.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Does this mean you 'un-quit' and will continue to run CPU's maintenance?
Stewart portrait happy.png
Yeah. I'm back.
Stewart portrait happy.png
...heard any good jokes lately?
CPU portrait happy.png