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This page lists the dialogue lines for Sprout.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I like to use acronyms and acrostics to memorize things.
That's how I memorized the periodic tables... you say 'Happy Henry Likes Beautiful Beaches'.
Each word starts with the symbol for the first 5 elements! Neat, huh!
Sprout portrait happy.png
Henry is my pet fish and he gave me the idea.
Sprout portrait happy.png
My favorite subject in school is science.
Sprout portrait sad.png
Grammar, vocabulary, and composition classes are so boring...
I usually bring my lunch to school with me because I'm allergic to most nuts... especially peanuts.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
I get all puffed up and turn bright purple.
Kendall is teaching me how to stand up to bullies in case I ever run into one.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
*thinks about it* I better keep practicing.
I like my glasses.
Sprout portrait happy.png
Especially when my dad lets me put little stickers on the frames.


My backpack is kind of heavy... but I can't part with any of my books or journals.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
What if I encounter something I need them for?
I carry a little spray bottle with me so I can have a mist when I get thirsty.
Sprout portrait happy.png
I even add fruit flavoring to make the water extra refreshing.
I have made up my mind to count to 1 million one day...
...Or should I say days because it's going to take a long time to count that high.
I love collecting fluorescent minerals because they glow under my UV lamp.
So far I have calcite, fluorite, and sodalite, but I want them all!
*takes a deep breath*
*blows out air with a little high-pitched squeal...*
Sprout portrait happy.png
Captain, I whistled! I've been practicing ever since Kendall showed me how.


Lin is really nice and always likes to hang out with me.
But Shinji is even cooler, and you know what?
Sprout portrait happy.png
He said I could play soccer with him one day.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
*gasp* Oh no... I just remembered I'm not very good at sports though.
My home world is sooo neat, but you guys would have a hard time down there.
Sprout portrait sad.png
Most of our natural resources are deadly to the human species.
When I get older, I want to be a great inventor and make tons of credits.
I'd buy the biggest chemistry set you can imagine...
Sprout portrait happy.png
...maybe even bigger than that.
Kaida lets me help her with her experiments sometimes, but my dad tells me not to bug her too much.
Sprout portrait happy.png
I told him, I'm not a bug! *giggles*
My teacher, you know, Max, is like the smartest person I know.
He challenged me to be smarter than him and I told him I accepted!

Good Friend

I love having dreams at night...
Sometimes I'm an explorer or other times I'm a lead scientist.
You should always be the hero in your dreams.
I have a cool enamel pin set, too.
I like the ones with cute animals or ones that are super colorful.
I've thought a lot about this, and I think we need to sit down soon and come up with a super-secret handshake.
Sprout portrait happy.png
All good friends have one so why shouldn't we?
I'm going to put together a time capsule of our mission and bury it somewhere on the ship.
It might be hard to find a place to dig around here... but I have a few ideas.
It's kind of hard being so short, but everyone thinks I'm extra cute... so that does have its advantages.

Best Friend

Sprout portrait confused.png
Hey Captain, are we going to be friends forever?
Sprout portrait stressed.png
Sprout portrait stressed.png
My dad said I can only have one more collection, so I'm trying to decide between a sticker collection or a micro-organism collection.
Sprout portrait sad.png
This choice is impossible.
Sprout portrait happy.png
Time to celebrate!
You are looking at the newest Chapter President of the Lil' Explorers Club.
Take it all in, you don't see a president every day I bet!
Sprout portrait happy.png
I couldn't have done it without you.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
Sometimes when the ship goes through some rough space, I get a little scared.
Sprout portrait sad.png
I wish anxiety listened to logic and reasoning.
One day I'll have to return to my home planet to put roots down for a while.
I sure hope all my research on social behaviors will get the other plants to like me.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hey, Captain! I'm Sprout.
Wow... you are a lot taller than I imagined.
I bet you are popular.
Sprout portrait confused.png
Did you know over 65% of all trainee captains drop out of the program within their first year...
Since my arrival on this ship we've had a 100% drop out rate which is statistically impressive...
Sprout portrait stressed.png
...oh, not that you would... I mean you look very capable... ugh, shoot!
Sprout portrait stressed.png
There goes my first impression.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Shuttle crafts are some of the safest forms of transportation.
They only malfunction less than two percent of the time when they are maintained and serviced properly.
So you should be all set.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

So what did you find?
PLAYER: *whisper the details*

Sprout portrait happy.png
WOAH! This is major!!!
PLAYER: Sorry!

Sprout portrait angry.png
Blah... I can't stand the anticipation!
Come on, I promise I won't tell Kaida you told me first...
Sprout portrait confused.png
How about you whisper it to me?
Sprout portrait happy.png
*bursting at the leaf*

During the Help Soot mission:

Captain, remember that the gravitational pull on the Grey Planet is only 6.87 m/s² so you might feel a little lighter.
If you exert too much strength, you might accidentally break things...
Sprout portrait stressed.png
...And then you might get grounded.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Sprout portrait confused.png
Captain, are you nervous about your meeting?
PLAYER: A little.

I get that way too right before I have to give a presentation. I just recite a bunch of tongue twisters to warm up.
PLAYER: Why would I be?

Sprout portrait stressed.png
I'm always nervous that I'll say something silly or that people will laugh at me.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Is a fuel refiner machine scary? I'm not allowed near machinery without adult plant supervision, but maybe next year when I'm older.

