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This page lists the dialogue lines for Fiji.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




Space is just so... big.
I think that all the vast possibilities are just so wonderful.
I'm really an open book for anyone to read.
You know what? I love a good book on clear, starry night, don't you?
When I discovered music, I felt like I was immediately drawn to it.
It always brightens people's day and I enjoy making people happy.
Fiji portrait confused.png
What do you think is more important when choosing a career?
PLAYER: Prestige and chance of success.

Fiji portrait sad.png
Oh, you think so? I'm not sure, but a lot of people tell me that, too.
PLAYER: Passion and interest.

Fiji portrait happy.png
I think so too!
Perhaps you can find success in a field if you are passionate about it.
I love all living creatures in the universe.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
Even the creepy and crawly ones. *shivers*


When it's clear, I like to map the nearby stars and see what kind of cute animals I can make by connecting the dots.
Fiji portrait happy.png
It's so adorable what I come up with sometimes.
Numbers can be a powerful tool in the universe.
So make sure to pick your favorite number very carefully.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Do you think parallel universes exist?

Fiji portrait happy.png
Me too! I just feel too many connections for them not to exist.

Fiji portrait sad.png
Hmm, well you never know... we still have so much to learn about the universe.
Fiji portrait confused.png
If my parallel self is out there, I wonder what she is thinking right now?
I only color my hair with natural botanical dyes made from plants and minerals.
There are so many beautiful colors found in nature. What more could you ask for?
I try to make all of Poofie's meals from scratch.
I use only the best nutritious plant material and like to prepare it in different ways so he doesn't get bored.


Even on your darkest day you can still be someone else's brightest moment.
I just made that up... but maybe I'll write a song about it.
My parents have always been such a positive influence on my life.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
But my mother and I sometimes take different approaches to life.
I meditate on it sometimes.
Sometimes I watch the little ones around here when their parents need a break.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I would love to have a big family one day.
Sometimes, my dad calls me Blossom.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I have no idea where this nickname came from, but it drives my mother nuts and it makes us laugh.
My dad reminds me to loosen up and laugh out loud sometimes when I get too serious.
I know there is a greater journey for me out there.
Fiji portrait confused.png
I'm just waiting for it to find me.

Good Friend

When I was a baby my dad told me that I would only fall asleep if music was playing in my room.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I think it was a sign of my destiny.
[PLAYER], I am always here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on.
You must feel overwhelmed sometimes... but I'll always be here for you.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I don't know about your experience with Xeno, but Poofie's hair gets all over my stuff.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Sometimes I wonder if he'll go bald one day loosing that much puff every day.
I know the grass pads on the ship are self-watering, but I still like to sprinkle some minerals over them from time to time.
We should take care of all living things.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I don't really like being alone...
I think I will always want to live in a big community where I can contribute and hopefully have a positive influence on others.

Best Friend

[PLAYER], you have really inspired me to follow my dreams and commit to being a musician.
It seems like a long road ahead...
Fiji portrait happy.png
...BUT a bright, rainbow-colored road I can't wait to skip down!
Fiji portrait confused.png
[PLAYER], have you heard of calligraphy?
I think it's such a beautiful writing art form.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
Can you imagine getting a romantic letter written in such a beautiful way?
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I know my parents have been through a lot in the past, but they don't talk a lot about it.
I'm not as fragile as they think but their hearts are in the right place.
I was born in space, and we have always traveled from ship to ship.
This is the first time I've felt like I really belonged to a community.
Perhaps I'll stay here even if my parents decide to move onward.
Fiji portrait confused.png
What number am I thinking of?

Right! See what happens when you become such good friends?

Yep, it's like we're on the same wavelength.
Fiji portrait happy.png
But then again, you know my 2 favorite numbers so I'm usually thinking of one or the other.


Fiji portrait romanced.png
You are the only part of the wedding I care about.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
The stars must have aligned for us to find one another.
I'm going to light a candle as tribute.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
For our wedding, I just want everyone to be themselves and have a good time.
Fiji portrait sad.png
My mother keeps telling me to cool it with the affection because it's not professional.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
But who cares, right?
Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh look, my mood ring just turned blue.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
Blue means love after all...


