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This page lists the dialogue lines for Kaida.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I'm always looking for help...
Stop by the science lab if you want to see some new experiments.
It's a big ship. My work is never done.
Keep me posted on your end, Captain.
I dragged Chip and Fiji to a science conference once.
Trust me, you have never seen more bored and disappointed faces in your life.
Kaida portrait happy.png
It still cracks me up to think about it.
Frances helps me maintain my bionic implants.
She's always coming up with new ways of making them more efficient and easier to manage.
I try to send updates to the scientific community once a year with any new discoveries I've made.
I've been published and given accolades a few times which was super exciting.
Kaida portrait happy.png
Ah, the thrill of science!


I take very detailed notes when I work.
Sometimes a small detail is the key to solving a difficult problem.
Frances sometimes asks me to introduce x factors into Doc12's testing circuits.
I know she wants to make sure Doc12 maintains safety and alertness on the job but...
Kaida portrait stressed.png
...I think Doc12 is on to us so I'm a little afraid to get caught.
Kaida portrait confused.png
Did you know you can make your own bouncy balls at home?
All you need is glue, borax powder, cornstarch, and water.
Fiji and I used to make them together when she was little...
Kaida portrait sad.png
...I kind of miss those days.
Kaida portrait confused.png
Hi $playerName, how are things going today?
Make sure to upgrade your tools when you can.
The instruments we work with are the foundation for our success.


Kaida portrait sad.png
Fiji is always waking me up with her morning meditation music.
Kaida portrait stressed.png
Is it bad that I find it more irritating than relaxing? Haha.
But at least it helps me get an early start on the workday.
Kaida portrait angry.png
I wish we never implemented a family voting system in my house.
Kaida portrait angry.png
The result is always 2 against 1 and I think you can guess who's always on the short side... right here.
There is just so much new data to process I have my hands full.
I might be pulling another late night!
Working in the scientific field carries a lot of ethical responsibility.
And I am committed to only advancing the prosperity and knowledge of the universe.
Kaida portrait happy.png
CPU and I go way back. I actually worked with him long before I even boarded this ship.
He really cracks me up and usually gets me what I need on time, usually.

Good Friend

Kaida portrait sad.png
Our home planet was struggling with a lot of conflicts when I was growing up.
So I try not to take the little things in life for granted.
I used to secretly read Fiji's young adult fiction books after she finished one.
Kaida portrait stressed.png
But now that she is older and doesn't read them as much, I'll have to find a new way to get my hands on the latest books.
Maybe in a few years I will teach a Space Alliance chemistry course or something...
As Chip would put it... I'd like to drop some knowledge bombs on the next generation.
I try to cook at least once a week to give Chip a break.
Kaida portrait stressed.png
But if the recipe takes longer than 20 minutes I'm out.
I've worked on a few space stations before, but working on a spaceship is a lot more exciting.
Kaida portrait happy.png
Being on the edge of new discoveries is what I live for.

Best Friend

I'm not really interested in being a full-time captain, so it's great you came aboard.
I like to spend as much time in the lab as possible.
Kaida portrait happy.png
We make such a great dynamic duo.
I had the greatest parents growing up, and they always supported my interests.
Kaida portrait confused.png
It can be tough sometimes, but I hope Fiji knows how much I actually support her music.
It took me a long time to adapt to my implants, but now I feel bad for people that don't have these superhuman abilities!
Chip's positivity really helped me through those early days so I was very grateful to him.
Kaida portrait confused.png
Fiji has always been so anxious to settle down, but it's hard to accept it.
It just feels safer to me to always be able to be on the move.
Did you know I met Chip on the day he got his King Ravioli title?
Don't let him fool you about it though...
He got that title because on pasta night he would fill one ravioli with super-hot peppers and whoever got that ravioli had to do the dishes.
But it kept backfiring because he got that special ravioli more than anyone else.
Kaida portrait happy.png
I felt so bad for him I started helping him do the dishes and I've helped him ever since.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Help Soot mission:

I hope you're finding all the resources you need from the Grey Planet to assist you with your food production.
There is a strong possibility Soot is native to the planet, and he might be the clue to telling us more about what happened down there.
Kaida portrait confused.png
I just have so many questions that still need answering.
I better get back to my research, and you probably have to focus on your assignment too, I guess.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Kaida portrait angry.png
CPU has been sending me reminders every hour that we're going to have a senior officers meeting soon.
Kaida portrait confused.png
He's certainly excited about something... or he's malfunctioning again.
I'll have Stewart check him out, just in case.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Kaida portrait stressed.png
Oh, sorry about that little spat between Stewart and I during the meeting...
Kaida portrait sad.png
He's just such a stick-in-the-mud, but we always make up later.
Even though he drives me nuts, I wouldn't know what to do without him.

