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The captain is tasked with building planters to grow crops both inside and on the outer hull of their ship. Properly managing these planters and tending to the seeds is crucial for ensuring a steady supply of crops. Proper management of planters, consistent watering, and the strategic use of fertilizers are essential components of successful farming. By paying attention to the different needs of each type of seed and making use of the available tools and resources, the captain can ensure a bountiful harvest.


There are two types of planters, produced from different materials, designed for specific locations. Each type has two different sizes that allow the player to plant different things. The player will know if a machine can go indoors or out on the hull by looking at the icons in the workbench.

  • Indoor Planters: These must be placed on the Captain's Deck inside of the space ship.
    • planters - these planters are smaller and can only be used for growing crops.
    • tree planters - these planters are larger and can only be used for growing trees.
  • Outer Hull Planters: These must be placed on the outer hull of the ship.

Both types of planters need to be powered to provide artificial sunlight necessary for plant growth. Ensuring that the planters are adequately powered is the first step to a successful farming operation. The player must place down solar panels on the outer hull to provide power, larger sizes of solar panels will produce more power. The player will see the power icon flash, if there is not enough power for the planter. The player can keep track of how much energy they need in the upper right corner of the UI.

Tending to Seeds

Different seeds are found on different planets, so exploring various planets will give the player access to a variety of seeds. To plant seeds, the player needs to power the planter first, then interact with it while holding seeds. Planted seeds need to be watered every day until they are ready for picking. Each crop has a different growth time, and some can produce crops multiple times before they need to be replanted.

Tree seeds need to be planted in large planters. Once planted, trees take 28 days to grow and will then produce their product every 10 days.


Watering is a daily task that must not be neglected. If the player misses a day of watering, the plant won’t die, but its growth will be set back by a day. The player can see the difference in the soil, if the plant has been watered that day or not.

The player can water the plants using a watering pack or with various types of watering bots. Each bot comes in three different tiers and there are separate bots for inside and outside planters.

Item Name Location Watering Slots
Garden bot.png Garden bot Indoors 4
Outer hull garden bot.png Outer hull garden bot Outer Hull 4
Advanced garden bot.png Advanced garden bot Indoors 8
Advanced outer hull garden bot.png Advanced outer hull garden bot Outer Hull 8
Superior garden bot.png Superior garden bot Indoors 14
Superior outer hull garden bot.png Superior outer hull garden bot Outer Hull 14


There is one type of fertilizer that can be bought, while the rest need to be crafted. Using fertilizer increases the chance of growing super crops, which are more productive and valuable. All fertilizers need to be replaced after harvesting the product from its associated planter.

Item Description
Fertilizer.png Fertilizer Add this nutrient-packed mix to your planters or tree planters to increase your chances of a super harvest by 50%. Fertilizer will need to be replaced after harvesting.
Premium fertilizer.png Premium fertilizer Add this nutrient-packed mix to your planters or tree planters to increase your chances of a super harvest by 70%. Fertilizer will need to be replaced after harvesting.
Low-grade fertilizer.png Low-grade fertilizer Add this nutrient-packed mix to your planters or tree planters to increase your chances of a super harvest by 30%. Fertilizer will need to be replaced after harvesting.
Mixed fertilizer.png Mixed fertilizer Add this nutrient-packed mix to your planters or tree planters to increase your chances of a super harvest between 30-70%. Fertilizer will need to be replaced after harvesting.

Radiated Crops

Special outer hull planters are designed to protect the crops from the vacuum of space while allowing them to be radiated with only beneficial cosmic rays, resulting in radiated crops that are of higher value.

Crop Profit

Main Article: Crops.

Crop profit is the best way to make credits, especially early on in the game. The player should focus energy towards getting planters up and going so they can begin to make money. Every crop turns a profit, some just turn a higher profit than others. Since different crops have different price points, so each crop is going to give different profits. The wiki breaks down two specific types of profits:

  • profit per unit ("ppu"), which is the flat rate of "how much does the crop sell for, times the average yield, minus how much the seed cost". This is very simplistic math to show the basic profit for that crop.
  • profit per day ("ppd"), which breaks down the profit over how many days it takes to grow, and if there are any additional harvests.

The crops page has all of the profits in a table.