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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. objective - String
  3. time - String
  4. type - String
  5. requiresText - Wikitext
  6. prevMission - String
  7. nextMission - String
  8. missionID - String

This table has 76 rows altogether.

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Page name objective time type requiresText prevMission nextMission missionID
A little of this and that (edit) A little of this and that Bunky is looking for a few items he hasn't been able to find himself. He'll give you a Bunky sized hug if you help him out. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Bunky will request one of the following:

Hardware parts.png Hardware parts × 4-8
Chips.png Chips × 1-2
Star garnet.png Star garnet × 1
A New Homestead (edit) A New Homestead Bertie from the Iceladus Cluster is moving into a perfectly good, abandoned igloo. Bring her a few machines and furniture items to get her settled in. Unlimited Crew Mission S_IceHomesteading
Always Looking (edit) Always Looking Hermy is in need of a few specific items this time, but will also take museum donations anytime. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Hermy will request one of the following:

Dark matter.png Dark matter × 20-30
Cosmic jelly.png Cosmic jelly × 4-8
Electro plasma.png Electro plasma × 2-3
Seaweed.png Seaweed × 2-5
Dried fruit.png Dried fruit × 1-2
Burlap fabric.png Burlap fabric × 1-2
Assistance Required (edit) Assistance Required I-1900 is requiring assistance to attain certain items. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

I1900 will request one of the following:

Planter.png Planter × 1
Pretty necklace.png Pretty necklace × 1
Silver ore.png Silver ore × 3-8
Desert flower.png Desert flower × 3-5
Pirate hook.png Pirate hook × 2
Backup Requested (edit) Backup Requested Max is looking for someone to collaborate with and collect a few items he posted on the digital board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Max will request one of the following:

Vegetable oil.png Vegetable oil × 1
Aluminium.png Aluminium × 1-3
Small bookcase.png Small bookcase × 1
Nanobot.png Nanobot × 1
Fine puff puff wool.png Fine puff puff wool × 1-2
Autographed book.png Autographed book × 1
Chilly Company (edit) Chilly Company Spooksie is looking for a few things, but it seems more like an excuse to get someone to come and visit her. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Spooksie will request one of the following:

Earl grey tea.png Earl grey tea × 1
Shiny flutter silk.png Shiny flutter silk × 1-2
Mystic feather.png Mystic feather × 1-2
Gold.png Gold × 2
Strawberry.png Strawberry × 2-6
Constructing a Telescope (edit) Constructing a Telescope Mechi, the Transmitter Bot on the Desert Dunes Planet, wants to construct a telescope to enjoy in its retirement. Bring it the supplies it needs to finish the job. Unlimited Crew Mission S_DesertTelescope
Decoding the Message (edit) Decoding the Message Earn the pirates trust by bringing them radiated crops and materials to finish building their translator. Unlimited Primary Mission End of the Road? P_REQUEST_LAVA_PIRATE
End of the Road? (edit) End of the Road? Head towards the new location unlocked by the Relic. Unlimited Primary Mission

Arrive at Lava Lakes.

Ice Relic Piece Explorer Badge P_ARRIVE_LAVA
Excavation Thieves (edit) Excavation Thieves Zap potential thieves for Hermy 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

Explorer's Club (edit) Explorer's Club Sprout is making a map to show to his exploration club. Help him map the Grey Planet. Unlimited Crew Mission

Explore all the checkpoints on the Grey Planet.

Extra Supplies (edit) Extra Supplies Steven is looking for a few items for perhaps his next great art piece? 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Steven will request one of the following:

Premium ink.png Premium ink × 1-2
Glass.png glass × 1-3
Stone composite.png stone composite × 6-8
Recycled parts.png recycled parts × 5-10
Burlap fabric.png burlap fabric × 1-2
Flutter silk.png flutter silk × 1-2
Fighting Off the Cold (edit) Fighting Off the Cold Help Bunky recover his winter supplies, and find him a replacement anniversary gift to exchange with the Relic piece. Unlimited Primary Mission New Coordinates End of the Road? P_REQUEST_ICE_BUNKY
Fixer Upper (edit) Fixer Upper Your Captain's Deck is looking rough. Unlimited Crew Mission

Use the Restoration Ray to clean up 10 holes or garbage piles.

