View table: Xenos

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. itemType - String
  3. eggSell - Integer
  4. babySell - Integer
  5. teenSell - Integer
  6. adultSell - Integer

This table has 6 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name itemType eggSell babySell teenSell adultSell
Flutter Bug (edit) Flutter Bug Xeno 250 225 350 700
Leaf Dewy (edit) Leaf Dewy Xeno 250 225 350 700
Mono Lusca (edit) Mono Lusca Xeno 250 225 350 700
Mystic Ratite (edit) Mystic Ratite Xeno 250 225 350 700
Puff Puff (edit) Puff Puff Xeno 250 225 350 700
Rock Crawler (edit) Rock Crawler Xeno 250 225 350 700