Tree planter

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Tree planter.png
A larger planter that accepts tree seeds. A tree can continuously produce crops once mature.
Item Information
Category Machine
Merchant Information
Sell 100 Credits.png

Tree planter is a machine which can be crafted by the player at the workbench, and requires power to operate. Tree planters can only grow trees, and cannot grow normal crops. As these planters must be placed inside of the spaceship on the Captain's Deck, trees planted in these machines will always produce normal, non-radiated, fruits. If the player is looking for radiated fruit, they must build the outer hull counterpart to this item, and grow the tree on the outer hull.

Like all seeds, tree seeds planted in the tree planter must be watered every day to continue to grow. The player is able to use a level one garden bot in the square configuration to water four trees at once, as only one square needs to touch the tree planter in order to water it.

If the player wants to move a tree planter, they can do so by interacting with the small blue control panel on the front of the machine.

Building options:
Building options can be accessed by clicking the small blue control panel on the front of this machine.

  • Move: Clicking Move will not destroy this tree planter or the tree it contains, but will allow it to be moved to a different buildable place on the map. Canceling this operation leaves it where it was originally.
  • Demolish: Clicking Demolish will destroy this tree planter, meaning it will be removed from its position and left floating on the map. It can now be picked up and added back to your inventory. If a demolished tree planter contains a mature tree, that has produced fruit, the tree and seeds used will be lost. If a demolished tree planter contains an immature tree, that has not yet produced fruit, the seeds will be returned and also spawned on the map.

Planted in this Machine



Product Ingredients Machine Time
Tree planter.png
Tree planter
Scrap metal block.png Scrap metal block × 12
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 30
Workbench.png instant
Recipe Source: Mission: Growing Desert Dunes crops



LovedNo character loves this item.
Lin.png Lin
DislikedNo character dislikes this item.


No crafting recipe needs Tree planter as an ingredient.


No missions require Tree planter to complete them.

