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This page has the event information for Fiji.


Cinematics are triggered from different friendship levels, and can trigger when one or more characters reach a certain level, and the player enters the area of that scene.

Gym Session (1)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Fiji, Kaida, or Chip at acquaintance friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the gymnasium.

Okay fam', we are here today because you have both expressed interest in doing some yoga and meditation for our family gym session.
I have planned a workout that the whole family can enjoy.
Dad, you have muscles for days, but your flexibility leaves something to be desired.
Mom, you are overworked and should probably focus on the meditation aspects of our routine.
Everyone agreed?
Sure, but when do we get those tight jumpsuits?
Chip portrait happy.png
I think your mother and I would both look great in them...
Kaida portrait happy.png
Haha, I agree.
Fiji portrait angry.png
Oh my gosh, you two! Pay attention please...
Lauren was kind enough to give us the entire space for this session.
Let's not waste it, okay?
Fiji portrait happy.png
Alright everyone, get to your yoga mats. Let's begin!
One, and two. One, and two...
Fiji portrait happy.png
Breathe and think of your happy place...
Chip portrait stressed.png
Hey kid. This is hard! I don't think I bend that way!
Kaida portrait happy.png
...Next time we are doing my family workout routine though...

Gym Session (2)

To trigger this cinematic cutscene the player must have Fiji, Kaida, or Chip at friend friendship status or higher. It can be triggered any day of the week, and will begin when the player enters the gymnasium.

Listen up ladies! We tried the soft approach with our family gym session last time.
Now we are going to do things my way.
Chip portrait happy.png
Welcome to <size=12>PAIN TOWN!</size>
Kaida portrait confused.png
Fiji, what have we gotten ourselves into?
Haha... shhh... I don't think we are allowed to talk.
With today's high intensity workout, your muscles will be as big as mine in no time flat...
...but check that ego at the door. I will break you today!
Chip portrait happy.png
That's my goal for this workout.
Okay tough guy, when do we begin exactly?
Right now.
You two, grab those light hand weights and get ready!
Chip portrait happy.png
I'm using the SUPER-OMEGA-DUMBBELLS since I've done this before.
Chip portrait angry.png
Okay! Here goes nothing!
One, and two. One, and two...
Chip portrait angry.png
Breathe, and just think of the pain as weakness leaving your tiny muscles behind.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Kaida portrait happy.png
Haha. I like this!
I can't believe we outlasted him at his own workout. He's all talk.
Kaida portrait confused.png
When did he pass out and fall asleep anyway?
Haha, I think while we were freshening up.
But I do feel slightly stronger.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Any ideas what you want to do for our next family gym session, Mom?
Maybe... but we should probably go easy on our muscle man here.
Fiji portrait happy.png
Haha. Okay.


The player must give Fiji a date invitation to trigger the date. This does not count towards the two gifts the player can give this character each week, and the player can only go on one date a week with a certain character, but can go on dates with other characters in that same week.

First Date

Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh [PLAYER], what a beautiful date you have arranged for us. How wonderful!
*deep breath*... There is an energy about you that puts me at ease right away.
Fiji portrait confused.png
I'd love to do a palm reading of your hand if you don't mind...

Fiji portrait romanced.png
*takes your palm and looks over it* \n\nInteresting... \n\nYou have a deep heart line which means you put a lot of thought into your loving relationships.
PLAYER: No thanks.

Of course, your personal space is yours. If you don't want to share it with me, I understand...
Just from this natural observation I have gained some insight into your personality, [PLAYER].
Sometimes it's how we portray ourselves that has the most meaning.
But it's easy for me as an observer to make such grand statements... sometimes I too do not know which path to choose in life.
Have you ever felt like you were at a crossroad in life?
Fiji portrait confused.png
You see... my mother has been trying to get me to join Space Alliance since I was a small child.
PLAYER: I sure have.

Fiji portrait stressed.png
Then you know how confusing it can be.
PLAYER: Not yet.

Fiji portrait sad.png
*sigh*... It must be nice to walk through life with such clarity.
I find myself hiding from her just to avoid the conflict even though I know my heart is not aligned with hers.
Fiji portrait angry.png
But I'm afraid if I pursue my passion for music, it would be a big disappointment for her.
Fiji portrait sad.png
Have you ever disappointed someone?
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I guess I am still adjusting to my own opinions about who I want to be so I'm not even sure if I should start the conversation.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Would you open up if you were me?
PLAYER: Yeah, I have.

Fiji portrait sad.png
It must be difficult. I just can't bear the thought of upsetting someone I love.
PLAYER: Not that I know of.

Fiji portrait stressed.png
Really? I envy you... your soul must feel free and light knowing you have always done your best.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
Thank you for your sage advice and opening your heart up to me.
Fiji portrait confused.png
I should continue to follow the stars, after all they have led me here to you.
PLAYER: I would talk it out.

You're right. Honesty is best and if fate is on my side, we might be able to find a peaceful resolution.
PLAYER: Just keep avoiding the subject.

