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This page lists the dialogue lines for Robert.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


*bear snore*


The shop is keeping me on my toes these days.
Always something either coming or going.
Good day huh.
It's always good when business is picking up for me.
Supplies can be hard to come by in the more remote parts of space.
We as a crew have to provide for ourselves to keep this old boat afloat, and everyone does their part big or small.
I take the responsibility very seriously and I hope you feel the same.
Back at my old spaceport, I had to load and unload at least five vessels a day to keep the community running smoothly.
The traders back then were quite savvy, so I picked up a few tricks on how to get the best deals.
I have a specific schedule for Jimmy and myself.
The shipping, receiving, account book balancing and everything else runs like clockwork.
But we are closed on Saturdays so we get time to relax and have a good movie night.


If you have trouble saving up credits, I find budgeting can help.
I'm very strict with my budget so I can have some extra spending money each month.
There are always little tasks popping up around the store.
Robert portrait angry.png
Sometimes I feel like a full-time handyman.
Robert portrait happy.png
Ahh, there is nothing better than swapping stories over a bonfire in the woods.
I like to tend to the fire and hear all the adventures of my friends.
I try hard to keep the basics in stock all the time, but seeds are entirely dependent on our location.
I suppose it's good to have variety.
Robert portrait stressed.png
I-1900's wheels keep leaving tread marks on my floor.
Robert portrait stressed.png
I'm not mad... but I wish I could find some kind of floor wax to prevent it.


Robert portrait stressed.png
I'm not as young as I used to be.
Frances really helps me out with all the aches and pains.
Robert portrait confused.png
Keep an eye on Jimmy for me, will you?
He doesn't talk too much, but he tries really hard.
I once traded supplies with a merchant for wood carving lessons.
I usually use an automatic laser chisel, but every once and a while I'll do some hand detailing.
Hey Captain, just read a funny joke, want to hear it?
Robert portrait confused.png
So... why did the scarecrow get promoted?
Because he was outstanding in his field.
Robert portrait happy.png
*chuckles at self*
I'm always telling Jimmy to be more like Frances's daughter, Doc12.
She's so regimented and disciplined in her training, it's impressive.

Good Friend

Man... I'm still finding old boxes I need to sort through...
One of these days I hope I can say I've finally finished downsizing.
I still have a little shuttle craft in storage that I used to take on small trading routes.
I suppose I'll eventually give it to Jimmy if he wants to spread his wings more.
Thanks for selling all your items through my store.
Robert portrait happy.png
Business has really picked up since you came onboard.
I probably don't say it enough, but I do really appreciate all the work Jimmy does around here.
This place would be a lot more disorganized if it were just me.
It's really nice to have someone special in your life.
Robert portrait sad.png
I didn't realize how lonely I was until recently...

Best Friend

It's funny how you can surprise yourself as you get older and your priorities start to change.
Opening this store was always my dream for my family, so I hope Jimmy will want to take over one day.
You have to work hard to achieve your goals in life.
Robert portrait sad.png
I only have one suit and it's a little old.
I might have to dust it off and get it altered to fit me again.
Jimmy and I used to go camping off-ship, but ever since we opened our own store, we really haven't had time off.
Robert portrait stressed.png
The store comes first and I know he agrees with me, but maybe we should plan a trip soon anyways.
I don't think there is anything more relaxing than a good classic kung fu movie.
Robert portrait confused.png
But nobody else in my life likes my movie picks.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hello, Captain.
I'm glad you found me. Running the General Store on the ship keeps me busy here most days.
Oh, and I carry a lot of supplies and seeds that could help with your duties around here.
Robert portrait stressed.png
Just saying... a rundown ship and a hungry crew is not great for business.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

When you head down to the Grey Planet, remember, I will buy any surplus supplies you find.
There may not be a lot of food down there, but people will buy all kinds of things.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

You have a lot on your plate, so let me give you some advice.
Just take it one thing at a time...
And if that doesn't work, this will.
Player receives
Energy tonic.png Energy tonic × 1

During the Help Soot mission:

So I heard you're going to venture to other parts of the Grey Planet and look for valuable resources.
Well, I'm certainly interested moving any resources you might find.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Robert portrait confused.png
I better check in with CPU after your meeting so I can prepare the store for whatever you guys decide.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

You know Dark Matter may not be worth a lot, but it's super easy merchandise to move.
Everybody needs starship fuel after all.

During the Travel Days mission:

When we're in transit, Jimmy and I make sure to ration out everything accordingly so we have enough for the journey.
Robert portrait stressed.png
If I work hard and do my job right no one even notices...
...but I take a lot of pride in that.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

I heard Frances put you on microbe duty...
I'm glad she asked you instead of me because I wouldn't really want that job... yuck.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Captain, I got some great deals on local seeds and items.
Robert portrait happy.png
Definitely check everything out and get them while they last!

