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This page has the event information for Shinji.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Ghost Debate (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Steven, Shinji, or Kendall at acquaintance friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the cargo bay.

Steven portrait sad.png
...I just don't believe it's a ghost or that this is some kind of haunted spaceship.
Steven portrait sad.png
Any weird activity must have something to do with that relic down on the Grey Planet.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Soooo, some rock statue just magically took my stuff and walked off with it in the middle of the night?
Shinji portrait angry.png
And what about those noises from the lower decks?
There is 'something' on this ship besides us. You better believe it.
Steven portrait sad.png
I hear you but... maybe you just misplaced those things.
Steven portrait angry.png
And... it's an old ship. It just makes noises sometimes.
Steven portrait sad.png
I don't know...
Kendall portrait angry.png
Quit it Shinji!
Kendall portrait angry.png
My grandma said ghosts aren't real, so it can't be a ghost.
Kendall portrait angry.png
You're just trying to scare us!
Fine, believe whatever you want, but I'm just saying you never know.
Shinji portrait happy.png
*makes scary face*...oooooOOOOOooooo...
Anyways, keep your eyes peeled. I'm outta here...
Kendall portrait angry.png
Ohhh! That Shinji is such a punk!
Kendall portrait sad.png
Kendall portrait sad.png
...I don't like spooky stuff, Bro...
Steven portrait sad.png
I know... just try not to worry about it too much.
Steven portrait sad.png
Come on, let's go.

Ghost Debate (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Steven, Shinji, or Kendall at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the cargo bay.

Kendall portrait confused.png
What was that noise?!
Steven portrait confused.png
Steven portrait stressed.png
It's uh...
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Bro, I'm scared... *shaking*
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Maybe it's the ghost Shinji was talking about?!
Steven portrait stressed.png
I think maybe a box just fell over.
Steven portrait confused.png
Or maybe it's just Shinji himself...
Steven portrait confused.png
Steven portrait angry.png
Is that you making all that noise?!
Kendall portrait angry.png
Yeah! Come out of there!
Kendall portrait angry.png
We know it's you Shinji... stop trying to scare us again.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Hey, hey, hey... what are you two shouting about down here?
I could hear you from the upper decks.
Kendall portrait confused.png
SHINJI? Tell the truth... weren't you hiding and making a bunch of noises just now?
What do you mean... I was upstairs.
Why... did you hear something spooky down here?
Steven portrait stressed.png
You can quit the act now...
Steven portrait stressed.png
We heard your 'ghost' messing about behind those boxes.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Ghost?! Haha...
Shinji portrait confused.png
... wait... really?!
Kendall portrait stressed.png
Steven portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Shinji portrait stressed.png
I don't know if it's a ghost or not...
Shinji portrait stressed.png
...but we're not gonna be the ones to find out.

Steven portrait stressed.png
You don't have to tell us twice! HURRY!

*grabs Kendall*


The player must give Shinji a date invitation to trigger the date. This does not count towards the two gifts the player can give this character each week, and the player can only go on one date a week with a certain character, but can go on dates with other characters in that same week.

First Date

Well here we are, [PLAYER]. This is kind of cool.
I'm always down to shake it up and chill like this.
Hanging out is kind of my specialty after all. I used to throw some pretty wild parties when I was back at home.
My place was like the main spot for all of my friends.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Syrup chugging contests, pudding wrestling parties, we even built a hoverboard ramp in my front yard once.
Shinji portrait sad.png
My parents didn't care... they were too busy paying off my tutors to write my papers and finish my schoolwork.
Shinji portrait sad.png
That stuff was too easy for me anyways. I never really saw any reason to try since they would do it for me.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Do you like to throw parties?
PLAYER: Sure do!

Shinji portrait happy.png
Nice, I bet with both of us planning it, we could throw a huge party on [shipName]!
PLAYER: Me? Not really.

Shinji portrait confused.png
Huh, that surprises me. I bet I could get you to come out of your shell if we threw a party here though.
Shinji portrait confused.png
But then again, who would come all the way out to this part of space?
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Sometimes, I do get kind of lonely out here.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
People on this ship just don't seem to get me.
Shinji portrait angry.png
Like the other day Doc12 and Max just completely cut me out of their conversation!
Shinji portrait confused.png
Do you think I should work harder to impress them?
PLAYER: Why not try?

Shinji portrait sad.png
Yeah I guess... they're just so serious all the time and they show no interest in me.
PLAYER: I wouldn't worry.

Shinji portrait stressed.png
I bet you that they think I'm not capable of understanding what they're saying.
Shinji portrait sad.png
It's just like my family, always dismissing me and rolling their eyes.
Shinji portrait confused.png
You don't think I'm just a gorgeous, spoiled rich kid, right?
PLAYER: No, I see your other qualities too.

Shinji portrait happy.png
Thank you! It's nice that someone actually believes in me for once.
PLAYER: Well...

