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This page lists the dialogue lines for Shinji.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I have at least a few years before I complete my night classes with Max, but I'm going to drag it out as long as possible.
Shinji portrait sad.png
It's a lot easier living here than dealing with the constant parental assessments back home.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Know what I mean?
I could use a new space racer, I think.
The new models should be out this season, and they have one in Luxury Lemon Yellow I've got my eye on.
Shinji portrait sad.png
Sometimes I feel like the unofficial babysitter around here.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Sprout and Kendall are always trying to hang out with me and it's hard to keep up with their energy.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Did you have to study a lot to pass the captain's entrance exam?
To be honest, it seemed like a waste of time for me to take it. I'd never want to be a captain!
I actually belong to the Young Entrepreneurs Club.
My grandfather and my father belonged to it first and signed me up.
Shinji portrait happy.png
I didn't learn much about business, but we certainly invested in throwing some wild parties!


I use a soothing facial mask before bedtime to keep my skin hydrated.
You should give it a try sometime.
I played a lot of different sports in private school.
I was pretty good, but nothing really stuck with me.
Most of my clothing is made with 100% organic sustainable fibers.
I have sensitive skin.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Shopping on this ship is a little limited... but I'll make do I guess.
Shinji portrait sad.png
I wish Robert would at least entertain the idea of custom orders... *sighs*
I try to wash and polish my space racer every week.
I want to keep the custom paint job in good condition.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Plus, a clean racer just looks so cool.


Hey. What's up?
I should probably be studying for my night class, but Max always gives me extra credit if I help him grade the little kids' papers.
Those guys say the silliest things in their reports sometimes.
Shinji portrait happy.png
It's pretty entertaining.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Every time Sprout comes over with Lin she always runs off.
At first I thought I did something wrong, but now I think she's just super shy.
I got this new racing simulation game that lets me enter in the specs for my actual space racer.
I'll be unstoppable at the club's annual members race this year.
Shinji portrait angry.png
Ugh, being on this ship sometimes gives me a headache.
Shinji portrait sad.png
I mean you never can just go to the beach or take a vacation from all this space.
Shinji portrait sad.png
Lauren is cool but her brother is so obnoxious.
Shinji portrait sad.png
Just because he's really smart doesn't make him better than everyone.
Shinji portrait angry.png
I think he's just jealous of me to be honest.

Good Friend

I designed my own personal cologne.
It's a combination of aromatic herbs, amber resins, and a touch of orange blossoms.
You know [PLAYER], I get along with you better than most people I meet.
Shinji portrait happy.png
It's cool we've become such good friends.
Since you came onboard, I have a lot more interesting updates to tell people when I talk to my friends and family.
They are genuinely rooting for our mission... *awkward pause*
...I mean your mission.
I'm still trying to figure out my place in the universe, but I never felt like I could be myself until I came aboard this ship.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
It gives me a lot to think about.
Sometimes I get sucked into the social feeds of my old friends.
It's addictive to check out their videos and updates.


I think you handle your responsibilities well.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
When I first met you, I thought you looked pretty uptight, but you grow on people.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Maybe one of these days we can take a vacation somewhere together.
I check in from time to time with my family.
Shinji portrait sad.png
If the pressure wasn't mounting enough...
Shinji portrait stressed.png all of my sisters are married so I'm the only single one left.
I'm not sure if I've been a good example for the kids around here, but they've been a good influence on me.
Shinji portrait happy.png
With them always around I feel like I've never behaved better. *laughs*
Shinji portrait sad.png
One day my sisters and I will have to take over the family business.
But I think I will ask my sisters if they can manage without me.
Recently my grandfather and I have had a much better relationship.
We don't say much about it but there just seems to be some kind of understanding.


Shinji portrait romanced.png
You know, I'm surprised how much I'm looking forward to the wedding itself.
Not to be a groomzilla or anything, but it would be nice if we could coordinate our wedding attire.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
I don't want us to clash in the pictures we send back to my family.
Shinji portrait confused.png
My family is starting a trust fund in our name instead of sending gifts. Who knows what that means though.
I know we agreed to postpone a honeymoon so we can just stay aboard.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
But when we do take a trip, promise me I get to plan all the details.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
After we get married, I hope we can always be this happy.


