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This page has the event information for Piper.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Tight Schedule (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Piper, Edward, or I-1900 at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Edward portrait confused.png
I-1900, have you seen my reading glasses?
Edward portrait confused.png
They were around this table yesterday. They must still be here somewhere.
I will search for them now. On my way Edward...
Piper portrait sad.png
Oh, no you don't.
Piper portrait angry.png
I-1900, you said you would help me with these cookies. You can't leave me yet.
I-1900 portrait happy.png
Ah yes, you are correct.
Edward portrait stressed.png
YEOW!! My fingers got pinched in the drawer!
Edward portrait angry.png
I-1900, I thought we fixed this the other day?
I-1900 portrait confused.png
I'll be right there...
Piper portrait angry.png
Edward! I-1900 is baking with me today...
Piper portrait confused.png
Now, how much sugar do I add to these cookies? Is it one cup or two?
Edward portrait angry.png
I-1900 can't be baking here today. We had plans to work in the shop together.
And we need to get down there before the construction bots get restless.
Piper portrait angry.png
She's too busy right now!
Edward portrait angry.png
But we had plans...
I-1900 portrait confused.png
I-1900 portrait stressed.png
WARNING: System overload!
WARNING: System overload!
I-1900 portrait stressed.png
Too many conflicting requests...
Piper portrait stressed.png
Piper portrait stressed.png
What have you done to I-1900?!
Edward portrait stressed.png
Edward portrait angry.png
Her scheduled activities must have been overloaded.
Piper portrait stressed.png
Well, we are going to have to set some rules to share our time with her better.
Edward portrait stressed.png
I think you are right...
I-1900 portrait stressed.png

Tight Schedule (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Piper, Edward, or I-1900 at good friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Okay, stay focused everyone. We are here to better schedule I-1900's time once and for all.
She's simply overloaded, so we need to learn how to share better.
Piper portrait sad.png
Yeah, you've been hogging all her time lately.
Edward portrait angry.png
Never mind that.
So you said you wanted time with her on Thursdays and Fridays?
Yes, and on Sunday mornings we like to cook together.
Edward portrait confused.png
I thought I got Sundays with her?
No, no, no. You just get Sunday evenings after noon.
Oh right, we traded Wednesdays and some mornings for that.
I-1900 portrait confused.png
Oh, um... may I interject?
I-1900 portrait stressed.png
Make sure to include my allotted personal time as well.
Oh right! Of course, of course. Sorry about that...
Piper portrait happy.png
Haha, silly us. We didn't forget about you. There are just so many factors aren't there?
Well, it's gonna be tight, but I think we've done it...

*writes down on log*
What do you all think?
This is very well organized and it appears I will get to do all of my favorite activities with each of you.
Looks good to me.
Piper portrait happy.png
A balanced schedule finally!
Edward portrait happy.png
Okay then, we are officially... DONE!
And it only took us...
Edward portrait sad.png
...four and a half hours. Sheesh!
Well I-1900, do you feel less overloaded now?
I do.
I am most excited that we can have better quality time now.
I-1900 portrait happy.png
And I love hanging out with you both so much.
I-1900 portrait happy.png
Thank you.
Oh, there you are.
Oh boy, am I gonna need your help today. You wouldn't believe it!
Kendall portrait happy.png
Got any free time?
I-1900 portrait stressed.png
Kendall portrait confused.png
What happened?!