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This page lists the dialogue lines for Chip.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


*grumble, grumble...*


I'm busy thinking of new recipes right now.
I'm hatching up a real zinger for when I can get the right ingredients together.
Ahoy, Partner. It can be lonely out here on the remote side of space.
A good long chat can be as nourishing as any good meal. Feel free to stop by the canteen anytime for both.
Some call me Chip and some call me Chef. 'Hey you there' works as well.
At one point I even had the title, 'King Ravioli of the Alpha Quadrant'. Haha. That's a longer story though.
We've been stationed on this ship for many years.
My wife really loves the adventure and I love to see her happy.
Chip portrait confused.png
Have you ever tried yoga, Captain?


Chip portrait happy.png
My favorite type of planets are the ones covered in water.
On my home planet we had to save every drop of water to increase our farm production.
Chip portrait stressed.png
Maybe things wouldn't have escalated if we had an unlimited water supply.
Hey Partner. I had a breakthrough with some of my dishes last night, so I'm having a great day.
*whispers* The secret always seems to be nutmeg.
My menu may seem a little unconventional at times, but I work with what I got.
Chip portrait confused.png
Do you like a little spice in your meals?
Chip portrait stressed.png
Make sure you stand back when I get the grill going.
I really like to get the fire burning high as I toss the ingredients.


Hey Captain, do me a favor OK?
Chip portrait stressed.png
Make Kaida take some time off from time to time.
She's always so busy it would be nice to get to see her a little more often.
I'm finally going to increase my weight regiment this week.
If you ever want to do some reps together, I'm always in need of a good spotter.
Don't tell Kaida, but I'm saving up some credits to by Fiji a new fiddletar.
Chip portrait happy.png
She thinks I spoil her and maybe I do... just a little.
My family were farmers for many years on our home world, but it wasn't easy to grow food where we lived.
I guess getting creative with food is in my blood.
As the self-imposed safety manager around here I offer a course a couple times a year about handling knives correctly.
One tip, make sure you always store sharp objects out of the reach of small children.

Good Friend

I know it's a lil' old fashioned, but all of my favorite recipes are on index cards from my mom.
She put them all in this little box when I was first recruited in the military so I would be able to cook meals for myself.
When I have time, I like to make my own vegetable broths and sauces.
Chip portrait happy.png
I think it always gives a little more zing to my dishes.
When my daughter was little, we used to have cupcake decorating dates.
Chip portrait sad.png
I still miss the days when she was a little girl.
Piper has been bugging me to set up some cooking classes for the crew.
Chip portrait confused.png
I have some recipes that would work for beginners, but I don't know if I'd be a very good teacher.
I still get to see my old buddies from home once a month.
We schedule a video game night to catch up...
...and we still bet the occasional stack of scrap metal from time to time. Although... no one ever seems to collect what is owed.

Best Friend

Chip portrait confused.png
Captain, you'd tell me the truth if I ever made an awful dish, right?
When we were stationed in our bunker, the first meal Kaida and I ever shared together were some Food Rations.
Haha, we even lit a candle to make it more romantic.
Chip portrait stressed.png
Those were tougher times, so it's nice to remember the good moments.
I'm really glad this ship has a lot of positive people around for Fiji to socialize with.
It's so important we all get along and resolve our differences without conflicts.
Hey Partner, I really like what you have done with your deck so far.
I'm sure you still have big plans to come; Shucks, I also would love to have some farm space of my own one day.
I consider everyone on this ship part of my family.
Chip portrait happy.png
You too, Partner. Welcome to the family!

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hey. You must be the young new captain I've heard so much about.
Well welcome aboard, Partner!
I'm Chip the ship's chef and I'm usually serving things up at the canteen for the rest of the crew.
My wife Kaida is so relieved you are here too.
Chip portrait stressed.png
She's been working so hard I barely get to see her anymore.
Hopefully you can help make some improvements around here so she can slow down a little.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Hey Partner, I heard you're checking out that Grey Planet.
If you see any nontoxic plants down there think of me.
I love experimenting with new ingredients.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Chip portrait stressed.png
Pretty intense down there on that planet, huh?
But Kaida is going to be pleased your back already.

During the Help Soot mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
It's unbelievable that you actually found someone living down on that Grey Planet.
Chip portrait stressed.png
Little dude is probably lacking in nutrition so I'm glad you are helping him out.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

The ship is sure in a buzz about those new star coordinates.
Chip portrait stressed.png
I'm just glad I'm not in your shoes.
It may sound simple, but I'm just happy working out, cooking, and kicking my feet up at the end of the day.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

I heard Stewart's got you producing fuel for the ship...
Chip portrait sad.png
...well, it's nice of you to help out... (whispers) but don't let him push you around too much...
Chip.png hear me, Captain?

