Soot's Guardian

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Soot's Guardian.png
General Information
Romanceable Friendship.png no
Race Viridian
Gender Unknown
Occupation Unknown

Soot's Guardian is a character residing on the planet Viridis. Both Soot and their guardian belong to the Viridian race. The guardian appears after completing the Relic quest on the Grey Planet. In the southeast region of Viridis, there is a Viridian Village where players can initiate a quest with one of the residents. When the player returns to Viridis from another planet (including traveling from the Grey Planet to Viridis), one of the Viridians seeks the player's assistance in establishing a small Tardigrade Farm.

In appearance, Viridian is a tall, slender figure with a serene and composed demeanor. They have a greenish-yellow complexion, which is common among their species, and their attire is a long, flowing purple robe that adds to their regal and ethereal presence. A small antenna-like structure on top of their head, with a glowing orb at the tip, highlights their otherworldly nature.


Coming Soon!



Mission NameMission ObjectiveMission Requirements
Tardigrade FarmOne of the Viridian Residents wants to create a small tardigrade farm. Bring them some materials to build a suitable habitat and a few tardigrades to get the farm started.
Glass.png Glass × 15
Lichen.png Lichen × 4
Moss drop.png Moss drop × 1
Plant material.png Plant material × 50
Tardigrade.png Tardigrade × 4
