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This page lists the dialogue lines for Pilot.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


*whistling sound*


If you see little Sprout around, please watch out for him.
His intellect surpasses his size, so he tends to get ahead of himself.
Sprout is growing like a weed these days.
If you follow our family tree back far enough, we do have a few other weeds in the bunch.
Space travel is not common among my species, but I do have a very good sense of direction.
Autopilot is engaged now, Captain.
However CPU and I still have to monitor sensor readings, hyperspace radio communications, and general ship functions each day.
Have you flown an X Class ship like this before?
I have been piloting $shipName for so many years now, it feels like an extension of my tentacles.


One benefit to being stationed in a regulated ship environment is that I spend more time thriving and less time in my winter dormitory phase.
Occasionally we will encounter space disturbances that make it necessary for me to readjust our flight plan.
I run orbital determination analyses often to correct these disturbances.
I appreciate Max as an educator.
His capacity for knowledge far exceeds my own so I know Sprout will have a top tier education.
Like most things, if you take the time and put in the effort your farming ambitions should have positive results.
My species is quite sensitive to vibrations.
With this trait I can detect the slightest imbalance in mechanical functions and have prevented a few impending system malfunctions.


Sometimes there is nothing better than an ammonia, molasses and epsom salt bath.
A quick soak and I could pull a double shift.
Lin is interested in Sprout and myself as a specialist in botanical studies.
I find my interest in her growing too as she is quite an unusual human specimen.
She experimented sleeping with our sunlamps once and woke up with a bright red face.
Pilot portrait stressed.png
CPU is always confusing accelerometer and gyroscope readings so he's either propelling or turning us too fast.
Pilot portrait confused.png
Logically it is hard to understand how this ship functioned before I came aboard.
I was prepared for a slower retirement on my home world when Sprout dragged me back out into space.
He has so much spirit it's a good thing our species developed mobility.
Our home world has a carbon monoxide gas atmosphere that is too toxic for humans to live on the surface.
It also has the highest humidity level in the sector, so it's great for a quick steam.

Good Friend

Similar to the pupils in your eyes, parts of my skin can constrict and expand to absorb the optimal amount of light.
I hope you will not mind if I use your shuttle craft to practice more advanced maneuvering skills.
I must maintain my flight certification and log the appropriate amount of practice hours.
Your efforts on this ship have not gone unnoticed, Captain.
Pilot portrait happy.png
You are a hard-working, conscientious individual.
It's nice to spend time in the Zen Garden to find a sense of balance and peacefulness.
Pilot portrait stressed.png
Loud sound vibrations sometimes have a negative effect on my well-being.
So I use noise cancelling devices to muffle some frequencies.

Best Friend

Our extended family is so large that each member is assigned one day a year to send out a video update.
It helps keep us connected when we are not on the home world.
Pilot portrait confused.png
Sometimes I wonder if Sprout would rather be planted back on the home world.
Pilot portrait confused.png
He has such a passion for space travel, but is he missing out on growing up with others like himself?
Anyway, thanks for listening, Captain.
I told Sprout if he can take care of Henry the fish well enough, I might let him get a bigger pet.
He has his heart set on a furmonkle, but I'm hoping to convince him to get a giant earthworm or something more practical.
Your communication style is quite good considering you can't even secrete any odorous chemicals.
This would be quite favorable in our society.
I have been using flash cards to help CPU decipher between system controls.
Pilot portrait stressed.png
It's not going as quickly as I anticipated, but persistence is key.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Greetings, [PLAYER]
My real name is tough for humans to pronounce so everyone just calls me Pilot.
As the nickname suggests I am $shipName's Navigation Officer.
I require little rest so you can find me here at the helm most of the time.
Per our mission, we are orbiting the elusive Grey Planet.
CPU and I monitor all progress on the surface from the bridge.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Grey Planet readings are unclear.
Pilot portrait confused.png
There is some disturbance in our scanners that seems to be coming from somewhere on the surface.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

I believe Kaida will have the information you seek.
Although... I am interested in hearing her analysis myself.

During the Help Soot mission:

We have done an additional scan of the planet's surface and were able to find some resource-rich locations.
I believe Kaida programmed these new zones into your Shuttle Craft control panel.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

I'm standing by for the officer's meeting whenever you are ready, Captain.
CPU will notify everyone when it begins.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

I hope your fuel production is yielding satisfactory results.
I have to admit I am ready to initiate the control panel and test out some new steering techniques.