During the Travel Days mission:

Chip portrait stressed.png
Woah, it does get a little tricky to cook with the little dips and swerves.
We were orbiting the Grey Planet for so long that I forgot what it feels like to actually use this ship.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Microbes, huh... I was always wondering what that fancy tool was Frances was always running around with.
It sounds like your work as captain is never done.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Everyone sure is buzzing today about our new location.
If you happen to work up a big appetite, the canteen always has food ready to recharge your energy.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Chip portrait sad.png
Captain, I can always whip up some veggie broth for those ocean dwellers if it would help...
In fact, I just picked up some new seed packets from Robert's store that would go great in a vegetable soup.
Chip portrait happy.png
Here, why don't you take one...
Player receives
Cucumber seeds.png Cucumber seeds × 1
Good luck, Captain.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
Another relic piece... well, I guess that's great, it's just...
Chip portrait stressed.png
Kaida and Fiji were arguing last night over those silly relic pieces.
Those two are so opposite minded. I can't believe they share the same genes.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Chip portrait stressed.png
I know we need to continue onward to fulfill the mission, but I think all this adventure is making people ravenous.
I have been prepping extra portions and I still ran out of the special before the dinner rush was over.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
Is it just me or does it feel hotter in here than usual?
I think I'll make gazpacho or some kind of cold dish today so I don't have to fire up the grill.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
I wonder what kind of civilization used to live on that desert planet?
If you find any artifacts down there, I bet there is a whole lot of history to learn from each one.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Great job finding that new relic piece.
Chip portrait happy.png
whispers* The gossip around the canteen is that you might be one of the best captains we've had.
There are still some skeptics, like Stewart... but even he is coming around.
You didn't hear it from me though. *wink*

During the New Coordinates mission:

Chip portrait sad.png
Partner, I don't know what you are trying to do to me?!
Chip portrait angry.png
I keep getting a chance at some new ingredients, but then we're off again.
Haha, I'm just teasing.
Besides, maybe our next destination will offer some new plants as well.
Chip portrait happy.png
Heyyy... I just thought about that.
Now I'm starting to see the appeal in this adventure gig.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
Captain, is there even a star out there?
It's so dark, I'm glad we have a regulated day and night cycle aboard the ship.
I don't know about you, but without daylight, I'd hibernate like a bear.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Hey Captain, the kids think we should have an ice cream social since we have access to so much ice.
So I got the ice cream maker running again.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Chip portrait confused.png
So Captain, tell me, do you think these relic pieces can be explained scientifically or spiritually?
PLAYER: Scientific

Well, I guess I should take Kaida's side then. But... it's kind of fun to gang up on her with Fiji... so maybe I'll just keep doing that. Haha.
PLAYER: Spiritual

Interesting, Fiji will like that about you.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Chip portrait stressed.png
I don't know if I'll ever get use to traveling through space at such fast speeds.
I guess I'm just a planet homebody.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Chip portrait sad.png
[PLAYER], I don't know about this planet.
Chip portrait sad.png
My military instincts are kicking in, which usually means trouble.
Chip portrait stressed.png
Watch your back when you go down there, Partner.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Chip portrait stressed.png
Captain, what's the word on those pirates down there?
PLAYER: It's all good.

Whew, glad to hear it. Last thing I want is any kind of trouble.
PLAYER: Maybe.

Chip portrait sad.png
Well, you keep me posted. I got your back, Captain.
Chip portrait sad.png
Are we going to have a bad situation on our hands?

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Partner, I have to say I am impressed with how you handled those pirates.
The universe needs more understanding and ways to resolve our differences through dialogue.
You certainly have proven yourself in my book...
Chip portrait happy.png
...BUT you still have a way to go to impress me in the cookbook! Haha!

During the Master Explorer mission:

Chip portrait happy.png
Congratulations, Captain.
I know I like to joke around a lot, but you have seriously impressed me.
You've got guts and I really respect that about you.
You'll always have my support and friendship no matter what happens in the future.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Chip portrait happy.png
This is my favorite. Did Kaida tell you? Thanks, Partner.
Chip portrait happy.png
Holy mackerel fish! You really impressed me with this one. Thanks!
Chip portrait happy.png
Partner, you shouldn't have... such a thoughtful gift. I feel so honored.

Liked Gift

Chip portrait happy.png
This is a SNAZZY gift... I like it.
Thanks for keeping me in mind. A little thoughtfulness goes a long way, I always say.
Chip portrait happy.png
Awe thanks, Partner. Your next order might have a little extra dash of spice to show my appreciation!

Neutral Gift

Cool, you can just put it over there for me...
Yeah, I know there is a lot of this going around these days huh.
Oh, Kaida is always giving this to me too.

Disliked Gift

Chip portrait sad.png
This does not really appeal to my tastes, Partner.
Chip portrait angry.png
Have to be honest here, this is a terrible gift, Captain. *chuckles*
Chip portrait sad.png
Better luck next time...
Chip portrait confused.png
I know you mean well, but I really don't like this, Captain...
Chip portrait sad.png
Once you get to know me better, you'll understand.

Birthday Response

Chip portrait happy.png
For me? Partner, you shouldn't have...
This birthday boy might still be working, but my chef hat will double as a party hat today!
Chip portrait happy.png
Oh, and if you're lucky you might see my wicked birthday dance moves today...

Specific Responses

Shop Opening

Hey there, Partner. What can I get you?