During the Travel Days mission:

It's my turn to bring the school snack.
I'm bringing these nut-free fruit bars Lin helped me make.
Sprout portrait happy.png
You can have one too, Captain.
Player receives
Fruit bar.png Fruit bar × 1

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Sprout portrait confused.png
Captain, did you see the bulletin board in the Science Lab?
PLAYER: I saw it.

Sprout portrait happy.png
Isn't it cool... what an opportunity!
PLAYER: Not yet.

Sprout portrait happy.png
Oh... well... you should check it out right away.
I can't believe Space Alliance is offering up credits for collecting microbes...
Sprout portrait happy.png
I want to get in on the action too!

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

I can't believe we have arrived at an uncharted planet!
Sprout portrait happy.png
My Lil' Explorers Club is soooo jealous of me right now.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Sprout portrait happy.png
Wow Captain, did you love meeting all those new people on the Blue Reef Planet?
PLAYER: Sure did!

I bet they were soooo surprised when you showed up.
PLAYER: I'm not sure.

Sprout portrait stressed.png
They probably just made a bad first impression because they weren't feeling good.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
It must be terrible to feel so awful...
Sprout portrait stressed.png
My dad told me being landsick is kind of like having allergies.
Sprout portrait stressed.png
And sometimes I get really bad allergies so I TOTALLY understand what it's like. *deep thinking*
You know, popsicles always cheer me up when I'm sick so maybe I'll ask my dad if we can make some later for them.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Sprout portrait angry.png
Captain, someone stole the pyrite geode rock from my collection and I'm so mad right now!
Sprout portrait angry.png
*stomps* Sometimes this ship just feels too small you know!

During the Journey Onward mission:

Sprout portrait confused.png
Do you ever count the stars to fall asleep?
Sprout portrait sad.png
Once I counted 2,537 stars before I finally just stopped and tried something else... it actually doesn't work that well.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Make sure to pack a first aid kid before you head down to the new planet.
Sprout portrait happy.png
Hurry back too, I can't wait to hear all the details.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Sprout portrait happy.png
Captain... I knew it. You are popular!
I'm already studying up on the decapod crustacean species.
I think that crab and I could be great friends, if I can find some common interests.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Sprout portrait confused.png
I wonder exactly where Hermy found that Relic Piece...
Sprout portrait confused.png
Do you think it was buried in all that sand or was it lying next to a rock?
Maybe I'll get to ask him one day...

During the New Coordinates mission:

Maybe I'll start a puzzle while we are traveling.
I've got this new one that has over 5000 pieces... and it's a picture of a really cute glow bug.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Sprout portrait happy.png
We're here, we're here!
Captain, I dare you to explore that whole planet down there...
Sprout portrait happy.png
Double dog dare you... ha... now you have to do it!

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Sprout portrait stressed.png
Captain, did snow fly everywhere when you hit that igloo?
Sprout portrait stressed.png
I bet they were super mad. You better start your apology letter right away.
Sprout portrait sad.png
I'm soooo glad I'm not you right now.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Rumble and Tumble are like the coolest kids I've ever seen.
Sprout portrait happy.png
I hope they like me.
I've already asked my dad if we can do a sleepover one day.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Sprout portrait sad.png
I think I caught a pathogen or something because I have been kind of sick lately.
Sprout portrait sad.png
I bet you're glad I'm not contagious to your species, huh?

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Sprout portrait sad.png
All of this adventure has worn me right out.
But I know that you need my help, so we will see it through to the end together.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Captain, you are super tough! How did you not run away?
Did you flex your muscles or give them a long stare down?
Sprout portrait angry.png
I've been practicing my stare down face in case they try to mess with me.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

OK, I have a prediction about the Relic...
I think when you put the last relic piece in... a giant monster is going to explode out from underground and try to eat you.
You're going to have to battle it out, but don't worry, you'll win in the end and tame the monster.
Sprout portrait happy.png
Then we'll have a monster that can protect our ship on new adventures.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Sprout portrait happy.png
Woah Captain, just woah...
I bet it was super awesome and amazing to be down on that planet when the relic transformed!
You are going to be famous in Space Alliance for this discovery for sure...
And I'll get to tell everyone that I knew you and was on the mission when Viridis was discovered.
Sprout portrait happy.png
This is like the best thing I've ever done in my life so far.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Sprout portrait happy.png
Ahh! This is going straight into my collection! Thanks!
Sprout portrait happy.png
This is a super gift... no... like a super-duper gift! Thanks a million, Captain!
Sprout portrait happy.png
You knew I would love this didn't you!
Sometimes don't you just wake up and go hey I know who would love this... and in this case you were right.

Liked Gift

Hehe. I like this.
Hey this is cool. I think it would probably be on my list of things I like...
...maybe not at the top of the list, but definitely not at the bottom either.
Sprout portrait happy.png
Neat-O, Captain. I bet your room is full of cool stuff like this.

Neutral Gift

Neat-O... with a capital O!
Spiffy! Everything you bring me is so fascinating.
Thanks! I bet this would look cool under a microscope.

Disliked Gift

Sprout portrait sad.png
I don't get it. What am I supposed to do with this?
Sprout portrait angry.png
No! Take it away. I don't want this at all.
Sprout portrait sad.png
You really shouldn't bring me stuff like this, Captain.

Birthday Response

Sprout portrait happy.png
A birthday gift just for me! Thank you, Captain!
I can't believe I'm finally a year older!
I already gave my dad the list of things he said I could do when I'm older, but he's already moving some of the stuff on the list to next year's list.
Sprout portrait happy.png
As long as some of the things stick, I'll be happy.