Meteorite extractor

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Meteorite extractor.png
Extracts and reveals items found within a meteorite.
Item Information
Category Machine
Merchant Information
Sell 260 Credits.png

Meteorite extractor is a machine which can be crafted by the player at the workbench. The meteorite extractors, extract valuable materials from metorites the player can find while exploring various planets. Often the intense heat of a falling meteor can be the transforming factor to create a gem or valuable stone within. Rarely, the impact of a meteorite can cause an unintended item to actually embed itself within its core. There are different rarities of meteorites, but in all cases this machine carefully breaks apart the surrounding waste rock to reveal valuable items and resources inside. It's a simple and exciting process.



Product Ingredients Machine Time
Meteorite extractor.png
Meteorite extractor
Recycled parts.png Recycled parts × 25
Copper.png Copper × 6
Stone.png Stone × 80
Workbench.png instant



LovedNo character loves this item.
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DislikedNo character dislikes this item.


No crafting recipe needs Meteorite extractor as an ingredient.


Mission NameMission ObjectiveMission RequirementsMission Rewards
Off the BooksBring Robert what he requested on the digital board.Robert will request one of the following:
Neptunian ale.png Neptunian ale × 1
Aluminium.png Aluminium × 2-5
Jute.png Jute × 2-4
Pepper.png Pepper × 1-3


  • 1.0.3: Resources needed to craft reduced.