Fixing the Shellship (edit) Fixing the Shellship Bring Hermy items so he can repair his sellship. Unlimited Primary Mission Journey Onward New Coordinates P_REQUEST_DESERT_HERMY
Formal Request (edit) Formal Request. CienaVi has formally requested some items on the bulletin. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

CienaVi will request one of the following:

Royal nectar.png Royal nectar × 2-3
Flutter silk fabric.png Flutter silk fabric × 1-2
Ginger.png Ginger × 1-1
Ocean flower.png Ocean flower × 3-5
Diamond.png Diamond × 1
Fuel Production (edit) Fuel Production Learn how to make fuel for the ship, and produce enough fuel to make the journey Unlimited Primary Mission Crew Meeting Travel Days P_VISIT_ENGINE_ROOM
Gift Giving (edit) Gift Giving Part of being a good captain is showing the crew how much they are appreciated. Unlimited Crew Mission

Talk to 5 crew members and give someone a gift.

Good Neighbors (edit) Good Neighbors Help Piper restock the items she posted on the digital board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Piper will request one of the following:

Flour.png Flour × 1-2
Sugar.png Sugar × 1-2
Wild yeast.png Wild yeast × 1
Canned veggies.png Canned veggies × 1
Cotton fabric.png Cotton fabric × 1-2
Vinegar.png Vinegar × 1-2
Growing Blue Reef crops (edit) Growing Blue Reef Crops Bring Lin a variety of Blue Reef crops. Unlimited Crew Mission S_StartProducing02Ocean
Growing Desert Dunes crops (edit) Growing Desert Dunes Crops Bring Lin a variety of Desert Dunes crops. Unlimited Crew Mission S_StartProducing03Desert
Growing Iceladus crops (edit) Growing Iceladus Crops Bring Lin a variety of Iceladus Planet crops. Unlimited Crew Mission S_StartProducing04Ice
Growing Lava Crops (edit) Growing Lava Crops Bring Lin a variety of Lava Lakes Planet crops. Unlimited Crew Mission S_StartProducing05Lava
Growing Viridis crops (edit) Growing Viridis Crops Bring Lin a variety of Viridis Planet crops. Unlimited Crew Mission S_StartProducing06Utopia
Hatch a Xeno (edit) Hatch a Xeno Build a Xeno Pod, put an egg into the incubator, and wait to see what happens. Unlimited Crew Mission

Hatch one Xeno

HELP (edit) HELP... Help Kendall with the items she has requested on the digital board. She did promise to be BFFs if you help her out too. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kendall will request one of the following:

Chocolate bar.png Chocolate bar × 1
Friendship cake.png Friendship cake × 1
Grapes.png Grapes × 2-5
Pet rock.png Pet rock × 3-5
Soy milk.png Soy milk × 1
Clam shell.png Clam shell × 1-3
Help Needed (edit) Help Needed Frances has been so busy and could use some help acquiring a few items. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Frances will request one of the following:

E. coli.png E. coli × 1
Peanuts.png Peanuts × 1-2
Cotton.png Cotton × 2-3
Toxic bacteria.png Toxic bacteria × 1
Hardware parts.png Hardware parts × 2-4
Minerals.png Minerals × 2-4
Help Soot (edit) Help Soot Grow and deliver some food to help Soot. Maybe he can tell us more about the Relic once he's fed. Unlimited Primary Mission Report Back to Kaida Missing Piece P_REQUEST_GREY_SOOT
Home Decorating (edit) Home Decorating Piper wants to make sure you feel at home, and has encouraged you to build a couch and a plant to make your space cozier. Unlimited Crew Mission

Build a couch, Build any plant

Hungry Critters (edit) Hungry Critters Zap hungry critters for Robert 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

