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This page lists the dialogue lines for Hermy.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




If the player talks to Hermy prior to completing the Fixing the Shellship mission he will say:

Hermy portrait stressed.png
I feel like I have sand stuck to me everywhere...
Hermy portrait stressed.png
No matter how much I tidy up, I keep finding more piles of it in the shellship.

If the player talks to Hermy after completing the Fixing the Shellship mission he will say:

I'm up and running again, but this planet is pretty dire.
I'm ready to start my next adventure.


I've been scuttling around this part of space for half a century if I recall.
Keep an eye out for any antiques for me, eh?
My Cockle Ship has a lot more storage than you might think.
I installed all kinds of hidden compartments.
Hermy portrait stressed.png
Oh, wait, um, I mean there is just lots of space... why would I hide anything.
Hermy portrait confused.png
Where did I put that hammer? You didn't take it did you?
Hermy portrait sad.png
Last thing I need is a friend with sticky pinchers.
My museum is open for all to enjoy, but perhaps I need to post some do not touch signs.
Hermy portrait sad.png
The younger visitors that are still in their development stages... seem a little unstable.
I could watch antique shows for hours.
It just goes to show you never know where you will find a priceless treasure.


You know... it's a little slippery on this ship for someone with crab legs.
Good thing I have incredible balance.
There is nothing more relaxing than cuddling up with a warm humid sea sponge.
Try it... you'll see what I mean.
My shellship is very durable, but I still give it a coat of mineral oil regularly to keep it in top condition.
Most of my relatives still live within scuttling distance of each other.
I'm kind of the hermit of the family and like to live alone.
Hermy portrait stressed.png
Captain, please inform the crew not to plug their console devices into my shellship.
Hermy portrait stressed.png
The energy outputs are just not compatible.


Most of my species are great collectors. We have an annual Collector's Festival to trade and see each other's treasures.
Hermy portrait happy.png
It's the greatest event of the year.
On Saturday nights I like to listen to my radio show.
They're mostly mysteries or spooky tales, but every once in a while they'll throw in a great sci-fi episode.
Don't forget your favorite crab when you are exploring all those new worlds.
No treasure is too small, great treasures come in small shells.
When I was a young crab, I had a poster of The Great Cornelius.
He was the most famous collector of all time.
Perhaps one day, little aspiring crabs might have my poster up on their domes as well.
Hermy portrait stressed.png
I like to complete the Starzette's monthly puzzle, but I always break my pencils.
They need a larger crab-friendly version so I can properly write in the solutions.

Good Friend

In a perfect universe, everything has a purpose or can be repurposed.
Think of all the treasures we take for granted every day.
I sent free admission tickets to my museum back to my relatives.
I doubt anyone would actually be able to visit, but this way they'll be proud I'm working hard on being a great collector.
Don't worry... if we ever ran out of space for new collectables, I could always consider expanding the shellship.
I think I could add at least one more floor and still get it off the ground.
Hermy portrait sad.png
Ugh... I'm entering into a molting phase so excuse my crabbiness.
I better stock up on some corn cobs for the extra cellulose.
Your deck sure has a lot of interesting things to look at up there...
Hermy portrait happy.png
It seems my collecting habits have rubbed off on you!

Best Friend

Do I have your loyalty, Captain?
I need to put down a beneficiary on my insurance form and I think I can trust you to make sure my collection doesn't fall into the wrong claws.
A crab's rite of passage is when the entire family helps build their first collector's ship.
Hermy portrait happy.png
I had over 256 relatives helping me with my ship when I was a young crab.
I know you will help me build the greatest collection of all time.
In some ways, that might make YOU the most valuable asset I've acquired.
Captain, what do you think of this old shell?
If you ever want to go to the Great Garbage World with me one day it sure would be a lot of fun.
I've only seen pictures of it in travel brochures, but can you even imagine what we might find in all that rubbish?

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

So should I expect a surge in museum patrons while we are in space?
I'm sure everyone gets bored and would love to stop off at my museum?... Right?... Right?