Fiji portrait confused.png
Perhaps you're right... I should wait until I have a clear understanding of myself first before turning down any opportunities.
[PLAYER], I would love to continue exploring each other...
Fiji portrait happy.png
...but I would feel terrible if I distracted you from your duties for too long.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I will always have time for you if you want to see me again.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
Please take care of yourself until then. *blows you a kiss*

Second Date

Fiji portrait romanced.png
[PLAYER], I am so touched you invited me out again.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I just loved your invitation and am filled with gratitude and happiness.
I have so much I want to share with you. I hope you don't mind.
Since our last date I have been searching my soul for answers about my future.
But do you know what?
Fiji portrait sad.png
I found a lot of nothing!... I felt like I was abandoned by my own inner spirit.
But in a way, I think I've known all along where my heart lies.
I can't expect the universe to take care of all of my problems... I have to take care of them myself.
Music is so important in my life and I know my mother will accept it because it's a part of me.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Do you think she will be happy for me?
PLAYER: Of course.

Fiji portrait romanced.png
That makes me so happy to hear and thank you for supporting me.
PLAYER: I don't know...

No turning back now, I've made up my mind and I hope you'll stand by me no matter what.
And you know, speaking of you and me...
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I've done some soul searching about us too.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I put together a small compatibility test to see if we are truly meant to be.
Fiji portrait confused.png
OK, first question. Do you know what time of the day night cycle you were born?
PLAYER: Let's do it!

Fiji portrait happy.png
Great! I'm glad you are as excited as I am to get started!
PLAYER: I'm not ready.

Fiji portrait stressed.png
Oh, hmm... I guess you are a lot more pragmatic than me. I promise it won't take long so let's just give it a try, OK?
Did you know that your internal clock is set when you are born and can pinpoint when you are most alert?
Fiji portrait confused.png
Larks tend to function better during the daytime and owls like to work into the night.
PLAYER: I was born in the daytime.

Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh a lark! Just like me!
PLAYER: I was born at nighttime.

Fiji portrait sad.png
Oh you're an owl, unlike me.
Alright, next question. How would you describe your personality?
I'm still not sure if it's beneficial to have similar or opposite personalities in a relationship.
OK, last question. Which of my features do you like more?
Fiji portrait confused.png
And I suppose now that we know more about each other, we'll both have to decide if our futures will align.
PLAYER: I'm young at heart.

Fiji portrait happy.png
Me too! I have lots of energy and just want to live carefree all the time.
PLAYER: I'm an old soul.

Fiji portrait stressed.png
Oh... a deep thinker... you might have to reign in my youthfulness then.
Even just knowing how better to support you is very important to me already.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Wasn't this so much fun, [PLAYER]?
Fiji portrait confused.png
My connection to you has really grown and I can't imagine not having you in my world.
PLAYER: Your eyes.

Fiji portrait romanced.png
You are so thoughtful! It's my favorite feature on you too! I believe the eyes are the window to the soul.
PLAYER: Your smile.

Fiji portrait happy.png
*smiles bright* Then I'll smile every time I see you from now on.
I'm sending good thoughts and energy your way.
Bye-bye, butterfly!

Third Date

Fiji portrait romanced.png
[PLAYER]... do you feel all this amazing energy around us too?
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I just want to stay in this moment with you as long as I can.



Once the player has achieved the prerequisites to get engaged they are able to give a Engagement ring.png engagement ring to propose to Fiji. A small conversation between Fiji and the player happens, then CPU congratulates the player on their upcoming marriage, and gives the player additional details around the wedding ceremony.

Fiji portrait happy.png
Fiji portrait romanced.png
This is such a beautiful moment I'm... I'm... *sobs more*
Fiji portrait romanced.png
...I'm about to burst!
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I always have so much love to give, but you are the first person I want to give it all to!
Fiji portrait happy.png
A million times yes!
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I can't wait to marry you!
Fiji portrait romanced.png
The universe has brought us together and now we'll be together forever.
CPU portrait confused.png
Captain! Snap out of it!
CPU portrait sad.png
Oh boy, aren't you lovestruck!
I just heard the news...
...and let me be the first to say...
CPU portrait happy.png
CPU portrait happy.png
You really do make a great couple...I'm just so emotional about it all.
This calls for an extra big wedding celebration... full of flowers, good food, streamers, romance, oh and lots of dancing.
I'd be happy to perform the ceremony too... and I won't take no for an answer!
CPU portrait confused.png
What do you say?
CPU portrait confused.png
I'll schedule the ceremony in about a week's time.
We both better get moving, there is so much planning to do before the wedding...
CPU portrait confused.png
. . .*runs task mode*. . .


Captain... you're getting married today!
CPU portrait confused.png
Are you ready to get started?
Welcome everyone to the wedding of $playerName and $spouseName!
The happy couple wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to be here today.
And it only took a couple of broken dollies and a lot of arguing to get me down here too.
As an ordained CPU unit, well versed in many languages and wedding cultures...
...the memories of each wedding I perform occupies a special space in my hard drive.
We have thousands of important moments that happen throughout our lives...
...but this one is special because love is what we share.
In this moment, we are reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of who we are.
$playerName and $spouseName...
now that you have expressed your love and vows for one another...
It is with great joy to officially unite you in the universe as $weddingTitlePlayer and $weddingTitleSpouse.
You may now kiss each other as partners in life.
CPU portrait happy.png
Congratulations to you both!
Allow me to officially introduce the new happy couple for the first time...
CPU portrait happy.png in life... $playerName and $spouseName!
...and now it's also part of my official duties...
CPU portrait happy.png get this party started!
And everyone danced and celebrated well into the evening...
$spouseName has moved into your quarters.