T_KillEnemies_Hungry Critters
In a Pickle (edit) In a Pickle Bring Lin the items she requested on the digital board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Lin will request one of the following:

Glass.png Glass × 2-3
Soybeans.png Soybeans × 2-5
Conch shell.png Conch shell × 5-8
Atom apple.png Atom apple × 1-3
Cactus fruit.png Cactus fruit × 1-3
Green algae.png Green algae × 1-2
Journey Onward (edit) Journey Onward Head towards the new location unlocked by the Relic. Unlimited Primary Mission

Arrive at Desert Dunes

Mysterious Artifact (Blue Reef) Discover a New World P_ARRIVE_DESERT
Knick Knacks (edit) Knick Knacks Edward's looking for some help and could use the items he requested A.S.A.P. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Edward will request one of the following:

Lost sock.png Lost sock × 1
Nectar.png Nectar × 1-3
Copper ore.png Copper ore × 5-10
Silver.png Silver × 1-2
Pirate hook.png Pirate hook × 1-3
Land Sickness Cure (edit) Land Sickness Cure Unlimited Primary Mission Travel Days Journey Onward P_REQUEST_OCEAN_KING
Laser Field Testing (edit) Laser Field Testing Test laser baster upgrades for Edward 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

Leaving the Pond (edit) Leaving the Pond CienaVi wants to accompany you on your mission and represent her people in space. See Edward in the Machine Shop about repairing some fancy crew quarters and return to CienaVi when the space is available. Unlimited Crew Mission

Fix the fancy quarters aboard the ship.

Little Dweller Lunchboxes (edit) Little Dweller Lunchboxes Bring one of the Ocean Kingdom guards some kid-approved lunchtime favorite foods. Unlimited Crew Mission S_OCEAN_LUNCHBOXES
Local Wildlife (edit) Local Wildlife Zap local wildlife for Kaida 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

Master Explorer (edit) Master Explorer Reach exploration zone 30 on each planet. Unlimited Crew Mission

Reach level 30 on the Grey Planet
Reach level 30 on Blue Reef
Reach level 30 on Desert Dunes
Reach level 30 on Iceladus
Reach level 30 on Lava Lakes
Reach level 30 on Viridis

Meet the Crew (edit) Meet the Crew Meet the ships crew! Unlimited Primary Mission

Meet the rest of the ships crew

The Grey Planet P_MeetTheCrew
Microbe Request (edit) Microbe Request Doc12 requested a certain type of microbe to be caught for a clinical study. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Doc12 will request one of the following:

Good microbe.png Good microbe × 2-3
Bad microbe.png Bad microbe × 2-3
Neutral microbe.png Neutral microbe × 2-3
Wild microbe.png Wild microbe × 2-3
Microbe Seeking (edit) Microbe Seeking Help Frances monitor the health of the ship's microbiome by catching some microbes with a Microbe Detector. Unlimited Crew Mission

Catch Good microbe.png good microbe × 1
Catch Neutral microbe.png neutral microbe × 1
Catch Bad microbe.png bad microbe × 1
Catch Wild microbe.png wild microbe × 1

Microbiome Monitoring (edit) Microbe Monitoring Frances could use help catching microbes. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Frances will request one of the following:

Good microbe.png Good microbe × 2-3
Bad microbe.png Bad microbe × 2-3
Neutral microbe.png Neutral microbe × 2-3
Wild microbe.png Wild microbe × 2-3
Missing Piece (edit) Missing Piece Deliver the relic. Unlimited Primary Mission

Deliver the relic.
Discuss next steps with the officers.

Help Soot Fuel Production P_DELIVER_GREY_RELIC
New Business Owners (edit) New Business Owners The Bunky family would like to join the crew and start a new business adventure. Unlimited Crew Mission

Fix up the storefront quarters

New Coordinates (edit) New Coordinates Head towards the new location unlocked by the Relic. Unlimited Primary Mission

Arrive at Iceladus.