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Robert portrait stressed.png
Frances is so besides herself about those sick residents on the Blue Reef Planet.
Robert portrait stressed.png
I keep trying to calm her down and tell her you've got everything under control.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Captain, you sure worked hard to earn that Relic Piece.
Robert portrait sad.png
Just so you know, Jimmy and I are working hard in the store too, but our store can only supply what we have access to ourselves.
Robert portrait sad.png
The supply chain can feel quite limited while traveling in space.
But we just have to make the best of it, right?

During the Journey Onward mission:

Robert portrait confused.png
You think I don't notice, do you...?
Robert portrait stressed.png
...but I do. I know Jimmy wants to venture out on his own.
Robert portrait stressed.png
I would never hold him back, but it's something he has to decide and actually do himself.
But once he does, I'll be his biggest cheerleader. You'll see.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Busy, busy, busy.
Have you seen all the new and exciting merchandise.
Robert portrait happy.png
The sounds of a busy store are like music to my ears.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

So Captain, what's our timeframe looking like?
PLAYER: It still might be a while.

Well take your time, no complaints here or from any of my customers.
PLAYER: A few more days tops.

Oh whew, I'm exhausted...
Robert portrait confused.png
How long do you think it will take you to help that crab out?
I can barely meet the demand in the store these days.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Well you certainly have impressed me, Captain...
Keep up the good work and you'll be a shoo-in for your real captain's badge.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Frances promised me one of her therapeutic massages since it's been such a hectic schedule lately.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Robert portrait happy.png
New merchandise everyone!
Captain, these new seeds are definitely worth checking out ASAP!

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Robert portrait confused.png
If there is anything I can do to help you with supplies for the Furballs, let me know.
Robert portrait stressed.png
What they are asking for is pretty hard to find on the merchants market...
But I've already put the word out in case we get a hit!

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Captain, I'm totally fine with the Bunky Family coming aboard.
Robert portrait stressed.png
But... just promise me they won't start stocking the same merchandise as me.
Robert portrait angry.png
I already have had it up to here with that robot character that comes around on my day off.
Robert portrait sad.png
Who does he think he is?

During the End of the Road? mission:

Robert portrait confused.png
Maybe, I'll have some time to go over the books again while we're traveling.
It sounds silly, but I love to throw on my flannel pajamas, grab some hot cocoa and review our numbers.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Hot off the market, check out the new supplies while it lasts...
Lin has been stocking up lately. So you'll have to go head-to-head with her if you're late to the party.
Robert portrait confused.png
But between you and me... I think she puts on a sweet act sometimes.
I wouldn't want to get between her and her plants.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Robert portrait angry.png
Don't back down, Captain...
Robert portrait sad.png
Those pirates are just overly aggressive traders and I know how to deal with traders.
Just keep them interested in what you can offer and they'll be in the palm of your hand!

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Robert portrait confused.png
Have we really acquired the last relic piece already?
I thought I was a hard worker... but you have really proven yourself in my books.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Oh, there you are!
Robert portrait happy.png
I hope I'm not the last one to say, nice work.
You know, on completing the mission and all...
Well, good job... *awkwardly pats your shoulder*
See you later!

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Well this is unexpected! This type of item is hard to come by too.
Robert portrait happy.png
Thanks, Captain. You make an old man feel appreciated around here.
Robert portrait happy.png
Whoah, Captain! You certainly went all out for me.
Robert portrait happy.png
Dang, Captain. Are you trying to make me all sappy or something?
This is really great.

Liked Gift

Alright! I was just looking for something like this.
Robert portrait happy.png
You shouldn't have... but I sure am glad you did!
Thank you! It's not even my birthday yet, but maybe I should just pretend it is before you change your mind!

Neutral Gift

Thanks. I got just the place for this at home.
Oh, it is very nice of you to share your little extras with me.
You seem to be in the gift giving mood today, Captain. Thanks for thinking of me.

Disliked Gift

Robert portrait sad.png
Oh... I have a bunch of these boxed up at the shop.
Robert portrait sad.png
You can't get rid of them either huh?
Robert portrait angry.png
Honestly there isn't much I don't like, but unfortunately this is one of those things.
Robert portrait sad.png
How can anyone get excited about this...
Robert portrait angry.png
*shakes head*... I guess I just don't see the appeal.

Birthday Response

Robert portrait happy.png
Captain, you didn't have to get me anything for my birthday, so thank you!
People always say I'm hard to shop for...
Robert portrait happy.png
...but I like pretty much everything, so I think I'm easy.

Specific Responses

When selecting the register in the General Store Robert will say:

Welcome to the General Store. Items for purchase are on display or you can sell your items here.
Welcome to my special Friendship Day Booth.