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This page lists the dialogue lines for Piper.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I have been on this ship for over 20 years.
My husband and I were some of the first onboard.
Piper portrait happy.png
I could tell you some embarrassing stories about that CPU unit. *chuckles to self*
There is nothing better than a hot cup of tea in the morning.
Stop by our quarters in the morning and join us sometime if you like.
Remember, it's the little things that go a long way when building relationships.
Small compliments, gifts, or even just as simple as checking in from time to time.
Piper portrait confused.png
Why is my glue gun always growing a pair of legs and disappearing?
I need to finish sticking the sequins onto Kendall's new dress.
I like to garden in my spare time, but I don't seem to have the green thumb.
I see I-1900 sneaking around and tending to my plants when I forget.


I'll need your support to make sure ship community events stay a priority.
They can easily get overlooked, but it makes a big difference to keep ship morale high.
I love it when I-1900 makes a big batch of hearty soup.
Piper portrait happy.png
It's the best way to eat vegetables in my opinion.
If you bring someone a gift on their birthday, I know they would be extra grateful.
Who doesn't love a birthday gift?
Piper portrait stressed.png
Sometimes Edward and I get our reading glasses mixed up.
Piper portrait stressed.png
I keep telling him to get different colored frames, but he insists on pink ones every time.
Make sure you always wear sensible footwear.
Most aches and pains begin with bad foot support.


Piper portrait stressed.png
That girl is too wild.
Piper portrait stressed.png
I guess it's my own fault.
Kendall just found my box of old karate uniforms and now she's become obsessed with ninjas.
Kids have a way of paying you back for what you put your parents through!
Piper portrait confused.png
Are you hungry? *shows you a box of burnt cookies*
Have you heard that nice young girl, Fiji, playing her music?
She is so talented and artistic.
Piper portrait confused.png
Hmm... Steven is single and artistic...
Piper portrait happy.png
It might be time to put on my matchmaker hat!
I don't know what I would do if I didn't have to take care of all of you.
When I was your age, I trained young cadets like you in combat techniques.
Edward actually worked at a garage down the street from my classroom.
I drank lots of coffee from the place next door so I could walk by his shop.

Good Friend

I've got boxes of old love letters and family photographs under the bed.
I should really make a memory book or organize them in some special way.
Captain, you look well today...
Piper portrait happy.png
I'm always impressed with all the work you do around here.
I used to tease Edward for always misplacing his things, but I've been catching myself forgetting where I put things.
Piper portrait stressed.png
I guess karma is catching up to me these days.
When I first met Edward his mother was not super impressed with me.
Piper portrait sad.png
She thought I was a little too wild and unpredictable.
But over the years we really bonded with each other.
Edward and I have had all kinds of jobs in the past.
We just took the best opportunities that came our way and always encouraged each other.

Best Friend

Piper portrait stressed.png
If anything ever happened to my grandkids, I wouldn't know what to do.
My Kendall is such a handful, but I'm working on letting her spread her wings.
I'm trying out some new sugar-free recipes for Edward since he's got to watch his levels.
Piper portrait angry.png
And this time I'm not falling for that 'asleep' in the chair business.
I've noticed community engagement is at an all-time high.
Piper portrait happy.png
I think we have you to thank for that.
Okay fine, I'll tell you a funny story about CPU.
One time, he accidentally mixed-up AM with PM on his alarm clock and ended up sleeping all day.
But the best part was he was talking in his sleep about saving the turtles.
He even asked someone to pass him his superhero cape at one point.
Eventually we all just stopped working and had popcorn while we listened to his monologue.
Piper portrait happy.png
He was so embarrassed when he woke up, but it was a great day! Haha.
It's so nice to have great friends in your life.
We can help pick each other up when things get tough.
Piper portrait happy.png
Always remember... I'm looking out for you.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Well aren't you a sturdy young thing. Nice to meet you, $playerName. I'm Piper.
I have been aboard this ship for many years and my family knows the ins and outs.
This ship might be old, but they don't make them like this anymore.
She just needs someone to give her a little attention.
Maybe one day things will get better around here.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

You should be safe and sound using your Shuttle Craft when you travel down to that Grey Planet.
Edward assured me he gave that vehicle a full tune up.
And then I had him recheck it again anyways.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Don't forget to check in with the crew from time to time.
People will also open up more to you if you bring them little tokens of appreciation too.

During the Help Soot mission:

Piper portrait stressed.png
How's that little Soot doing down there?
I was thinking about knitting him a sweater... or a hat...
Piper portrait confused.png
...but to be honest I don't know what he might wear?

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Piper portrait stressed.png
If Kendall tries to interrupt your meeting you let me know.
Piper portrait sad.png
She knows she's on strict orders not pester you while you're working.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Piper portrait stressed.png
Be careful with that Dark Matter Fuel...
Piper portrait stressed.png
You will never get the stain out of your clothes if it gets on you.
Piper portrait stressed.png
Believe me I've tried everything.