Desert Relic Piece The Planet Below P_ARRIVE_ICE
Objects Request (edit) Objects Request Help Doc12 obtain what she has requested on the bulletin board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Doc12 will request one of the following:

Food ration.png Food ration × 1
Cosmic jelly.png Cosmic jelly × 3-6
Pollen.png Pollen × 3-5
Dust mite.png Dust mite × 1-2
Vitamins.png Vitamins × 2-3
Garlic.png Garlic × 1-3
Bismuth.png Bismuth × 1-2
Off the Books (edit) Off the Books Bring Robert what he requested on the digital board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Robert will request one of the following:

Neptunian ale.png Neptunian ale × 1
Aluminium.png Aluminium × 2-5
Jute.png Jute × 2-4
Pepper.png Pepper × 1-3
Offerings (edit) Offerings Fiji has been searching far and wide for a couple of key offerings. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Fiji will request one of the following:

Spices.png Spices × 1-2
Aluminium ore.png Aluminium ore × 3-8
Feather.png Feather × 1-2
Sea glass.png Sea glass × 1
Ice flower.png Ice flower × 2-5
Personal Request (edit) Personal Request Kaida is looking for a few items. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kaida will request one of the following:

Sand.png Sand × 6-12
Stone.png Stone × 15-25
Petrified wood.png Petrified wood × 1
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 12-18
Rogue obsidian.png Rogue obsidian × 1
Pesky Buggers (edit) Pesky Buggers Zap local wildlife for CPU 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

Pumpkin Carving (edit) Pumpkin Carving Sadie the Goat has fallen in love with the human tradition of carving pumpkins. Bring her the materials she needs to create some scary jack-o-lanterns. Unlimited Crew Mission S_LavaPumpkinCarving
Recruit the Security Officer (edit) Recruit the Security Officer Daxton wants to join the crew to achieve his dream of becoming a Space Alliance officer. Unlimited Crew Mission

Fix the docking station and the security officer quarters aboard the ship.

Scientific research (Blue Reef) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Blue Reef related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch02Ocean
Scientific research (Desert Dunes) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Desert Dunes related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch03Desert
Scientific research (Grey Planet) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Grey Planet related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch01Grey
Scientific research (Iceladus) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Iceladus related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch04Ice
Scientific research (Lava Lakes) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Lava Lakes related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch05Lava
Scientific research (Viridis) (edit) Scientific Research Bring Viridis Planet related samples to Kaida Unlimited Crew Mission S_ScienceResearch06Utopia
Secret Surprise (edit) Secret Surprise Rumble and Tumble have posted on the digital board looking for items they claim are for a surprise... but who really knows. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Rumble and Tumble will request one of the following:

Scrap metal block.png Scrap metal block × 2-5
Wires.png Wires × 3-4
Slime mold.png Slime mold × 1-3
Snowshoes.png Snowshoes × 1
Peanut butter.png Peanut butter × 1-2
Services (edit) Services Shinji is asking for a few items in between care packages from home. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Shinji will request one of the following:

Storage bin.png Storage bin × 1
Soy milk.png Soy milk × 1-2
Dark matter fuel.png Dark matter fuel × 2-8
Chocolate cake.png Chocolate cake × 1
A.V.O..png A.V.O. × 1-2
Shuttle Craft Agitators (edit) Shuttle Craft Agitators Zap local agitators for Daxton 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Kill enemies on the local planet.