I'm going to be working through my student teacher training so if my books get in your way just let me know.
I'm here to help when I can, but all those Space Alliance responsibilities and duties are not really my thing.
Shinji portrait happy.png
You're my dream partner you know that?
I'll be spending more time in the classroom with Max if you ever need me.
I have two specialty dishes, pasta or veggie burgers.
Shinji portrait stressed.png
So when it's my turn to make dinner... those are your options.
Hey Babe. Do you know what I love about you?
Shinji portrait romanced.png
Shinji portrait sad.png
I'm still kind of mad you beat my high score, but I'm working on taking back my title.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hey, I'm Shinji. But I'm not really part of the crew.
My family paid for my room and board so I'm just studying remotely.
Shinji portrait sad.png
No offense, but I wish they would have picked a less run down ship, I mean how old is this ship anyways?
I'll catch you around, [PLAYER].

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Sooo, I know it's your job to go down to the Grey Planet's surface and check it out.
Shinji portrait sad.png
But it sounds boring.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

You go ahead and do your thing.
I'm sure I'll get the cliff notes about what's going on from the crew.

During the Help Soot mission:

What's up...?
Not much going on here... but I heard you've been busy.
Shinji portrait confused.png
Good for you, I guess?

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Shinji portrait angry.png
I'm just struggling to stay awake today.
Shinji portrait sad.png
I think I need a little pick me up drink.
Here you'll probably need one too if you're going to make it through your staff meeting...
Player receives
Coffee.png Coffee × 1

During the Ready for Departure mission:

So, if I heard right, you're starting a fuel production factory on your deck?
Well, if you have any extra left over, my ship could use a refill too.

During the Travel Days mission:

Finally we're getting away from this dreary rock.
The best planet I ever visited was the Flamingo Fauna World.
Shinji portrait happy.png
You can picture it, right? Well, it's even better than that.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Sorry, I guess I'm kind of out of the loop these days...
Sometimes about microbes... to be honest I was half asleep when I heard about it so I don't really know what's going on.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Hey Captain, good luck heading down to the new planet.
My family always says you must make a strong first impression and never show any weaknesses.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Shinji portrait stressed.png
Come on Captain, you have to take me down to the Blue Reef Planet and at least let me catch a wave or two!
I'm an experienced rider, I can handle it.
Shinji portrait happy.png
I'll go wax my board just in case.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Shinji portrait confused.png
I'm still kind of impressed you made all that medicine yourself.
People have always just done that kind of stuff for me.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Shinji portrait sad.png
It seems whenever we are traveling in space, I get terrible reception to the mainframe database.
Shinji portrait angry.png
My streaming rate is just awful. I don't mean to complain...
Shinji portrait sad.png
But it kind of ruins my day.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Oh you need me?
Shinji portrait confused.png
Whatever it is... Can it wait until later?

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Sounds like you got yourself committed to helping someone else.
Shinji portrait confused.png
I'm still not sure why anyone would want your job.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Shinji portrait confused.png
Hey Captain, are we heading back to any larger outposts any time soon?
PLAYER: No, kind of busy working here.

Alright, alright, I was just wondering...
PLAYER: No, we are already on a mission.

I know... but it's not like we couldn't come right back.
...I mean, I was going to offer you the extra ticket I just got to the Superhero Expo, but just forget it...
Shinji portrait sad.png
I guess I'll just have to catch Nickedemus Geronimo next time he's in this quadrant...

During the New Coordinates mission:

I have to say you really are starting to create a buzz around here.
Shinji portrait happy.png
You have been kind of inspiring to a lot of people.
That must feel nice.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Shinji portrait confused.png
So do you have a plan going down to this new planet or are you just going to wing it?
PLAYER: I have a plan.