Don't you just love the simple things in life?
Like sharing a cup of coffee together?
I hope practicing my music doesn't bother you too much, but let me know if you ever need some peace and quiet.
Fiji portrait confused.png
Can you imagine us old and grey!?
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I think you'll be even cuter then.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I hope you didn't eat that raw dish I had in the fridge.
Fiji portrait confused.png
But if you didn't eat it, then it might have walked off... so just a heads up.
You know that song that goes like...
Fiji portrait happy.png
da da da da daaaaaa da da...
Fiji portrait romanced.png
It makes me think of you.
My dad always told me the key to a relationship is to never go to bed angry.
But I've seen my mom go to bed furious so I can understand why this was his advice to us, haha.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I miss you when you're not around me.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Well hello there, I am Fiji.
I'm getting good vibes from you. You have a kind soul.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
This ship has been giving off strange vibes so I've been meditating to try and speak with the unsettled spirits.
Maybe if we all work together the Grey Planet will reveal her mystery to us.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

I think we can learn a lot from the universe if we just slow down and listen.
You should try connecting with that relic and the Grey Planet on a deeper level.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

I can feel positive energy all around you Captain.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I think you being assigned here was meant to be.

During the Help Soot mission:

Fiji portrait confused.png
The spirits must have been trying to tell us to help that poor little alien in the cave.
I am an expert in alien animal species, but he is beyond any animal life form I have encountered.
You must treat him with the kindness of the mother universe.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Fiji portrait happy.png
*sings* 'Friendship can turn grey dust into fairy dust...
I've been experimenting with new lyrics based on this ship and its mission.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Your deck has been humming with production sounds.
It's very soothing to listen to and would make a great lo-fi backdrop.

During the Travel Days mission:

Whenever we go into deep space, I do miss the comfort of land, even if the planet is not very warm and welcoming.
Life flourishes on land and space just feels so empty.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Hi Captain... so this may sound silly...
... but please make sure to contain and care for any microbes you catch.
They are part of the building blocks of life and should be respected.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Be safe Captain, and just remember to always have an open heart.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

What an amazing civilization you found down on the Blue Reef Planet.
It would be great to go seashell collecting on the surface with everyone down there.
I bet I could craft all kinds of wonderful things with their shells.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

I knew you could do it Captain!
I'm so happy we have the Relic Piece but... I'm going to miss the beautiful Blue Reef Planet.
Fiji portrait sad.png
I would love to stay forever and ever if I could only swim like the locals do.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Fiji portrait happy.png
Captain, look what Poofie made...
*holds up a painting with fuzzy stamps all over it*
Fiji portrait happy.png
Who knew he was so artistically inclined?!

During the Discover a New World mission:

Captain, stop right there.
Fiji portrait happy.png
*closes her eyes and puts her hands together*
Fiji portrait happy.png
I am giving you a safety blessing...
Fiji portrait happy.png
*opens her eyes* OK, now you are free to go.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

I've never met an arthropod species before, but I bet that Hermy is just adorable.
Fiji portrait confused.png
I should collect some tree bark or maybe paint him a custom shell.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

You know Captain, compassion makes you beautiful on the inside and out.

During the New Coordinates mission:

This journey has been quite inspirational for my song writing.
If I work hard, maybe one day I can play at the grand hall for a huge audience.
Fiji portrait happy.png
Maybe my songs will even bring joy to others...

During the The Planet Below mission:

[PLAYER], remember to take breaks if you need them.
You can go down to this new planet when you and only you are ready...

