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This page has the event information for Sprout.


Cutscenes triggered from different friendship levels, can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Book Club (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Lin, Sprout, or Max at good friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the medical and science deck.

Lin portrait happy.png
Okay everyone, welcome back to [SHIP NAME]'s Bookworm Book Club.
How did you all like our last book?
Sprout portrait happy.png
This one was my favorite so far! The main character was so cool and funny. *gushy*
That's great to hear!
I also really enjoyed all the visuals about the landscapes and animals.
What about you Max? Did you enjoy the book?
Max opens book.
Max scans the entire book in a few seconds.
Ah yes, very good.
Lin portrait confused.png
Wait. Max...
Lin portrait confused.png
...you can't just read the whole book right at the book club meeting.
Lin portrait sad.png
You need to absorb it. Analyze the story details before you arrive so that we can have a discussion about it.
Max portrait confused.png
I do?
Sprout portrait sad.png
Yeah. Look at this...
Sprout portrait sad.png
I took all kinds of notes about the characters and how they grew throughout the story and everything.
Sprout portrait sad.png
*Sprout shows Max pages of careful notes*
Max portrait confused.png
I'm confused.
Max portrait confused.png
I finished the story just fine. It ends halfway down on page 318.
Lin portrait happy.png
Haha yes, we believe you read it Max. That's not what we mean.
Is there anything interesting about the story you would like to share with us maybe?
Max portrait confused.png
Hmmm well...
Max portrait happy.png
Yes. There were 14 spelling mistakes and 31 grammatical errors.
But that is not uncommon for human writings. I just didn't think it was worth mentioning before.
Sprout portrait angry.png
Oh brother. There he goes again!
Sprout portrait angry.png
Sorry Max, but if I was the teacher, I would give you a big fat INCOMPLETE on this assignment.
Sprout portrait sad.png
...but that's just me.
Well let's not go that far, but maybe you should try again with a different approach with our next book.
Next time focus on the characters' motivations, thoughts, and feelings. Okay?
Max portrait confused.png
I see.
Max portrait confused.png
Usually with fiction, I refer to the qualified scholars' interpretations...
Max portrait confused.png
...but doing my own analysis would be an interesting challenge.
I'll try harder next time.
That reminds me.
Since I get to pick this time... here's our next book.
Sprout portrait happy.png
'<i>Nickedemus Geronimo Battles the Pink Robots from Mars!</i>'
It's a fan fiction adventure with loads of action!
Lin portrait happy.png
Haha alright, good choice. I'm looking forward to it.
Max portrait confused.png
Yes. Interesting...

*trails off in thought*

Book Club (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Lin, Sprout, or Max at best friend friendship status or higher, and must have already seen the first book club cutscene. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the medical and science deck.

Lin portrait happy.png
Welcome again to [SHIP NAME]'s Bookworm Book Club. Part two.
I hope everyone had a chance to really dig into the details of this new book...
'<i>Nickedemus Geronimo Battles the Pink Robots from Mars!</i>'
Lin portrait happy.png
Well, I for one thought it was fascinating.
Yeah! Nickedemus got his butt kicked in the beginning of the book, but then came back fighting against all odds.
Sprout portrait happy.png
That was so cool when he took on all those robot baddies at the end.
I think it was all the training he did that made him win that final battle.
Yes, he overcame a ton of physical challenges, didn't he?
But I found it most impressive that he also overcame his fear of confronting his twin brother about their complex past.
Well, Max?
Did you have any luck relating to this story or our hero Nickedemus?
Max portrait sad.png
No. I didn't.
Lin portrait confused.png
Sprout portrait angry.png
Sprout portrait angry.png
Again, Max?! I don't believe it.
Sprout portrait confused.png
Did you try to imagine yourself as Nickedemus Geronimo?
I analyzed Nickedemus and 'wore his shoes' as the saying goes.
But no matter how I judged his actions I could not help but feel empathy for...
Max portrait stressed.png
...all those pink robots.
Lin portrait confused.png
Max portrait stressed.png
Yes, the robots were programmed to be evil...
Max portrait confused.png
But could they choose their own functions or algorithms?
Max portrait confused.png
Did they have the autonomy that we all take for granted?
Max portrait stressed.png
I don't think so...
Max portrait stressed.png
Perhaps, Nickedemus could have peacefully resolved the conflict if a good understanding of robotics was introduced.
He acted quite illogically in my opinion.
Sprout portrait confused.png
Yes. The pink robots were very logical and predictable. I related to that the most.
Since 'evil' was a parameter and not a constant, there could have been an easy resolution here.
Nickedemus's illogical choices got him into deeper and deeper conflict amongst the robots.
It is Space Alliance Principle #4. He should have known better.
Lin portrait happy.png
Wow Max... I had never thought of it like that.
I'm not sure that was the intent of our writer, but that is the beauty of our book club.
We can all share our unique perspectives.
Lin portrait happy.png
Thank you for elaborating, Max. I think you really taught us something today.
Yeah. Good job, Max.
Sprout portrait happy.png
I'd give you an A+ this time!
Max portrait happy.png
Why thank you, Sprout. That means a lot coming from you.