Rumble & Tumble/Dialogue

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This page lists the dialogue lines for Rumble & Tumble.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


Rumble & Tumble.png
Zzzz... , Zzzz...


If the player talks to Rumble & Tumble prior to completing the Fighting Off the Cold mission she will say:

Rumble & Tumble.png
One time, we put a hole right through a wall too.

If the player talks to Rumble & Tumble after completing the Fighting Off the Cold mission she will say:

Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
I hope we don't have to stay on this outpost for much longer.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Its soooooo boring out here.


Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Hiya. *both smile*
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
We have one big tooth mostly.
Rumble & Tumble portrait stressed.png
OWWW. Stop it! MOM!!!
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
*fighting between them*
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Max is no fun in school.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
His reaction time is less than 1 second and he never gets flustered with any of our back talk.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
We used up so much good material on him... such a waste.
Rumble & Tumble.png
One day we're going to build a better spaceship than this one.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Yeah, and ours won't have a goofy CPU unit that always malfunctions.
Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
Can you tell us apart?
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
*both chuckle to each other.*


Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
*wide eyed and shaking*...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
So much candy...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
...we found so much candy today!
Rumble & Tumble.png
We got a personality assessment one time by an arcade game that said we are passionate and assertive...
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Tumble: Ugh, what a lame machine...
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Rumble: Yeah... I'm glad we knocked it over to save other kids their credits.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: Achoo!! *sneezes right into Rumble's fur.*
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Rumble: Gross!! You are the worst brother sometimes.
Rumble & Tumble portrait stressed.png
Tumble: Oops, sorry... *looks upset*
Rumble & Tumble.png
We are the best at three-legged races.
Rumble & Tumble.png
The last race we won, we got a big 1st place ribbon and a prize from the prize table.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Our favorite subject in school is probably flight simulation class.
Rumble & Tumble.png
I think we could pull off some pretty great stunts if we weren't locked out of the ship's control panel.


Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
You wouldn't rat us out, would you?
Rumble & Tumble.png
We'd never rat anyone out unless they messed with us first.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: I'm going to be a demolition expert when I grow up and Rumble is going to build the explosive devices.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Rumble: No, I thought I was going to be the expert and you were the builder.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Tumble: Nuhuh.
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Rumble: Uhuh.
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
*goes into a bickering match*
Rumble & Tumble.png
We stole this book from our mom and it's become our new favorite.
Rumble & Tumble.png
*shows you parenting book about overactive children*
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
It's got a lot of great tips and things we never even thought of trying!
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Mom is always trying to sneak vegetables into our dinner... it's soooo frustrating.
Rumble & Tumble.png
So we put exploding candy in her morning coffee.
Rumble & Tumble.png
You know Captain, you can always come over to our place and play with our toys.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We don't let just anyone come over, you know... but we trust you.

Good Friend

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
*joint giggling... exchange glances*
Rumble & Tumble.png
Rumble: Should we tell...?
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: *shrugs... * I guess, the captain is cool...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: OK... Captain, did you know how much fun it is to hide people's keys when they're not looking...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Tumble: Yeah... they just blame themselves and say all kinds of bad words.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: Yeah... we've learned so many new words, it's very educational!
Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
Wow, Captain. Whoever convinced you to work so hard? You work super hard...
Rumble & Tumble.png
I hope you're getting paid a lot at least.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: I like your hairstyle, Captain.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: Hey! I was going to say that...
Rumble & Tumble.png
Rumble: Well... I like it more than you do.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Our dad said he's going to help us each build a snow derby car so we can have a family race off.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: I'm going to paint a snake on mine and call it The Viper.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Tumble: And I'm putting a yellow dragon on mine and will call it The Blaze.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Rumble: Piper is nice... she gave us some kind of wax coloring sticks.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: They sure were delicious... *sticks out rainbow colored tongue*

