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This page has the event information for Robert.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Starship Romance (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Doc12, Jimmy, Frances, or Robert at good friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Let's see...
Twelve boxes of test tubes... check.
Two large boxes of cotton swabs... check.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
You do this every time, but I already double checked it...
Trust me, it's all there.
As I have stated before, it is my responsibility to make sure the order is accurate and accounted for.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
I know it's just...
Jimmy portrait angry.png
...oh, never mind.
Frances portrait happy.png
Thanks for a wonderful time. I had so much fun.
Robert portrait happy.png
It was my pleasure. I always enjoy your company.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Did they just kiss?
That was my observation as well.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
So, I guess our parent's relationship is getting more serious.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
I don't know how I feel about them dating.
I don't see why your opinion would matter. What business is it of yours anyway?
Jimmy portrait angry.png
Hey, my opinion matters! Why do you always have to say things like that?
Jimmy portrait angry.png
You are so rude sometimes. Can't you just have a normal conversation?
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Well, if you really want my opinion, I don't understand Robert as a potential mate for Frances.
Doc12 portrait sad.png
She is a highly educated person and clearly out of his league. It's peculiar.
Jimmy portrait angry.png
Seriously... I can't believe you just said that!
Jimmy portrait angry.png
You are impossible!
Doc12 portrait angry.png
Fine. I must be going now anyways...

Starship Romance (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Doc12, Jimmy, Frances, or Robert at best friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week.

Frances portrait happy.png
Thanks again. I had a wonderful time out on our date today.
Robert portrait happy.png
Me too.
Oh, hey. What were you both up to?
Doc12 portrait sad.png
Is it really necessary to ask pointless questions?
Doc12 portrait sad.png
It's obvious they are engaged in another courtship ritual.
Jimmy portrait angry.png
Ugh... that is so weird. Why would you say it like that?
Jimmy portrait angry.png
It's called a date, not a courtship ritual!
Robert portrait sad.png
Now, now guys. Can you at least try to get along?
Robert portrait happy.png
You never know. You might become step-brother and step-sister one day.
Frances portrait happy.png
Yeah, he's right... it's possible.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
Just something to think about.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Wow... they are getting even more serious these days.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
I guess I just never thought of my dad with anyone else. But I do like Frances. She is a great person for him.
Hmm... I agree.
After more consideration, I can see that they do share things in common and have a lot of compatibility.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
True... and they do appear happy.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
I suppose you and I could get along too... for their sake of course.
Yes. I think you are correct, for once.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Our personal differences can be put aside.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
Great, then we have a truce.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
But can you promise to act less weird from now on too?
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Well, I can try to bring myself down to your level... if that's what you mean?
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Ugh... *sighs*
Jimmy portrait sad.png
We'll have to keep working on that.