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General Information
Romanceable Friendship.png no
Birthday Q04-21
Gender ♀ Female
Occupation Chief Science Officer
Personal Relationships
Chip.png Chip (spouse)
Fiji.png Fiji (child)
  • book on table in living room
  • jar with pink cream in personal quarters
  • right locker in personal quarters

Kaida is a dedicated and enthusiastic scientist who is always on the lookout for new experiments and discoveries. Her passion for science drives her to take detailed notes and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements, often sharing her findings with the broader scientific community. Kaida's commitment to her work sometimes leads to late nights in the lab, where she works tirelessly to process new data and introduce innovations. Despite her intense focus on her scientific endeavors, she maintains a close bond with her family, particularly her daughter Fiji, and often reminisces about the simpler times they shared.

Kaida's bionic implants are a significant aspect of her life, both enhancing her abilities and posing unique challenges. Frances assists her in maintaining these implants, ensuring they remain efficient and manageable. Kaida's relationship with her colleagues is supportive and collaborative, often introducing x factors into Doc12's testing circuits to help improve safety and alertness. She values the ethical responsibilities that come with working in the scientific field, striving to advance the prosperity and knowledge of the universe.

In appearance, Kaida is a vibrant and approachable woman with dark hair and a practical yet stylish wardrobe suited for her lab work. She often wears a lab coat, which complements her professional demeanor. Kaida's expressive face reflects her deep passion for science and her dedication to her family and crew, making her an inspiring and dynamic presence on the ship.


Each item has a universal gift level associated with it, items specifically listed below are overrides to those universal gifts, for this specific character.


Gifts for the Player

Gift Received From

Carrot cake recipe.png Carrot cake recipe Friendship eMail (friend)
Carrot cake.png Carrot cake Friendship eMail (friend)
Common meteorite (Blue Reef).png Common meteorite (Blue Reef) × 2 Dialogue after starting Journey Onward
Wine.png Wine × 4 Friendship eMail (best friend)


Kaida has specific schedule(s) she follows during a normal week. Her schedule is adjusted for holidays and events. If the player is having difficulty finding Kaida on the ship, they can always use the Crew locator.pngcrew locator button on the crew page to assist in locating her.

00:00Starts in Kaida Chip & Fiji's Quarters
07:01Arrives in Crew Quarters
07:31Arrives in the Bridge
11:20Arrives in the Viewing Deck
11:52Arrives in the Science Lab
16:22Arrives in the Viewing Deck
16:41Arrives in a Stairwell
17:15Arrives in the Plaza
21:16Arrives in Crew Quarters
21:43Arrives in Kaida Chip & Fiji's Quarters


Friendship eMail (friend)
From: Kaida.png Kaida Subject: Sweet Tooth

OMG! If you haven't tried Chip's famous carrot cake you are missing out. I snuck out a slice for you and the recipe in case you can't get enough, like me.


Friendship eMail (best friend)
From: Kaida.png Kaida Subject: Small Batch
Hey Captain,

A good friend of mine just started her own space winery. She gave me a whole case for helping her out, so I'm passing them around to my friends too. Enjoy!


Wine.png Wine × 4



Mission NameMission ObjectiveMission Requirements
Local WildlifeZap local wildlife for KaidaKill enemies on the local planet.
Meet the CrewMeet the ships crew!Meet the rest of the ships crew
Personal RequestKaida is looking for a few items.Kaida will request one of the following:
Sand.png Sand × 6-12
Stone.png Stone × 15-25
Petrified wood.png Petrified wood × 1
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 12-18
Rogue obsidian.png Rogue obsidian × 1
Scientific ResearchBring Blue Reef related samples to Kaida
Conch shell.png Conch shell × 3
Copper ore.png Copper ore × 20
Scientific ResearchBring Desert Dunes related samples to Kaida
Cactus fruit.png Cactus fruit × 2
Glass.png Glass × 10
Tumbleweed.png Tumbleweed × 15
Scientific ResearchBring Grey Planet related samples to Kaida
Pet rock.png Pet rock × 1
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 25
Stone.png Stone × 25
Scientific ResearchBring Iceladus related samples to Kaida
Acorn.png Acorn × 3
Gold ore.png Gold ore × 25
Snowball.png Snowball × 5
Scientific ResearchBring Lava Lakes related samples to Kaida
Lava mushroom.png Lava mushroom × 5
Pirate hook.png Pirate hook × 2
Titanium ore.png Titanium ore × 30
Scientific ResearchBring Viridis Planet related samples to Kaida
Lucky clover.png Lucky clover × 1
Pet rock.png Pet rock × 25
Viridium ore.png Viridium ore × 35
Visit the Grey PlanetN/A