Best Friend

Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
If anyone ever causes trouble on this ship, we could teach them a lesson with our sling shot.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We even like that Sprout...
Rumble & Tumble.png
...he's a pretty big dork, but nobody is allowed to mess with him except us.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Maybe one day we'll show you our secret hang out.
Rumble & Tumble.png
But we'd have to initiate you into the group first...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
...and there is a hazing period.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We like to build model rockets, but sometimes we get a little carried away with the glue.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Tumble: One time Rumble got it stuck in my fur.
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Rumble: Did not!
Rumble & Tumble.png
Our mom said if we stay out of trouble for a whole week, she will get us matching superhero capes.
Rumble & Tumble portrait stressed.png
Uuuggg, the waiting is the hardest part, but we want those capes!
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
We just got the limited edition #342 of The Hidden Snow Monsters comic series.
Rumble & Tumble.png
It even came with stickers, but we'd never actually use them.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We have to keep it in pristine condition.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We'll let you hold it if you agree to wear gloves.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
So what is that thing our dad gave you anyways?
PLAYER: A piece of a mysterious Relic.

Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
Woah... then why did he give it to you and not us?
PLAYER: Not sure myself.

Rumble & Tumble.png
Then why did they make you captain?

During the End of the Road? mission:

Rumble & Tumble.png
Captain, whenever we get to the new planet... don't forget about your favorite twins if you see anything cool.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Here... if you throw out the pickles you can use the jar to bring us something back.
Player receives
Pickles.png Pickles × 1

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Rumble & Tumble.png
This is our first adventure to a new world.
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Well... except for the dingy Grey Planet, but it's such a lame planet we want a do over.
Rumble & Tumble.png
We're hoping this next planet is something worth talking about.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Those bandits don't look so tough to us...
PLAYER: I'll keep you on standby...

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
*excited* Right! Yes, Captain! We are ready anytime!
PLAYER: I don't think your parents would approve.

Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Man, you are such a square captain. How did you not get beat up as a kid?
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
One quick move with our slingshot and they'd be singing a different tune...
Rumble & Tumble portrait confused.png
Want us to come down there with you next time Captain?

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Rumble & Tumble.png
I think adventure suits us too!
Rumble & Tumble.png
When we get old like you, maybe we'll also be Captains of our own ship.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Besides, two heads are better than one after all.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Woah, Captain. You should have been up here...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
First the Grey Planet started shaking... and then...
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
BAM!!!!! Light explosions everywhere and it was like we were in some kind of light tunnel with the planet morphing left and right!
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
I wish we could do it again. You're going to have a hard time topping that experience!
Rumble & Tumble.png
Mom said we might be able to go down and visit Soot on the surface soon...
Rumble & Tumble.png
but she also said we had to be on our best behavior all week in order to go... psssshh
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
unified eye roll*

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Ohhhh! Oh, we so wanted this!
Rumble & Tumble.png
Oh my gosh! We promise to share, uh huh.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Woah, this is the greatest!
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Our mom would never let us have this, but we'll keep it a secret between us, right?!
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: I think this might be my favorite thing of all time.
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Tumble: Hey, I was going to say that!
Rumble & Tumble.png
Rumble: It's OK, we can both like it.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: OK.

Liked Gift

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Yay! Gifts!
Rumble & Tumble.png
*shakes gift violently*
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Tumble: *laughs*... so cool.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Tumble: Hey Rumble, look! Now we don't have to convince our dad to get this for us.
Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: Yessssssss, you did good, Captain.

Neutral Gift

Rumble & Tumble.png
Alright, this is cool.
Rumble & Tumble.png
For us! This will be fun to play with...
Rumble & Tumble.png
Gimmie, gimmie.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Yeah, this is primo... see you around, Captain.

Disliked Gift

Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Gross. *drops gift on floor*
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Lame, Captain!
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Rumble: *sticks tongue out at you*
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
Uuuuugghh, mom says we're supposed to be polite when we get something... so...
Rumble & Tumble portrait sad.png
...thanks for the stupid gift.

Birthday Response

Rumble & Tumble portrait happy.png
Rumble: Cool, Captain. You got me a birthday gift!
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Tumble: No... the captain got the birthday gift for me.
Rumble & Tumble.png
Rumble: Well, I'm not giving it to you...
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
Tumble: HAND IT OVER!!
Rumble & Tumble portrait angry.png
*fight over gift*