Yeah, you do seem the type to plan everything. I bet you always arrive on time to places too.
PLAYER: Wing it all the way.

Nice, I think I've been underestimating you, Captain...
Well let me know how it goes!

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Ha, I won't give you any grief about that landing...
But it's a good thing you are going to work hard to make up for it.
Look... we all screw up, but it's about how you make amends.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

I heard that Bunky has some connections to some elite snowboarding equipment...
Put in a good word for me with him, eh?

During the End of the Road? mission:

Shinji portrait confused.png
I don't know how you keep all this work up every day.
I think I'm going to take a ME day soon.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Heading down to the new planet already?
Shinji portrait stressed.png
Well, good luck and try and stay out of trouble this time.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

That pirate chest. Classic bait and switch... it was so obvious!
Shinji portrait stressed.png
How could you fall for that, [PLAYER]?

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Hey, just so you know being aboard this ship has kind of been a great experience for me.
I'd like to stay aboard no matter what happens in the future.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Shinji portrait happy.png
Out of sight, [PLAYER]. You hit it out of the arena on this one!
I bet you've got it made with Space Alliance now...
If they don't give you whatever assignment you want next, I'd be shocked.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Wow, I am usually the only one who knows how to get me exactly what I want.
Shinji portrait happy.png
This is pretty spot on though, Captain.
Hey, this is really thoughtful of you.
Shinji portrait happy.png
You must know me really well after all.
Cool! You know how they say too much of a good thing is bad.
Shinji portrait happy.png
Well, I completely disagree!

Liked Gift

Sweet. Thanks for this!
Shinji portrait happy.png
Hey, you did alright with this one, Captain...
I can be a little picky, but what can I say, I have high standards.
Thanks for the goods. I always like getting this kind of thing.

Neutral Gift

Alright, cool stuff.
Capital, thanks Cap.
Thanks, Captain. I usually don't have a need for such average stuff but still... you're alright.

Disliked Gift

Shinji portrait sad.png
I think I already have this actually. Not sure I want another.
Shinji portrait sad.png
I really don't like this. Yeah... never have.
Shinji portrait angry.png
Why would you give this to someone like me? I thought you knew me at least a little better than this.

Birthday Response

Shinji portrait happy.png
Awe, thanks for the birthday gift.
And a heads up, I'm expecting a big delivery today.
You know, the usual... a giant birthday cake, a new surfboard, and probably a ton of presents from the extended family.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Shinji portrait happy.png
Are you kidding me?
Shinji portrait happy.png
This is crazy...
Shinji portrait romanced.png
I was going to ask you to marry me tonight!
Shinji portrait romanced.png
I don't think there is anyone else in the universe that gets me more than you.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
And I love you.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Shinji portrait angry.png
This seems kind of sudden...
Shinji portrait sad.png
It kind of feels like you are asking me for the wrong reasons.
Shinji portrait confused.png
But we can still get to know one another better if you want.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Shinji portrait sad.png
You are kind of moving too fast for me.
I'd love to keep dating though...
Tell you what, I'll even be exclusive so we can take this relationship more seriously if that makes you feel better.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Shinji portrait sad.png
It's not that I don't care but...
Shinji portrait sad.png
...realistically we will need a bigger house to live in if we want to make our relationship work long term.
Shinji portrait sad.png
My parents have 32 rooms in their house and sometimes it still feels like they need more space from one another.

The player can also give Shinji an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Shinji portrait happy.png
Awesome, you actually got me a brand-new ring!
Shinji portrait romanced.png
It's even better than the original.
Shinji portrait romanced.png
You are so thoughtful, I'll have to make sure no one else tries to steal you away from me.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Shinji portrait happy.png
Yeah why not, a date sounds like fun.
So... what did you have in mind?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Shinji portrait happy.png
Yes, let's go and do something fun.
I'm down for whatever as long as you pick!

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Shinji portrait confused.png
I'm kind of seeing a couple other people right now.
I think you're cool and all... but let's just see if we can become friends first.