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This page has the event information for Chip.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Gym Session (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Fiji, Kaida, or Chip at acquaintance friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the gymnasium.

Okay fam', we are here today because you have both expressed interest in doing some yoga and meditation for our family gym session.
I have planned a workout that the whole family can enjoy.
Dad, you have muscles for days, but your flexibility leaves something to be desired.
Mom, you are overworked and should probably focus on the meditation aspects of our routine.
Everyone agreed?
Sure, but when do we get those tight jumpsuits?
Chip portrait happy.png
I think your mother and I would both look great in them...
Kaida portrait happy.png
Haha, I agree.
Fiji portrait angry.png
Oh my gosh, you two! Pay attention please...
Lauren was kind enough to give us the entire space for this session.
Let's not waste it, okay?
Fiji portrait happy.png
Alright everyone, get to your yoga mats. Let's begin!
One, and two. One, and two...
Fiji portrait happy.png
Breathe and think of your happy place...
Chip portrait stressed.png
Hey kid. This is hard! I don't think I bend that way!
Kaida portrait happy.png
...Next time we are doing my family workout routine though...

Gym Session (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Fiji, Kaida, or Chip at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the gymnasium.

Listen up ladies! We tried the soft approach with our family gym session last time.
Now we are going to do things my way.
Chip portrait happy.png
Welcome to <size=12>PAIN TOWN!</size>
Kaida portrait confused.png
Fiji, what have we gotten ourselves into?
Haha... shhh... I don't think we are allowed to talk.
With today's high intensity workout, your muscles will be as big as mine in no time flat...
...but check that ego at the door. I will break you today!
Chip portrait happy.png
That's my goal for this workout.
Okay tough guy, when do we begin exactly?
Right now.
You two, grab those light hand weights and get ready!
Chip portrait happy.png
I'm using the SUPER-OMEGA-DUMBBELLS since I've done this before.
Chip portrait angry.png
Okay! Here goes nothing!
One, and two. One, and two...
Chip portrait angry.png
Breathe, and just think of the pain as weakness leaving your tiny muscles behind.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Kaida portrait happy.png
Haha. I like this!
I can't believe we outlasted him at his own workout. He's all talk.
Kaida portrait confused.png
When did he pass out and fall asleep anyway?
Haha, I think while we were freshening up.
But I do feel slightly stronger.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Any ideas what you want to do for our next family gym session, Mom?
Maybe... but we should probably go easy on our muscle man here.
Fiji portrait happy.png
Haha. Okay.