Simple Request (edit) Simple Request Jimmy's looking for a few things on his own and rather not ask his dad. Help him get a hold of the items he posted. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Jimmy will request one of the following:

Electro plasma.png Electro plasma × 2-3
Furnace.png Furnace × 1
Metal locker.png Metal locker × 1
Prism shard.png Prism shard × 1
Stone.png Stone × 15-25
Small Favor (edit) Small Favor Pilot's home is running out of supplies and could use some help restocking. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Pilot will request one of the following:

Soil bacteria.png Soil bacteria × 1-2
Food ration.png Food ration × 2-3
Fertilizer.png Fertilizer × 2-3
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 10-15
Potted desert flower.png Potted desert flower × 1 Sunstone
Stuff (edit) Stuff Sprout needs some items for his science project. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Sprout will request one of the following:

Corn seeds.png corn seeds × 1-2
Sand.png sand × 8-12
Water flea.png water flea × 1
Tumbleweed.png tumbleweed × 2-6
Applesauce.png applesauce × 1
Titanium ore.png titanium ore × 4-10
Supplies Needed (edit) Supplies Needed Stewart has posted some items he has been looking for. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Stewart will request one of the following:

Recycled parts.png Recycled parts × 8-16
Graphite.png graphite × 1-4
Wires.png wires × 1-3
Dark matter.png dark matter × 15-25
Pumpkin.png pumpkin × 1
Supply Run (edit) Supply Run Daxton's looking for a few items for some personal projects. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Daxton will request one of the following:

Electro plasma.png Electro plasma × 2-3
Dark matter fuel.png Dark matter fuel × 2-5
Pasta sauce.png Pasta sauce × 1-1
Gold ore.png Gold ore × 4-8
Medallion.png Medallion × 1-2
Carbon nano-tubes.png Carbon nano-tubes × 1-2
Stone composite.png Stone composite × 5-10
Surplus Wanted (edit) Surplus Wanted Chip could take a couple extra items off your hands, if you have a surplus. Report to Chip once you have fulfilled his requests. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Chip will request one of the following:

Potato.png Potato × 1-3
Onion.png Onion × 1-3
Dried veggies.png Dried veggies × 1-3
Compost machine.png Compost machine × 1-1
Tomato.png Tomato × 2-3
Tardigrade Farm (edit) Tardigrade Farm One of the Viridian Residents wants to create a small tardigrade farm. Bring them some materials to build a suitable habitat and a few tardigrades to get the farm started. Unlimited Crew Mission S_UtopiaTardigradeFarm
Team Player (edit) Team Player Lauren is looking for a few things she posted on the digital board. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Lauren will request one of the following:

Snowball.png Snowball × 3-6
Probiotics.png Probiotics × 1
Lettuce.png Lettuce × 1-2
Fruit jam.png Fruit jam × 1
Carrot.png Carrot × 1-2
Playing cards.png Playing cards × 1
The Grey Planet (edit) Visit the Grey Planet Unlimited Primary Mission Meet the Crew Help Soot P_VisitGreyPlanet
Tiny Microbes (edit) Tiny Microbes Sprout wants to peer review his microbe report by an adult. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Sprout will request one of the following:

Good microbe.png Good microbe × 2-3
Bad microbe.png Bad microbe × 2-3
Neutral microbe.png Neutral microbe × 2-3
Wild microbe.png Wild microbe × 2-3
Too Many Errands (edit) Too Many Errands Spunky has been running errands all week and could use some help getting a hold of a few items. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

Spunky will request one of the following:

First aid kit.png First aid kit × 1
Ink.png Ink × 1-2
Pearl.png Pearl × 1
Vegetable juice.png Vegetable juice × 1-2
Acorn.png Acorn × 2-3
Travel Days (edit) Travel Days Journey to the new location unlocked by the Relic. Waiting is the hardest part. Unlimited Primary Mission

Arrive at Blue Reef

Ready for Departure The Unknown Planet P_ARRIVE_OCEAN
Traveling Museum (edit) Traveling Museum Hermy would like to collaborate with you on your mission as a traveling museum curator. Unlimited Crew Mission

Repair the vehicle docking stations

Trinkets (edit) Trinkets CPU has sent the word out that he's looking for a few items. 2-5 days Bulletin Board Request

CPU will request one of the following:

Music box.png Music box × 1
Storage bin.png Storage bin × 1-3
Viridis flower.png Viridis flower × 4-8
Wires.png Wires × 3-5
Battery.png Battery × 1