During the Travel Days mission:

I like to keep a paper calendar of our progress when we're traveling.
I know it's a little old fashioned, but I love crossing off the days as we go. It always makes me excited.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

I'm sure you'll get the hand of your new microbe tool in no time...
Edward always does his best to build sturdy, reliable tools so just let him know if you have any trouble.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

From the looks of it out the window I think this new planet could be a great vacation spot.
Piper portrait happy.png
I might have to get out my extra-large sun hat.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Piper portrait stressed.png
Oh it's just terrible what's happening to those poor Blue Reef folks down there.
You'll let me know if there is anything I can do to help, right?

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

You're just a peach helping out the Blue Reef Kingdom residents.
Piper portrait happy.png
You remind me of one my best friends when I was growing up... so much potential.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Piper portrait confused.png
Wait, so are these new planet coordinates different from the last place we visited?
PLAYER: Yes, we have new coordinates.

Piper portrait confused.png
Who has new coordinates? We do? The Relic does?
PLAYER: They are completely different.

Piper portrait confused.png
So the coordinates are different or the planet is different? Are we talking about the same thing?
I just can't seem to keep up with all of you these days.

During the Discover a New World mission:

So I heard you're heading down to the new planet already...
...well be careful and make sure you bring some snacks in case you get hungry.
Piper portrait confused.png
Actually, I might have some of Kendall's snacks in my purse, hang on...
Player receives
Chocolate bar.png Chocolate bar × 1

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

I heard about your new desert friend... it's always so nice to meet new people.
I also heard he likes old things so I might have a few trinkets around here I could give to him if he wants.
You have him come see me if he's interested.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Piper portrait sad.png
Captain, come here...
*she fixes your hair*
I know you've been working so hard, but honestly...

During the New Coordinates mission:

Another planet destination? I love these moments in our adventure...
Piper portrait happy.png
Never knowing what is ahead always gives me goosebumps.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Remember to make a good first impression if you meet anyone down on that planet.
You represent all of us after all.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

That fuzzy family sounds so nice, but can you imagine vacuuming a place with all that hair?!
Piper portrait stressed.png
I have a hard enough time getting the hair out of I-1900's intake valve from our place.

During the New Business Owners mission:

Don't worry, I'm already preparing a welcome basket for the Bunky Family...
Piper portrait stressed.png
Oh goodness... I better check if they have any allergies or food restrictions.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Captain, the new relic piece you acquired looks like it's barely holding together!
If it falls apart, I could always try to fix it again.
I've broken a lot of vases in my day, but once I repair them, you'd never even know where the damage was.

During the End of the Road? mission:

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get some answers about that Relic.
I think we all deserve a long vacation after we complete this mission!

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Piper portrait confused.png
Do you need me to go over your packing list before you head down to the new planet?
PLAYER: Yes please!

OK, let's see... make sure you have your shuttle keys, ID, some spare credits, an extra oxygen tank, and your badge to connect you with CPU.
PLAYER: I've got it covered.

OK, great... as long as you double checked.
It's always a good idea to be prepared for anything!

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Piper portrait stressed.png
Oh, Captain... come here... let me take a look at you...
Piper portrait stressed.png
OK, yes, you don't seem to have any scratch marks or injuries.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Piper portrait happy.png
I'm so proud of you, [PLAYER].
Things have really come so far since you arrived and we wouldn't have been able to do this mission without you.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Look at that, the Grey Planet has turned back into the Viridis Planet again and is looking shiny new!
Piper portrait happy.png
I can hardly believe my eyes.
I have to be honest... I thought galivanting all over space, planet to planet, back and forth, might have been a wild goose chase.
I guess you knew what you were doing all along, and I am so glad you had the courage to followed your instincts.
Piper portrait happy.png
You make us all so proud. Our little captain... *hugs*
Ohh, sorry I don't want to embarrass you anymore than I already have.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Piper portrait happy.png
This is perfect! What a sweetheart you are.
Oh, you are just so surprising, Captain.
Piper portrait happy.png
This gift is just the best thing you could have given me.
Piper portrait happy.png
*choked up* This is just lovely, Captain. You certainly are a sweetheart.

Liked Gift

See how giving gifts can make people feel appreciated. I certainly feel pretty good right now.
You must be working extra hours to be able to give away nifty gifts like this.
Everyone has been especially nice to me today and now a gift too...
Piper portrait happy.png
...it must be my lucky day!

Neutral Gift

Thanks, I could use this. You are such a dear.
It's nice of you to think of little old me. I'll put this to good use.
I sure do appreciate all the little things you do, Captain.

Disliked Gift

Piper portrait sad.png
This is the worst. I don't blame you for trying to unload it, but I don't want it either.
Piper portrait sad.png
Captain, this is kind of lame... I'm only saying this because I care.
Piper portrait angry.png
Blah, let's just say this is not my favorite.

Birthday Response

Piper portrait happy.png
Aren't you just the sweetest?
Yes, it is my birthday, but I'll never tell anyone how old I am.
Thank goodness Edward is terrible with dates, so whatever he tells you is probably not even true.
It's my secret forever now.