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This page lists the dialogue lines for Spunky.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




If the player talks to Spunky prior to completing the Fighting Off the Cold mission she will say:

Spunky portrait stressed.png
It does make working and taking care of this house a little more challenging with the draft.
Bunky is fairly confident he can fix the hole, but I'm considering alternative solutions just in case.

If the player talks to Spunky after completing the Fighting Off the Cold mission she will say:

Now that we've finished our work here, I'm looking forward to some changes.
A lot of people like to do the same routine, but we're a family always ready for adventure!


Thank you for taking us on your ship, Captain.
This is actually a great experience for all of us to try something new.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
Rumble and Tumble are exhausting...
Spunky portrait stressed.png
I can barely keep up with those two hairballs!
Spunky portrait sad.png
I spend a lot of my time writing my next novel, but recently I've had such writer's block.
Spunky portrait sad.png
Try telling that to your editor though.
If Bunky gets in your way at all, just let me know.
All his antics will grow on you, trust me.
Spunky portrait happy.png
I certainly fell for it.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
I can really work on my book from anywhere, but sometimes it can be a challenge to stay focused.
I might be working in my pajamas, yes, but writing is still hard work!


Spunky portrait stressed.png
Rumble and Tumble are always tracking in dirt, leaves, and this weird goo around the house.
Spunky portrait confused.png
Where do they even find this stuff on a spaceship?
At least once a cycle, Bunky and I each take a solo vacation.
I have so many ideas for my next trip; perhaps you could join me for a little relaxation!
I like to work in the cafe a lot...
It's important to get a change of scenery to keep inspired.
Plus, watching the other crew members can also be quite entertaining.
It's nice living on a spaceship where you don't have to forage for everything you need.
I can see how it's easy to get used to this lifestyle.
Spunky portrait sad.png
Oh... I'm so tired today...
Spunky portrait angry.png
It feels impossible to get everything on my list done.


Spunky portrait stressed.png
I told Rumble and Tumble they could paint their room, but I'm already regretting this decision.
Spunky portrait sad.png
One of them wanted purple and the other wanted orange. So, they just combined the paints and came up with a horrible mud-brown.
Spunky portrait sad.png
Now I don't want to paint the room at all.
Sometimes I don't know who in my family is the biggest goofball.
It's a real treat to watch them drive my parents nuts when we go for a family visit.
Although, I think Bunky has a harder time charming them.
I'm really glad I got a chance to meet Piper. We have a lot in common.
We're trying to get the two families together for an outing sometime.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
Bunky thinks he can do just about everything, but whatever you do, don't let him near any electrical work.
Spunky portrait angry.png
Let's just say I couldn't get his fur to stand down for a week after one unfortunate incident.
Spunky portrait confused.png
Did you know certain scents can help boost creativity?
That's why it always smells like cookies in my house without any actual cookies.

Good Friend

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with tons of ideas I need to write down.
Thank goodness everyone in my family are sound sleepers or it would chaos at night.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
The kids are bringing home such challenging homework... I am having a hard time helping them.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
*sigh...* Are they already old enough to be passing me by?
One of my goals in life is to get a physical copy of my books printed.
With everything stored on consoles, it would mean a lot to me to have my stories in a real book.
The snow globe in our bedroom is one of my family heirlooms.
Inside the globe is a replica of my grandmother's cottage that is still in my family today.
I have great memories from my childhood and hope my family gets to create some memories there too.
I'm thinking of signing Bunky and myself up for an ice sculpting class one of these days.
Spunky portrait confused.png
Would you be up for babysitting? I could ask Fiji, but I think she might need a break from my little furballs.

Best Friend

You know Captain, you have given me a lot of inspiration.
Spunky portrait confused.png
Would you be alright if I based my new novel on this ship and well... you perhaps?
Spunky portrait happy.png
I just have so many ideas I can't wait to get started.
In our society most families are pretty large.
I was an only child which is unheard of, so I'm glad no matter what my boys have each other.
I really fell for Bunky when he was a student driving instructor.
He accidentally drove that student snowmobile right into a snow bank.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
He was setting such a bad example for the kids but with the best of intentions.
Spunky portrait happy.png
From that day onward, I've always thought the key to any successful relationship is laughter.
We've grown so close I feel like I can tell you anything.
Thanks for always listening to my problems and understanding.
I 'accidentally' left a version of my latest chapter right where I know Bunky will find it.
Hopefully he gets some of the not-so-subtle hints about a romantic evening with his wife.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
Cross your fingers for me, will you?

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Wow, the accommodations aboard this ship are truly wonderful.
I will have so much free time to get back to writing again.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Spunky portrait confused.png
So that rock thing my husband gave you actually activated something in the Relic?
This sounds like a great adventure story full of plot twists and turns.
Spunky portrait happy.png
I can't wait to hear how it turns out.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Spunky portrait confused.png
Have we arrived at the new planet?

Spunky portrait happy.png
Wonderful! Let us know when it's safe to pop down for a visit.

Spunky portrait sad.png
Oh shoot, we were already looking forward to a day trip down to the surface.
It will be such a valuable educational experience for the boys.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Spunky portrait stressed.png
No way, no way are we going down to that planet with those renegades.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
The kids already packed a bag with slingshots and war paint so now I have to explain to them somehow that we're not going.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

I hope you are taking care of yourself under all of this pressure.
I made this for you so you can just reheat and enjoy.
Player receives

During the Master Explorer mission:

Spunky portrait stressed.png
Oh you really are something, Captain.
I feel like I should be asking for your autograph here.
I didn't realize the importance of your mission completely until now.
All of the Viridians were isolated back in time while the Relic was incomplete.
Spunky portrait stressed.png
It's just a very nice thing to see them happy again.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Spunky portrait happy.png
This is fantastic and one of my favorites.
You're always looking out for me, Captain.
Spunky portrait happy.png
OK, it's official, you are now my favorite crew member for the rest of the quarter!
Spunky portrait happy.png
This is so sweet and thoughtful. You have a talent for making me smile!

Liked Gift

This is just what I needed right now. Thank you, Captain.
Spunky portrait happy.png
Oh, I like this! What a treat for me today.
How nice! And with the day I'm having it makes me forget all my troubles.

Neutral Gift

Oh! Thanks. I'll share this with the family.
Great, I can always use more of this.
Thanks, always nice to be considered.

Disliked Gift

Spunky portrait sad.png
Sorry. I think this will just collect dust in our house.
Spunky portrait angry.png
I really don't like this, Captain.
Spunky portrait angry.png
This doesn't work for me. What made you think I would like this?

Birthday Response

Spunky portrait happy.png
Oh thanks for remembering my birthday, Captain!
I think I'll take the whole day off and give my creativity a chance to replenish.