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Fiji portrait confused.png
[PLAYER], are you hurt?
What a terrible accident. You must be overworked and tired.
You should drink this and head right to bed...
Player receives
Chai.png chai × 1

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

I swear these relic pieces speak to me... and they are...
Fiji portrait happy.png
...happy somehow...
I don't care what my mother says, you are bringing all this happiness together.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Fiji portrait confused.png
Have you ever had someone tell you you're too nice?
Fiji portrait confused.png
Maybe I should complain a little more...? I do hate things too, you know.
Fiji portrait sad.png
Like pickles, yuck. They're so slimy all the time.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Fiji portrait sad.png
Awe, are you leaving for the planet already...?
It's more fun when you're around talking to everyone.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Fiji portrait confused.png
It's kind of weird at home right now...
Fiji portrait stressed.png
My dad is usually so chill, but he's all worked up about those pirates.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
I've never seen him like this before, so I'm just trying to keep things in order around my house right now.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Fiji portrait happy.png
My heart is ready to explode with excitement...
Who knows what adventures lie ahead for us once the relic is whole again?

During the Master Explorer mission:

Fiji portrait happy.png
I am just so happy for my little Soot to be reunited with his loving family again. It just breaks my heart.
And what a beautiful discovery! The Viridis planet was just calling out to us the entire time, wasn't it?
This is how things were meant to be. Yes. And it just took someone like you to set them right again. *teary eyed*
Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh my gosh... I need to write a song about this! The rest of the galaxy must know about our adventures too.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh Captain, my heart is just bursting with beautiful energy because of this gift.
Fiji portrait happy.png
Our souls must be connected on a deeper level for you to have brought me such a perfect gift.
Fiji portrait happy.png
This gift is like a bright ray of sunshine and I will cherish it.

Liked Gift

I don't know what I like about this the most.
Fiji portrait happy.png
Probably that it came from you, Captain.
Fiji portrait happy.png
You're a peach and such a thoughtful gift giver!
Fiji portrait happy.png
You're the sweetest! Thanks for everything you do.

Neutral Gift

I'm getting a good aura from this gift. Thanks.
It was so kind of you to think of me.
Thanks for reminding me, Captain. It's the little things that make a difference.

Disliked Gift

Fiji portrait stressed.png
Hm... I'm not really into this stuff, but I will donate it or find a way to reuse it.
Fiji portrait confused.png
It's OK, I know your heart was in the right place.
Fiji portrait confused.png
As long as you tried. That is all that really matters to me.

Birthday Response

Fiji portrait happy.png
Oh Captain, you shouldn't have!
I always feel so spoiled on my birthday.
Fiji portrait happy.png
I get gifts from all my friends and family, and my dad makes me a giant birthday cake with cactonut whipped cream.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Fiji portrait happy.png
Fiji portrait happy.png
This is such a beautiful moment I'm overwhelmed.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I always have so much love to give, but you are the first person I want to give it all to!
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I can't wait to marry you!
Fiji portrait romanced.png
The universe has brought us together and we'll be together forever.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Fiji portrait stressed.png
You are such a wonderful friend, but...
Fiji portrait confused.png heart doesn't feel a connection with yours yet.
But I love you as a person.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Deeper connections take time...
Fiji portrait stressed.png
You just can't rush what is meant to be.
Fiji portrait happy.png
But I am looking forward to spending some one-on-one dates with you to strengthen our bonds.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

You know you're one of my best friends, but...
Fiji portrait confused.png
...I'm just getting vibes to wait. There's not enough room in your quarters for me and you don't want to move in with my parents, right?
Fiji portrait happy.png
One day the stars will align.

The player can also give Fiji an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Fiji portrait happy.png
It's in perfect harmony with the first ring you gave me.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
All of those wonderful feelings from our proposal comes flooding back to me.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
Thank you for reminding me of all the love in our lives.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Fiji portrait happy.png
What a beautiful invitation, you must have worked so hard to acquire it.
If you spent this much effort preparing this for me, I will give you my undivided attention.
Where would you like to go together?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Fiji portrait happy.png
Ours souls grow even more attached when we spend time together.
Fiji portrait romanced.png
I can't wait to see what else we might discover about one another.
Where shall we wander?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Fiji portrait confused.png
Wonderful, your spirit is so open and honest.
Fiji portrait stressed.png
But my spirit is not quite ready to connect yet.
Let's become cherished friends first and then let's try coming together again.