During the Travel Days mission:

Captain, I have been trying to study Soot... when he stands still that is...
...his speech patterns are very complex, but it all just sounds like baby talk to me.
I'll keep you posted if I learn anything new.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Kaida portrait happy.png
I am happy to hear you are diving right into the world of science and scanning for microbes.
Kaida portrait confused.png
Did you know Space Alliance will give you extra rewards if you catch certain amounts of microbes?
Just check out the microbe board in the science lab to see what the requirements are.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

This new planet is still uncharted by Space Alliance so getting a good scan of the planet will immediately update our databases with all kinds of useful information.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Just amazing... another planet discovered with another civilization to study, I can hardly wait to get started.
CPU's scans are telling us that the Blue Reef Planet is covered in a super ocean.
And the various reefs cover a staggering 72.3% of that. I have never seen anything like it.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Hey Captain, I'm glad I caught you...
Kaida portrait confused.png
I might need that relic piece for analysis or at least I'll grab some readings from it if you don't mind.
Kaida portrait confused.png
It seems to have an energy field surrounding it I've never encountered.
Oh and by the way...
My 10-year anniversary since joining Space Alliance is coming up so I technically have a day off coming up soon.
Chip's got the whole day planned already... but let me know if you need something anyways.

During the Journey Onward mission:

I picked up a few meteorites down on the Blue Reef Planet.
But I haven't had a chance to extract anything from them yet...
Kaida portrait confused.png
Maybe you have time?
Player receives

During the Discover a New World mission:

Captain, once you have made the initial landing to this new planet's surface, I would love to head down and get some samples.
I promise to stay out of the way. You won't even see me down there, that's how fast I'll be.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Captain, CPU filled me on Hermy's situation...
PLAYER: He seems kind of touchy.

Kaida portrait sad.png
OK, that's why I wanted to ask you first.
PLAYER: I bet he wouldn't mind at all.

Great, maybe I'll check it out then. I'll tell him you said it was OK if he asks.
I know you have it under control so I was wondering...
Kaida portrait confused.png
Do you think Hermy would allow me to poke around his excavation sites?
I certainly wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Kaida portrait confused.png
I don't know if you have checked in with Soot recently, but he seems very alert today.
Kaida portrait confused.png
It might be my imagination, but I think his colors get more vibrant when he is near something pertaining to the Relic.
Maybe I'll try and take some hue and brightness readings from him on our way back to the Grey Planet to see if there is any merit to my observations.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Kaida portrait confused.png
I wonder if there will be any similarities between our next location and the Blue Reef Kingdom or Desert Dunes?
Kaida portrait confused.png
The Grey Planet and the Blue Reef Planet are so different they hardly have anything in common.
Kaida portrait confused.png
Maybe that is what they will all have in common... the fact that they are not similar at all... *drifts off in thought*...
...I have to go write some things down, see you later.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Have a few things on the backlog today, but go ahead and head down to the planet surface whenever you are ready.
I'll be around though if you have any emergencies.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Kaida portrait confused.png
Do you know how to create some of the materials Bunky is asking for?
I figured you're the expert around here now, but I think Edward can help you with a Kitchen upgrade if you still need one.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

You really have a way with people that I don't understand.
Sometimes I feel like I get along better with my lab equipment and notebooks.

During the End of the Road? mission:

These new coordinates are a little strange, but I think CPU and I have analyzed them correctly.
Kaida portrait stressed.png
Just a heads up that there is a very small chance when we get there, we are in the wrong place...

During the Explorer Badge mission:

I'm going to get started right away on analyzing the data from this lava planet and seeing if there is any connection to the others we have visited.
They all seem unique and different from one another.
But it just makes my job more interesting!

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Kaida portrait angry.png
I really dislike pirates and people who tend to be overly aggressive.
Kaida portrait angry.png
It reminds me of some of the difficult times back on our home world.
Kaida portrait sad.png
But I don't like to talk about it too much.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Kaida portrait happy.png
Captain, you did it! I can't wait to see what happens when we reunite the final relic piece.
I better get my expedition pack ready right away.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Kaida portrait happy.png
The Relic, the pieces, the Viridians, and Soot? Have we really uncovered it all?
I'm going to have to absorb all this information, but...
I think Space Alliance will be very pleased with our mission to say the least.
Kaida portrait happy.png
Fantastic job Captain. I am proud to be your Number Two.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

This is amazing. Thanks!
Kaida portrait happy.png
You've got this gift giving thing down to a science now. *wink*
Kaida portrait happy.png
Oh wow, this is spot on! I wish Chip could take a few pointers from you on buying gifts for me.
You have the special touch.
Kaida portrait happy.png
Awesome, I love this. Am I that obvious?

Liked Gift

Thank you, I like these.
You must be in a good mood, Captain.
I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't like this. Thanks, Captain.
Kaida portrait happy.png
Oh, Captain. Thanks for making my life aboard this ship a little nicer. This really helps a lot.

Neutral Gift

It's always nice to get a gift from time to time.
Hey thanks. I appreciate you sharing your stuff with us, Captain.
It sure is nice to feel appreciated. Thanks, Captain.

Disliked Gift

Kaida portrait angry.png
I don't like this.
Kaida portrait angry.png
I never understood the appeal of this type of thing really.
Kaida portrait sad.png
Not a big fan of this, but maybe once you get to know me better, you'll understand.
Kaida portrait sad.png
Oh, I guess thanks... but you REALLY don't have to next time...

Birthday Response

Oh, is it my birthday? I always forget.
Well thanks for the present and the heads up...
Kaida portrait happy.png
Chip is probably planning some kind of surprise and it's always better if I prepare myself to be surprised.