Template:Mission infobox

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This template adds rows to the table "Missions", which is declared by the template Mission infobox/Cargo declare. View table.

Template-info.svg Documentation Edit this documentation at Template:Mission_infobox/doc.

Infobox for missions in the game

Related Modules, Templates, or Tables:


{{Mission infobox
<!-- These items are only needed if override from default is appropriate. -->
|name        = Mission name (default is PAGENAME)

<!-- Mission information -->
|id       = Data-name of the quest (called "m_Name"). (string)
|obj      = High level objective of the mission (string)
|type     = Type of mission: Primary / Crew / BB (bulletin board). (string)
|time     = How long until this mission expires. Default is "Unlimited". (string)
|location = If this mission is triggered by a specific planet. (string)
|prereq   = If this mission has prerequisites. (string)
|requires = Items that are required to complete this quest. Use a semi-colon (;) delimited list, use asterisk (*) to note quantity of item and a forward-slash with a "1" to note super-quality specific items (/1). (string)
|rewards  = Items that are rewarded after completing this mission. Use a semi-colon (;) delimited list, use asterisk (*) to note quantity of item and a forward-slash with a "1" to note super-quality specific items (/1). (string)
|npcs     = List of NPCs who are involved with this quest. Use a semi-colon (;) delimited list. (string)
|prev     = Previous quest in the chronology. Use page name of previous mission. (string)
|next     = Next quest in the chronology. Use page name of next mission. (string)

Mission Type: Primary missions have a questType of 0 in the data. Crew missions have a questType of 1 in the data. Bulletin Board missions have a questType of 2 in the data.