During the Travel Days mission:

I monitor all flight controls and systems while we are in transport.
The smallest adjustment can send us off course quickly.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

As you may have already heard, Space Alliance does grant extra credits for microbe research.
I know Sprout was very excited to do his part in the research and earn a few credits.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

All systems are functioning well, and we are in a stable orbit around the new planet, Captain.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Pilot portrait stressed.png
I never knew that other species struggled with perception and motion like the Blue Reef residents.
My species is accustomed to swaying and bending to any planetary forces.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

My compliments on retrieving another Relic Piece, Captain.
Returning to the Grey Planet may not be as adventurous, but it will be in our best interest.
Pilot portrait sad.png
From my experience, salt water can cause malfunctions to technical equipment with prolonged exposure.
Pilot portrait sad.png
It also is not ideal for my personal nourishment.

During the Journey Onward mission:

There seem to be some stronger solar waves that occasional alter our instrument readings.
But I have been able to overcorrect these abnormalities without cause for concern.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Pilot portrait sad.png
Captain, do not believe anything CPU tells you about my performance today.
Pilot portrait sad.png
We are having a small communication error and he is having a simulated emotional response to it.
I will bring him something shiny and our relationship will be restored as usual.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

I think some of your crops might need this while we are in orbit around this planet.
This desert planet is severely deficient in proper nutritional compounds so any plant you are harboring could use the extra boost.
Player receives
Fertilizer.png Fertilizer × 3

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

You certainly are making optimal decisions considering this is your first assignment as a trainee.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Quite impressive indeed.

During the New Coordinates mission:

I appreciate your devotion to solving this mission, Captain.
I will do my part to get us to our next destination efficiently and smoothly.

During the The Planet Below mission:

I will keep on full alert and navigate around these clusters as you head down to the surface.
The exact coordinates seem to pinpoint one cluster in particular so that will be your landing zone.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Pilot portrait stressed.png
I am happy to discover no one was injured in the recent shuttle craft collision.
I do offer a yearly student flight training course, if you ever wanted to freshen up your navigational skills.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Pilot portrait stressed.png
Captain, Sprout is requesting some kind of kid's party called a sleepover where they would all go dormant together for the evening?
PLAYER: Fun! Definitely.

I see. Perhaps I will take your advice under consideration. I think Sprout told me to ask you, knowing that you would approve.
PLAYER: No! Resist!

Pilot portrait stressed.png
Interesting, I assumed there was some amount mischief that could happen from such an event.
Pilot portrait confused.png
Is it a good idea to allow this?

During the End of the Road? mission:

Pilot portrait stressed.png
Captain, I must inform you that some of my control settings have been altered this morning and there is some kind of residue on the panels.
Pilot portrait confused.png
No one aboard knows how to unlock the controls but myself and CPU... and CPU is unaware of these happenings.
However, these changes have improved our trajectory, so we have only benefitted from this perpetrator.
I will leave this paranormal occurrence in your capable hands.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

I am happy to report we have arrived safely, Captain.
Please take care on your departure to the planet's surface.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

I'm afraid I cannot offer any meaningful advice on how to resolve the conflict with the pirates.
The methods of diffusing hostility on my home world would not be appropriate for most mammal species.
But I do wish you well.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

All of this traveling has reminded me of my passion for navigation.
I do hope we continue onward after we have completed our primary mission.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Very impressive indeed, Captain.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Viridis reminds me of home. Such a magnificent planet full of wild plant life.
I do hope you spend some time enjoying this phenomenal discovery.
It seems well deserved for all of your devotion.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Pilot portrait happy.png
I am humbled and grateful for this extraordinary gift.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Inspired! What a splendid item you have bestowed to me.

Liked Gift

This is certainly an above average gift. Thank you, Captain.
Pilot portrait happy.png
What a marvelous item. I am indebted to your kindness.
Pilot portrait happy.png
Your generosity has exceeded my expectations and I appreciate your contribution to my happiness.

Neutral Gift

Thank you, Captain. I will make sure to share this with Sprout as well.
This is a fine economical item. Thank you for considering me when choosing this gift.
You have my gratitude and I applaud your efforts to increase our friendship.

Disliked Gift

Pilot portrait sad.png
On my planet we're not fond of these kinds of things.
Pilot portrait angry.png
I see no reason for you to bring me such an item.
Pilot portrait sad.png
Captain, I apologize if our vines got crossed, but this is not something I enjoy.

Birthday Response

My sprouting day is turning out to quite a success.
Sprout always brings me a nutritional compost mixture in bed...
Pilot portrait happy.png
...and now I have been showered with gifts. I am brimming with immense joy.