Shinji portrait stressed.png
Not you too! I guess I only have myself to blame.
I want to prove to everyone that I can be more than what they think.
I just need to take the first step and find something I want to achieve on my own.
Shinji portrait happy.png
But the good news is...
You did kind of admit, just now, that you think I'm gorgeous.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
*makes a dreamy face at you*
Shinji portrait happy.png
Ahhhhh, [PLAYER]...
I hate to break your heart, but I better head out.
Come on, you know I need to start applying myself, right? No time like the present.
*winks at you*

Second Date

I'm so relieved we can just hang out together and have some fun around here.
I know you get it. Just because you're captain, doesn't mean you have to be a stick in the mud either.
Shinji portrait happy.png
*starts laughing suddenly*
Haha... I'm sorry... I'm not laughing at you.
It's just so hard to take you seriously as a captain after we've gotten to know each other so well.
Okay, okay. But you have to admit, it's kind of funny thinking about how different our lives are.
I mean, you're a spaceship captain, and are responsible for everyone on this ship, the mission, and on, and on...
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Meanwhile, I can barely be trusted to feed myself.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
It kind of reminds me of what we talked about on our last date.
And... I'm glad you're here, because something kind of has come up.
Max asked me if I would be interested in working toward getting into the teacher apprentice program.
I totally fell out of my chair! I mean ME... a teacher?
Shinji portrait confused.png
Can you believe it?
Shinji portrait confused.png
But you know... something kind of clicked when he mentioned it.
PLAYER: I can see it!

Shinji portrait confused.png
You too? Wow, either everyone here has lost their minds or I'm losing it.
PLAYER: What? Is he crazy?

I know, that's what I was thinking. How could I be a role model for younger kids?
I really enjoy hanging out with the kids on the ship and they are always asking me for advice and help with their homework.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Do you like kids?
Shinji portrait happy.png
I don't know why, but when I really think about doing it, I get super excited about the future.
Shinji portrait confused.png
I love the idea that I could teach them to have fun learning instead of dreading school.
PLAYER: Of course.

Makes sense, I bet you are really good with them too.
PLAYER: They scare me.

Shinji portrait stressed.png
Well that's true. They can be terrifying when they are in a bad mood.
Do you think I should do it?
It's kind of scary putting yourself out there and going for something huh?
Shinji portrait happy.png
But I've never wanted to try so hard before either.
Shinji portrait confused.png
OK, enough serious stuff...
We are here, [PLAYER]. Together again. Alone.
PLAYER: Sounds like you want to.

Shinji portrait happy.png
I guess it does... and maybe that means I should go for it.
PLAYER: Are you sure this is the right fit?

Shinji portrait confused.png
Who knows? What's the worst that can happen, as long as Max is around? He wouldn't let me screw them up too bad I hope.
*sarcastic tone* I bet you were dreaming about me the other day and couldn't wait to ask me out on this date, huh?
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Don't feel bad it happens to me all the time. And...
Shinji portrait happy.png
...ehhh... I just might have been dreaming about you too. *smiles*
Shinji portrait romanced.png
Well. I'm exhausted.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
I think I am ready for a nap now. But I will be thinking of you the whole time again.
I'll be seeing you.

Third Date

Shinji portrait happy.png
[PLAYER], you're so cute always giving me that look.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
Our relationship surprises me, but I'm so glad we found each other.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
Who else would put up with me?



Once the player has achieved the prerequisites to get engaged they are able to give a Engagement ring.png engagement ring to propose to Shinji. A small conversation between Shinji and the player happens, then CPU congratulates the player on their upcoming marriage, and gives the player additional details around the wedding ceremony.

Shinji portrait happy.png
Are you kidding me?
Shinji portrait happy.png
This is crazy...
Shinji portrait romanced.png
I was going to ask you to marry me tonight!
Shinji portrait romanced.png
I don't think there is anyone else in the universe that gets me more than you.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
And I love you.
CPU portrait confused.png
Captain! Snap out of it!
CPU portrait sad.png
Oh boy, aren't you lovestruck!
I just heard the news...
...and let me be the first to say...
CPU portrait happy.png
CPU portrait happy.png
You really do make a great couple...I'm just so emotional about it all.
This calls for an extra big wedding celebration... full of flowers, good food, streamers, romance, oh and lots of dancing.
I'd be happy to perform the ceremony too... and I won't take no for an answer!
CPU portrait confused.png
What do you say?
CPU portrait confused.png
I'll schedule the ceremony in about a week's time.
We both better get moving, there is so much planning to do before the wedding...
CPU portrait confused.png
. . .*runs task mode*. . .


Captain... you're getting married today!
CPU portrait confused.png
Are you ready to get started?
Welcome everyone to the wedding of $playerName and $spouseName!
The happy couple wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to be here today.
And it only took a couple of broken dollies and a lot of arguing to get me down here too.
As an ordained CPU unit, well versed in many languages and wedding cultures...
...the memories of each wedding I perform occupies a special space in my hard drive.
We have thousands of important moments that happen throughout our lives...
...but this one is special because love is what we share.
In this moment, we are reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of who we are.
$playerName and $spouseName...
now that you have expressed your love and vows for one another...
It is with great joy to officially unite you in the universe as $weddingTitlePlayer and $weddingTitleSpouse.
You may now kiss each other as partners in life.
CPU portrait happy.png
Congratulations to you both!
Allow me to officially introduce the new happy couple for the first time...
CPU portrait happy.png in life... $playerName and $spouseName!
...and now it's also part of my official duties...
CPU portrait happy.png get this party started!
And everyone danced and celebrated well into the evening...
$spouseName has moved into your quarters.