During the New Coordinates mission:

Do you think there will be some opportunities for collecting once we arrive at the new location?
I hope you can keep an antenna out for me.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Here, here, take these in case you want to put in a few extra overtime hours down on that new planet...
Player receives
Tomato.png Tomato × 2

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Hermy portrait confused.png
You found a family on an ice planet too you say?
Hermy portrait confused.png
I remember my water dwelling days, but how can anything survive with frozen water?
Hermy portrait stressed.png
Actually, I'm not a big fan of any kind of water anyways...
Hermy portrait stressed.png
I failed my swimming lessons as a small crab and was teased so much, I didn't re-enroll.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

If we're heading back to that relic thingy, I might pick up a couple of those grey radishes.
Kaida gave me a few and I think I acquired a taste for that bland root vegetable.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Hermy portrait sad.png
Captain, I don't mean to nitpick, but my navigation controls are showing me there is a more efficient way to our next destination.
Hermy portrait sad.png
But I guess it's up to you if you want to take the scenic route.
Hermy portrait sad.png
I'll be here either way...
Hermy portrait sad.png
...just patiently waiting for new museum quality pieces.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Yeah, yeah, have you been to the surface yet...

Oh gooooodie, I can't wait to see what you bring me...

Hermy portrait angry.png
Well I can't always hold your pinchers... get going... you can do it.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

So, I heard you ran into some tough negotiators down on that lava planet...
...here is the secret...
...just pretend like you don't actually care about what you're looking for.
Hermy portrait confused.png
...or was it to pretend like you have something they want?
Hermy portrait confused.png
...oh, maybe it was to pretend like you have already found what you want.
It just comes naturally for me so it's hard to break it down to others.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Captain, friend, mate...
PLAYER: Depends

Hermy portrait stressed.png
You're such a tough shell to crack... OK, I'll be on my best behavior.

Hermy portrait angry.png
No fair. You know me too well. *gives you shifty eyes*
You're going to give me a peek at the new relic piece, aren't you?

During the Master Explorer mission:

Hermy portrait stressed.png
Captain, attendance has been lagging...
PLAYER: Yes, we completed our mission!

Hermy portrait happy.png
You did! I knew those relic pieces would be the ticket all along.
PLAYER: Soot has found his family!

Hermy portrait happy.png
Great news, that little guy always made me laugh.
Hermy portrait stressed.png
Did something happen?
So a celebration is in order, I might have something around here somewhere...
*digs through boxes and blows dust in your face*
Hermy portrait happy.png
Oh sorry, well... I'll keep looking... but way to go, Captain!

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Hermy portrait happy.png
I must be dreaming to get such a great gift. QUICK! Someone pinch me so I know this is for real.
Hermy portrait happy.png
If I had known before that you would be bringing me such valuables, I would have joined your crew ages ago.
Is it possible for a crab to fall in love with an item?
Hermy portrait happy.png
I think I'm about as close as it gets.

Liked Gift

I have to say... I really like getting these kinds of goodies.
Hermy portrait happy.png
Thank you! What a good find there! It's items like this that keep me going and excited about collecting.
Yes this is just the thing I needed to jazz things up around here. Thanks, Captain.

Neutral Gift

Thanks, nice condition too.
I love all gifts big and small!
Oh goodie, another object acquired. I will now find a proper place for it.

Disliked Gift

Hermy portrait sad.png
Pretty common stuff here. Even I'm not a collector of this.
Hermy portrait sad.png
Hermy portrait angry.png
Captain... you kind of got my hopes up for nothing.

Birthday Response

Oh, more gifts for me...? What a day, what a day!
Hermy portrait happy.png
I love my birthday!
These birthday rituals you have of gift-giving and indulging in sugar are probably the best inventions since leg warmers.

Specific Responses

When selecting the register in the Museum Hermy will say:

Welcome to Hermy's Spectacular Collectables. Do you have something you'd like to donate?

When selecting the register in the Museum and the Museum Collection is complete Hermy will say:

Welcome to Hermy's Spectacular Collectables. Feel free to browse the museum at your leisure.

When selecting the register in the Museum and rewards for the collection have not been rewarded Hermy will say:

Welcome to Hermy's Spectacular Collectables. I'm glad you are here because I've found a few discrepancies in my records...
These kinds of things happen all the time, so let's get these things sorted right now.

When selecting the register after pending rewards have been retroactively rewarded Hermy will say:

Now that things are settled... do you have something you'd like to donate?

When selecting the register after pending rewards have been retroactively rewarded and the collection is complete Hermy will say:

Now that things are settled... feel free to browse the museum at your leisure.

After making a single donation to the museum Hermy will say:

How amazing...
Would you like to hear more about this object?

After making a single donation to the museum and if no information is available for the item Hermy will say:

Hmmm... I don't have much information on this object.
I'll have to do some more research and get back to you.

After making multiple donations to the museum Hermy will say:

Oh, multiple donations... you are too kind.
I will begin displaying these right away.
Check out the audio tour in the museum if you would like more information about these items.

After discussing item donations Hermy will say:

Do you have any other items to donate?

After all donations have been made Hermy will say:

Hermy portrait happy.png
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy all the exhibits.